Meet W3C Staff version 2008

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Sometimes, we often forget that the value of the technology is in human. We had recently the Technical Plenary where all W3C participants usually meet once a year. Many people from W3C staff (the W3C Team) are traveling to attend this event. We use this opportunity to meet during one day and discuss issues across the Team, the Web standards, to redefine what we believe in, to chat about our local lives, some people leaving, some babies to born, just life. Each year we take a W3C Team group photo. This year photo has been taken by Richard Ishida.

W3C Team Day

I'm always amazed by how good and dedicated all these individuals are to the W3C mission. This is true for those you know, the front line Working Group Technical staff contact, but W3C is working because of all administrative and system people.

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