% $Id: Seq.html,v 1.1 2003/10/01 07:22:16 connolly Exp $
% For some strange reason, the Sequence trait in the LSL handbook
% includes order on E. This is the same trait less that
% constraint on E.

Seq (E, C): trait
% Comparison, subsequences
    String(E, C for String[E])
    isPrefix, isSubstring, isSubsequence: C, C → Bool
    find: C, C → Int
  asserts ∀  e, e1, e2: E, s, s1, s2: C
    isPrefix(s1, s2) = (s1 = prefix(s2, len(s1)));
    isSubstring(s1, s2) =
      isPrefix(s1, s2) ∨ isSubstring(s1, tail(s2));
    isSubsequence(empty, s);
    ¬isSubsequence(e -| s, empty);
    isSubsequence(e1 -| s1, e2 -| s2) =
      (e1 = e2 ∧ isSubsequence(s1, s2))
        ∨ isSubsequence(e1 -| s1, s2);
    find(empty, empty) = 0;
    find(s1, e -| s2) =
      (if isPrefix(s1, e -| s2) then 0
      else find(s1, s2) + 1)
    IsPO (isPrefix, C),
    IsPO (isSubstring, C),
    IsPO (isSubsequence, C)
    ∀ s, s1, s2: C, i, n: Int
      isPrefix(prefix(s, n), s);
      isSubstring(substring(s, i, n), s);
      isSubstring(s1, s2) ⇒ isSubsequence(s1, s2)
        isPrefix, isSubstring, isSubsequence, find
      exempting ∀ s: C, e: E  find(e -| s, empty)


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