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From Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group
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Version 0: For review


This test case checks that frames and iframes have a none-empty title attribute



no known assumptions

Test properties

Property Possible values
Success Criterion 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
Test mode automatic
Test environment HTML source
Test subject single web page

Test procedure


Test mode: earl:automatic

Select any frame or iframe element.

Step 1

Test mode: earl:automatic

If the selected element does not have a title attribute, or a title with only non-empty text, return:

Property Value
TestCase SC4-1-2-frame
Identifier SC4-1-2-frame-fail1
Outcome failed
ErrorMessage This {element-name} requires a title attribute, which must be descriptive the purpose of the frame
Pointer position

Step 2

Test mode: earl:manual

Present the iframe to the user, alongside the following question.
frame_title = The value of the title attribute of the frame
Question: Does the title {frame_title} identify the purpose of this frame?

Help text: Some frames only serve to show other pages. In those cases a website name is sufficient. Other times a frame is used to provide a specific function for it's nearby content. This should be clear from the title alone.

If yes, return:

Property Value
TestCase SC4-1-2-frame
Identifier SC4-1-2-frame-pass
Outcome passed
Pointer position

if no, return:

Property Value
TestCase SC4-1-2-frame
Identifier SC4-1-2-frame-fail2
Outcome failed
ErrorMessage The purpose of the frame can not be identified from the title.
Pointer position