Automated QA

XSLT-based tools help ensure that the ARIA suite remains well structured and logically consistent through the course of edits. The tools in this editors suite work on the files in the sources directory and output to the respective publication locations of the documents.

Refer to the technical style guide for information about particular features of the specs that the XSLT transformers expect.

Processing command

Included is a DOS batch file ProcessAria.bat. Execute this with the command "ProcessAria". Executing with no parameters generates all the documents. Executing with a parameter (e.g., "ProcessAria spec" will generate a particular document. The following parameters are supported:

Shell scripts for other platforms may become available in the future.

XSLT tools

These tools require support for XSLT 2.0. Any XSLT 2.0 processor can be used. The suite has been tested with Saxon for Java. Use Java 1.4 or higher and add saxon9.jar, saxon9-dom.jar, and saxon9-xpath.jar to the classpath. Note: at this time there is a mysterious exception appearing with Saxon 9, and it may be better to use Saxon 8.

Files required