Submission for the RDWG Symposium on Website Accessibility Metrics

[Note to submitters: Do not add to or change the document style; styles will be removed prior to publication. Ensure that your contribution is accessible (markup headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, citations, acronyms, and other document structures, and provide text alternatives for illustrations, graphics, and other images and non-text content; please refer to How To Meet WCAG 2.0 for more information); inaccessible contributions can not be accepted. Do not remove the following paragraph:]

This is a submission for the RDWG Symposium on Website Accessibility Metrics. It has not yet been reviewed or accepted for publication. Please refer to the RDWG Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). for more information about RDWG symposia and publications.

[Title of the Contribution]

1. Problem Addressed

[This section should describe the research question about web accessibility metrics that the authors are trying to solve.]

2. Background

[On which previous work (no matter the domain) does the proposed approach root on?]

3. Strategy

[How was the problem addressed?]

4. Major Difficulties

[Major obstacles found during the process.]

5. Outcomes

[The main outcomes, lessons learned, and mistakes made.]

6. Open Research Avenues

[What future perspectives does this work open?]


[This section is optional. Citations are made as in the "References" section below.]


[Please use the following format for any citations and references.]

  1. Books: C. Darwin (1859) The Origin of Species. John Murray.
  2. Journal: E. Tolman (1948) Cognitive maps in rats and men. Psychological Review 55(4):189– 208. DOI:10.1037/h0061626
  3. Proceedings:C. Bartneck (2008) What Is Good? - A Comparison Between The Quality Criteria Used In Design And Science. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2008), 2485-2492. DOI:10.1145/1358628.1358705