Caption: Temperature dans des villes de France
Summary: une chose a preciser

Ville , Sud , Nice , Mois   , Fevrier , Janvier = 14, Ville , Sud , Nice , Mois   , Mars = 15, Ville , Sud , Nice , Mois   , Avril   = 16  
Ville , Sud , Cannes , Mois   , Fevrier , Janvier = 14, Ville , Sud , Cannes , Mois   , Mars = 15, Ville , Sud , Cannes , Mois   , Avril   = 17  
Ville , Nord , Paris , Mois   , Janvier = 5, Ville , Nord , Paris , Mois   , Fevrier = 6, Ville , Nord , Paris , Mois   , Mars = 7, Ville , Nord , Paris , Mois   , Avril   = 8  
Ville , Nord , Lille , Mois   , Janvier = -3, Ville , Nord , Lille , Mois   , Fevrier = -2, Ville , Nord , Lille , Mois   , Mars = -1, Ville , Nord , Lille , Mois   , Avril   = 0  

Caption: Cups of coffee consumed by each senator
Summary: This table charts the number of cups of coffee consumed by each senator, the type of coffee (decaf or regular), and wether taken with sugar.

Name   = T. Sexton  , Cups   = 10  , Type= Espresso  , Sugar?   = No  

Nom   = Cabrit  , Prenom   = Eric  , Age   = 23  , Profession   = Etudiant

Caption: A table without any HD tags

Summary: History courses offered in the community of Bath arranged by course name, tutor, summary, code, and fee

After the Civil War , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Tutor= Dr. John Wroughton, After the Civil War , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Summary = The course will examine the turbulent years in England after 1646. 6 Weekly meetings starting Monday 13th October., After the Civil War , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Code = H27, After the Civil War , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Fee = £32
An introduction to Anglo-Saxon England , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Tutor= Mark Cottle, An introduction to Anglo-Saxon England , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Summary = One day course introducing the early medieval period reconstruction the Anglo-Saxon and their society. Saturday 18th October., An introduction to Anglo-Saxon England , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Code = H28, An introduction to Anglo-Saxon England , Community Courses -- Bath Autumn 1997 , Fee = £18

Eric Cabrit
Last modified: Fri Sep 18 10:26:15 MET DST 1998