Tracker summary for Robert Sanderson

Web Annotation Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 10 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-2 (edit) open And ivan to discuss the details of migration offline Robert Sanderson 2014-12-10
ACTION-12 (edit) open Add creating buckets for client side annotation support to next agenda Robert Sanderson 2015-04-29
ACTION-13 (edit) open Update protocol draft based on f2f discussion comments Robert Sanderson 2015-04-29
ACTION-19 (edit) open Set up protocol call with feedback from @bigbluehat and @janina Robert Sanderson 2015-06-03
ACTION-21 (edit) open Discuss testing and use of java vs python on ldp call Robert Sanderson 2015-07-01
ACTION-25 (edit) open Write user story about discovery Robert Sanderson 2015-07-22
ACTION-27 (edit) open Update editors draft to reflect changes per 3.1 Robert Sanderson 2015-09-09
ACTION-28 (edit) open Set up wiki page for breakout on annotation Robert Sanderson 2015-10-14
ACTION-30 (edit) open Ot work with other editors to create sketch of new document split to make it concrete Robert Sanderson 2015-11-18
ACTION-32 (edit) open Write straw proposal for search, based on iiif Robert Sanderson 2015-12-23

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 51313.html,v 1.1 2017/03/06 14:23:57 carine Exp $