Translation Module

From Ontology-Lexica Community Group

This page is for the code and documentation of this module, please use the discussion page to discuss all modelling issues


This document is in Manchester OWL Syntax. Please refer to this guide for how to write the ontology in this syntax.

Prefix: owl: <>
Prefix: rdf: <>
Prefix: xsd: <>
Prefix: rdfs: <>
Prefix: skos: <>
Prefix: tr: <> .
Prefix: lemon: <> .

    dc:title "Ontolex-Lemon translations module"@en,
    dc:license "",
    owl:versionInfo "0.1"^^xsd:decimal,
    dc:title "Módulo de traducciones de lemon"@es,

ObjectProperty: tr:context

        rdfs:comment "Propiedad de rango no restringido que tiene como objetivo especificar, en caso necesario, el contexto de aplicación específico en el que dos sentidos léxicos son traducción el uno del otro"@es,
        rdfs:comment "Property with unrestricted range intended to specify, if needed, the specific application context in which a pair of lexical senses are translation of each other. "@en,
        rdfs:label "context"@en,
        rdfs:label "contexto"@es
         or tr:TranslationSet
ObjectProperty: tr:translationTarget

        rdfs:comment "Target of a translation. Its range is unrestricted, although we encourage to use lemon:LexicalSense. However, it could point to a any other type of resources that represent a lexical sense or even to the lexical entriy or label itself (e.g., lemon:LexicalEntry, or skosxl:Label)."@en,
        rdfs:label "translation target"@en,
        rdfs:label "destino de la traducción"@es,
        rdfs:comment "Destino de la traducción. Su rango no está restringido, aunque recomendamos el uso de lemon:LexicalSense. No obstante podrá apuntar a cualquier otro tipo de recurso que represente un sentido léxico o incluso a la propia entrada léxica o etiqueta  (ej.: lemon:LexicalEntry, or skosxl:Label)."@es
ObjectProperty: tr:translationCategory

        rdfs:comment "Propiedad que apunta a un registro externo con tipos o categorías de traducción, como por ejemplo las contenidas en"@es,
        rdfs:label "translation category"@en,
        rdfs:comment "Property that points to an external registry of translation categories or types, as for instance the ones contained at"@en,
        rdfs:label "categoría de traducción"@es
ObjectProperty: tr:translationSource

        rdfs:comment "Souce of a Translation. Its range is unrestricted, although we encourage to use lemon:LexicalSense. However it could point to a any other type of resources that represent a lexical sense or even to the lexical entriy or label itself (e.g., lemon:LexicalEntry, or skosxl:Label)."@en,
        rdfs:comment "Fuente de la traducción. Su rango no está restringido, aunque recomendamos el uso de lemon:LexicalSense. No obstante podría apuntar a cualquier otro tipo de recurso que represente un sentido léxico o incluso a la propia entrada léxica o etiqueta  (ej.: lemon:LexicalEntry, or skosxl:Label)."@es,
        rdfs:label "fuente de la traducción"@es,
        rdfs:label "translation source"@en
DataProperty: tr:translationConfidence

        rdfs:label "confidence degree"@en,
        rdfs:comment "Asigna un grado de confianza a la traducción"@es,
        rdfs:comment "Assigns a confidence value to the translation pair."@en,
        rdfs:label "grado de confianza"@es
Class: tr:TranslationSet

        rdfs:comment "Agrupa un conjunto de traducciones que comparten ciertas propiedades, como provenir del mismo recurso linguí­stico, pertenecer a la misma organización, etc."@es,
        rdfs:label "Translation set"@en,
        rdfs:label "Conjunto de traducciones"@es,
        rdfs:comment "Groups a set of translations sharing certain properties, for instance coming from the same language resource, or belonging to the same organisation, etc."@en
Class: tr:Translation

        rdfs:comment "La clase Translation reifica la relación de traducción entre dos sentidos léxicos."@es,
        rdfs:comment "Translation class reifies the translation relation between to lexical senses."@en,
        rdfs:label "Traducción"@es,
        rdfs:label "Translation"@en

A set of translation categories is proposed here: In principle we consider translation categories as something "external" to lemon-ontolex as it can correspond with a particular view or translation theory.


The translation module we propose consists essentially of two OWL classes: Translation and TranslationSet. Translation is a reification of the relation between two lemon lexical senses. The idea of using a reified class instead of a property allows us to describe some attributes of the Translation object itself. Translation will be the domain of the following OWL properties:

• translationSource and translationTarget. Their range is unrestricted. In fact, although we encourage to use lemon:LexicalSense as source and target of a Translation, it could point to a any other type of resources that represent senses, or even to the lexical entries or labels themselves (e.g., lemon:LexicalEntry, or skosxl:Label).

• translationConfidence, to assign a confidence value to the translation pair, as it is included in many multilingual resources for translators such as IATE .

• context, which is an unrestricted property intended to specify, if needed, the specific application context in which a pair of lexical senses are translation of each other.

• translationCategory, that points to an external registry of translation categories or types.

Finally, there is a class TranslationSet that is responsible of grouping a set of translations sharing certain properties. For instance, a translation set could group translations coming from the same language resource, or belonging to the same organisation, etc. We understand this class, which groups translations, as analogous to the class lemon:Lexicon that groups lexical entries. Individuals of both the Translation and TranslationSet classes can be described using the DCMI Metadata Terms vocabulary to attach valuable information about provenance, authoring, versioning, or licensing.