W3C TPAC 2008 - starting

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Sunday, I'm at the conference site, helping people here and there for a couple of things. TPAC stands for Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee. It's a unique moment in the year where people involved in W3C communities meet, discuss, argue, fight and make peace, have good food and sweat on tough issues. It's usually a very interesting week, which helps to remove a lot of misunderstandings built during one year because of online communications.

Just had lunch with some members of the CSS Working Group, they are the only people meeting today. The big show is starting tomorrow.

entrance of css wg room

There were discussions about test cases with Anne and Elika. I discussed a bit of Montreal with Murray Malloney and Steve Zilles (Adobe). Daniel Glazman also shared with me some ideas around W3C gears such as t-shirts. I know that many people would be interested by a W3C shop and we have been testing stuff around this idea for months. We also discussed about the future of validators. Standards Suck released an initial video post explaining the W3C Technical Plenary.

Schedule of the AC meeting

Everything is already set or just in the process of being finished. Active, active, if you like the organization during the meeting, don't forget to thank Amy, Alexandra, Coralie and Kanako.

Reception desk

Let's start. And don't forget to follow and participate to the online discussions Photos, Messages, blogs, blogs.

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