ACTION-93: Update draft to include new item 3.2.x (new 3.1.x) Level AA 3.2.x Rendering Alternative (Enhanced): Provide the user with the global option to configure a cascade of types of alternatives to render by default, in case a prefered type is unavailable. If the alternative content has a different height and/or width, then the user agent will reflow the viewport.

Update draft to include new item 3.2.x (new 3.1.x) Level AA 3.2.x Rendering Alternative (Enhanced): Provide the user with the global option to configure a cascade of types of alternatives to render by default, in case a prefered type is unavailable. If the alternative content has a different height and/or width, then the user agent will reflow the viewport.

Jeanne F Spellman
Due on:
December 11, 2008
Created on:
December 4, 2008
Related emails:
  1. Minutes of the UAWG Teleconference of 04th Dec 2008 (from on 2008-12-04)

Related notes:

Jeanne F Spellman, 8 Dec 2008, 19:54:32

Display change log.

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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