CHANGES.TXT for XQueryX 3.1 Items below are not yet incorporated into the editor's drafts unless they are marked with 'DONE'. Once completed items have been entered into the revision log, they are moved to the COMPLETED section of this document. Status of XQueryX 3.1 Document and Change Proposals Updated 2014-08-28 by Jim **************************************************************** **************************************************************** STILL MUST BE DONE!!! **************************************************************** **************************************************************** (nothing) **************************************************************** **************************************************************** COMPLETED **************************************************************** **************************************************************** * Add schema definitions and transformations for MapTest MapTest ::= "map" "(" ("*" | (AtomicOrUnionType "," SequenceType)) ")" * Add schema definitions and transformations for ArrayText ArrayTest ::= WildcardArrayTest | TypedArrayTest WildcardArrayTest ::= "array" "(" "*" ")" TypedArrayTest ::= "array" "(" SequenceType ")" * Add schema definitions and transformations for the Arrow operator (=>) PostfixExpr ::= PrimaryExpr (Predicate | ArgumentList | MapLookup | ArrowPostfix)* ArrowPostfix ::= "=>" ArrowFunctionSpecifier ArgumentList * Add schema definitions and transformations for MapLookup PostfixExpr ::= PrimaryExpr (Predicate | ArgumentList | MapLookup | ArrowPostfix)* MapLookup ::= "?" MapKeySpecifier UnaryMapLookup ::= "?" MapKeySpecifier MapKeySpecifier ::= NCName | StringLiteral | ParenthesizedExpr * Add schema definitions and transformations for MapConstructor MapConstructor ::= "map" "{" (MapConstructorEntry ("," MapConstructorEntry)*)? "}" MapConstructorEntry ::= MapKeyExpr ":" MapValueExpr MapKeyExpr ::= ExprSingle MapValueExpr ::= ExprSingle * Add schema definitions and transformations for ArrayConstructor ArrayConstructor ::= SquareArrayConstructor | CurlyArrayConstructor SquareArrayConstructor ::= "[" (ExprSingle ("," ExprSingle)*)? "]" CurlyArrayConstructor ::= "array" "{" Expr? "}" * Add schema definitions and transformations for DecimalFormatDecl (new stuff) "exponent-separator" NO CHANGES REQUIRED * In MapKeySpecifier, add a fourth alternative: ... | "*"