Tracker summary for Patrick Lauke

Mobile Accessibility Task Force Tracker

Open Actions

There are 6 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-53 (edit) open Try and come up with some non-pointer/pointer/fancy touch definition Patrick Lauke 2016-06-23
ACTION-54 (edit) open Take first stab at generalising in light of his proposal Patrick Lauke 2016-06-23
ACTION-56 (edit) open Write one technique that covers items under 1.3.1 Patrick Lauke 2017-02-02
ACTION-61 (edit) open Write 2.1.1 note Patrick Lauke 2017-02-02
ACTION-62 (edit) open Explore possibility of including technique/note about the use of placeholder as the only way of labeling 2.4.6 Patrick Lauke 2017-02-09
ACTION-63 (edit) open At least contribute to m001 under 2.4.7 Patrick Lauke 2017-02-09

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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