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Commenting on a video fragment

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Commenting on a fragment of a video is one of the most popular emerging use cases.

In RDF format:

<anno> a oa:Annotation ;
      oa:hasBody _:body ;
      oa:hasTarget _:target .
_:body a cnt:contentAsText, dctypes:Text ;
      cnt:chars "I like that!" ;
      cnt:characterEncoding "utf-8" ;
      dc:format "text/plain" .
_:target a oa:SpecificResource ;
      oa:hasSource <videoURL> ;
      oa:hasSelector _:selector ;
      oa:hasScope <pageURL> .
_:selector a oa:Composite ;
      oa:item _:svgSelector ;
      oa:item _:fragSelector .
_:svgSelector a oa:SvgSelector ;
      cnt:chars "<rect x='255.5' y='167' width='323' height='190' />" ;
      cnt:charEncoding "utf-8" ;
      dc:format "image/svg+xml" .
_:fragSelector a oa:FragmentSelector ;
      dcterms:conformsTo "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/" ;
      rdf:value "t=npt:0,5" .