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Sopa Selector

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Model Feature Example: Selector

Example of using a Selector (in this case a Fragment Selector) to describe the segment of interest of a resource, following the SOPA example.


The body of the Annotation is only part of the video, between the time points of 35 and 60 seconds. We express this as a Media Fragment, with the FragmentSelector class.


Sopa selector.png


  <x:MyAnno> a oa:Annotation ;
    oa:hasBody <urn:uuid:6C97B503-25EE-4E37-875C-B7C850E13194> ;
    oa:hasTarget <http://en.wikipedia.org/> .

  <urn:uuid:6C97B503-25EE-4E37-875C-B7C850E13194> a oa:SpecificResource ;
    oa:hasSource <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPh81LIe7B8> ;
    oa:hasSelector <urn:uuid:40F2B17E-7CA2-42C2-B5AF-5F35E5992B8B> .

  <urn:uuid:40F2B17E-7CA2-42C2-B5AF-5F35E5992B8B> a oa:FragmentSelector ;
    rdf:value "t=npt:35,60" .