% $Id: XMLSchemaString.html,v 1.1 2003/10/01 07:22:16 connolly Exp $


  1. XML Schema Part 1: Structures
    internal draft: Id: structures.xml,v 1999/10/26 16:23:30 ht Exp

XMLSchemaString: trait
        RegExp(Char for Symbol, List[Char] for String, RegEx for Exp)

        OptPosInt union of null: Null, value: Int %@@ there must be a better way
        OptRegEx union of null: Null, value: RegEx %@@ there must be a better way

        StringAIT tuple of
            pattern: OptRegEx,
            length: OptPosInt,
            maxLength: OptPosInt

        string_is_string: List[Char], StringAIT → Bool

            sst: StringAIT

            (((tag(sst.length) = null) ∨ (tag(sst.maxLength) = null))
             ∧ ((tag(sst.length)=value) ⇒ (sst.length.value > 0))
             ∧ ((tag(sst.maxLength)=value) ⇒ (sst.maxLength.value > 0)))

            string: List[Char],
            sst: StringAIT

            ((tag(sst.length) = null
                   ∨ len(string) = sst.length.value)
                (tag(sst.maxLength) = null
                   ∨ len(string) <= sst.maxLength.value)
                (tag(sst.pattern) = null
                   ∨ string ∈ L(sst.pattern.value)))


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