Outdated Content!

The Protocols and Formats Working Group is no longer chartered to operate. Its work will continue in two new Working Groups:

  • https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/ Accessible Platform Architectures, to review specifications, develop technical support materials, collaborate with other Working Groups on technology accessibility, and coordinate harmonized accessibility strategies within W3C; and
  • https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/ Accessible Rich Internet Applications, to continue development of the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) suite of technologies and other technical specifications when needed to bridge known gaps.

Resources from the PFWG remain available to support long-term institutional memory, but this information is of historical value only.

This Wiki page was edited by participants of the Protocols and Formats Working Group. It does not necessarily represent consensus and it may have incorrect information or information that is not supported by other Working Group participants, WAI, or W3C. It may also have some very useful information.

Outline Core User Agent Implementation Guide

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Core User Agent Implementation Guide

   Status of This Document
   1. Introduction
       1.1. Accessibility APIs
       1.2. The Accessibility Tree and the DOM Tree
   2. Normative User Agent Implementation Requirements for Host Languages
   3. Important Terms
   4. Supporting Keyboard Navigation
       4.1. Focus States and Events Table
       4.2. Controlling focus with tabindex
       4.3. Controlling focus with aria-activedescendant
       4.4. Handling focus changes from the Assistive Technology
   5. Mappings to Accessibility APIs
       5.1. General rules for exposing WAI-ARIA semantics
           5.1.1. Excluding Elements from the Accessibility Tree
           5.1.2. Including Elements in the Accessibility Tree
           5.1.3. Notification of State Changes
       5.2. Conflicts between native markup semantics and WAI-ARIA
       5.3. Mixing host language elements with strong WAI-ARIA semantics and elements having applied WAI-ARIA semantics
               (some elements may have strong WAI-ARIA semantics with no role while others will have an allowed role override. 
                Discuss how does this impact API mappings and semantic validation of markup)
       5.4. Exposing attributes that do not directly map to accessibility API properties
       5.5. WAI-ARIA Role mapping
           5.4.1. Role Mapping Table  (Suggest making this an expandable/collapsible list like HTML5)
       5.6. State and Property Mapping
           5.5.1. WAI-ARIA State and Property Mapping Table 
               (Suggest making this an expandable/collapsible list like HTML5) and also see if we need to create additional states
           5.5.2. Common state mappings that are managed by user agents and not authors
                  (focus, focusable, offscreen)
       5.7. Special Processing Requiring Additional Computation
           5.6.1. Name and Description Computation Guidance for Host Languages
           5.6.2. Widget Values
           5.6.3. Relations
           5.6.4. Group Position
       5.8. Actions
       5.9. Events
           5.9.1. State and Property Change Events
           5.9.2. Changes to document content or node visibility 
                  Note: we need need delineate live region and non-live region events
           5.9.3. Selection
           5.9.4. Special Events for Menus
           5.9.5. Special Events for Dialog boxes
   6. Special Document Handling Procedures
       6.1. CSS Selectors
       6.2. Author Errors
   7. Creating Core User Agent Implementation Extensions
       7.1 Creating CUAIG Module Extensions WAI-ARIA Module Extensions
       7.2 Referencing CUAIG and CUAIG WAI-ARIA Module Exteions in Host Language UAIGs 
   8.1. References
           8.1.1. Normative References
           8.1.2. Informative References
   9.2. Acknowledgments
           9.2.1. Participants active in the PFWG at the time of publication
           9.2.2. Other ARIA contributors, commenters, and previously active PFWG participants
           9.2.3. Enabling funders

HTML 5.1 User Agent Implementation Guide

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction: Accessibility APIs
      1.1 Relation to the Core User Agent Implementation Guide Specification
   2. Exposing HTML features that do not directly map to accessibility API properties
   3. HTML element to Accessibility API Role Mapping Matrix
      - Map Directly to ARIA semantics in the Core Implementation Guide for those having ARIA semantics.
      - For those that don't map define here 
      - Make no reference to HTML4 applicability
   4. HTML attribute to Accessibility API State and Property Mapping Matrix
      Map Directly to ARIA semantics in the Core Implementation Guide where applicable. Make no reference to HTML4 applicability. 
         Define what to do when roles are not allowed. define what to do when specific aria states are not allowed
   5. Accessible Name and Description calculation
       5.1 General name and description computation
       5.2 Name computation for specific elements
       5.2.1 Input type="text" or textarea element
       5.2.2 input type="button" , input type="submit", input type="reset" and input type="password"
       5.2.3 input type="image"
       5.2.4 Other form elements
       5.2.5 Figure and figcaption elements
       5.2.6 img element
   6. Interactive elements (This should move back into section 4 as we should have WAI-ARIA semantics for these) 
       6.1 summary and details elements
   7. Accessible Description calculation (Delete this section and move under 5)
   8. Accessible feature implementation examples: 
       8.1 summary and details elements
           8.1.1. focus and keyboard interaction
           8.1.2. Role, name, state and property mapping
   9. Table algorithm (remove)
   A. References
       A.1 Normative references
       A.2 Informative references

SVG 2.0 User Agent Implementation Guide

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction: Accessibility APIs
      1.1 Relation to the Core User Agent Implementation Guide Specification
   2. Exposing HTML features that do not directly map to accessibility API properties
   3. SVG element to Accessibility API Role Mapping Matrix
         - Conditions when elements do not map to accessibility API
           - Elements that don't map
           - Elements having insufficient accessibility information
         - Element list with directly to ARIA semantics in the Core Implementation Guide for those having ARIA semantics.
   4. HTML attribute to Accessibility API State and Property Mapping Matrix
      Map Directly to ARIA semantics in the Core Implementation Guide where applicable. Make no reference to HTML4 applicability. 
         Define what to do when roles are not allowed. define what to do when specific aria states are not allowed
   5. Accessible Name and Description calculation
       5.1 General name and description computation
       5.2 Name computation for specific elements
   A. References
       A.1 Normative references
       A.2 Informative references