Tracker summary for Rachael Bradley Montgomery

Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Tracker

Open Actions

There are 8 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-311 (edit) open Coodinate subgroup for silver protping Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2019-02-21
ACTION-317 (edit) open Ensure authentication sc is emailed Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2019-10-31
ACTION-321 (edit) open Send out agenda when available Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2020-01-16
ACTION-323 (edit) open Send john r instructions and what lisa wrote Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2020-02-27
ACTION-325 (edit) open Make list of changes Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2020-03-05
ACTION-326 (edit) open Find out statis on wcag proposals Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2020-03-19
ACTION-328 (edit) open Get together diverse group to make sure the personas are representative Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2020-08-06
ACTION-333 (edit) open Make sure designer is included in acknowledgements Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2021-02-18

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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