WCAG20/Institutional Memory/SC 2.4.2


Institutional Memory input for SC 2.4.2:

AWK: This has been confusing for people, in part because of the definition of Web page. Frames and iFrames don't need titles as they are embedded in the parent page. Of course, if viewed on their own ever then 2.4.2 comes into play for them.

Loretta: One of the goals of this SC was to help users find the window they are looking for just from the title. This is difficult if multiple windows have the same title, even if they contain different content. This also generated discussion about whether the information in the title should start with the most specific or most general. There was also discussion about whether page titles needed to be unique, but that was rejected as a requirement, as long as the page title is descriptive.

Bruce: Seems like contemporary browser behavior makes this requirement less relevant.

Michael: We were thinking about the different pages on a site being identifiable from each other. Mainly useful when navigating between resources on a site, though also of value when landing on the page itself.

Michael: Important to remember about this is that it refers mainly to the programatically determined title (<title> in HTML), not to a visible heading that might read as a title. That sort of title proves to be a grey area that people don't understand well. I think we weren't explicitly requiring that kind of title at all though it's a best practice.