Mock-ups: Linking from Guidelines to Techniques

Option 1

Link to techniques for each Level.

Guideline 1.1 For non-text content, provide text equivalents that serve the same purpose or convey the same information as the non-text content, except when the sole purpose of the non-text content is to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music and visual art) in which case a text label or description is sufficient.

Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. Text-equivalents are explicitly associated with non-text content, except when the non-text content is intended to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music without words and visual art). [I]
    • The text equivalent fulfills the same function as the author intended for the non-text content (that is, it conveys all of the intended information and achieves the same function as the non-text content).


    If the purpose is to let users provide the text-equivalent (for example, a spelling test) then the text-equivalent is not required.

  2. Non-text content that is designed to create a specific sensory experience (such as music without words or visual art) has a text label or a text description explicitly associated with it. [I]

Techniques for Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1.

Level 2 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. No level 2 success criteria for this guideline.

Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. A text document (for example, a movie script) is provided that includes all important visual information, dialogue, and other important sounds. [I]

Techniques for Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1.

Option 2

Link to techniques for each success criteria. Create an unordered child list of each criterion.

Guideline 1.1 For non-text content, provide text equivalents that serve the same purpose or convey the same information as the non-text content, except when the sole purpose of the non-text content is to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music and visual art) in which case a text label or description is sufficient.

Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. Text-equivalents are explicitly associated with non-text content, except when the non-text content is intended to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music without words and visual art). [I]
    • The text equivalent fulfills the same function as the author intended for the non-text content (that is, it conveys all of the intended information and achieves the same function as the non-text content).


    If the purpose is to let users provide the text-equivalent (for example, a spelling test) then the text-equivalent is not required.

  2. Non-text content that is designed to create a specific sensory experience (such as music without words or visual art) has a text label or a text description explicitly associated with it. [I]

Level 2 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. No level 2 success criteria for this guideline.

Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. A text document (for example, a movie script) is provided that includes all important visual information, dialogue, and other important sounds. [I]

Option 3

Link to techniques for each success criteria. Put the link at the end of the text each criterion.

Guideline 1.1 For non-text content, provide text equivalents that serve the same purpose or convey the same information as the non-text content, except when the sole purpose of the non-text content is to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music and visual art) in which case a text label or description is sufficient.

Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. Text-equivalents are explicitly associated with non-text content, except when the non-text content is intended to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music without words and visual art). [I]Techniques for Level 1 Success Criterion 1 of Guideline 1.1
    • The text equivalent fulfills the same function as the author intended for the non-text content (that is, it conveys all of the intended information and achieves the same function as the non-text content).


    If the purpose is to let users provide the text-equivalent (for example, a spelling test) then the text-equivalent is not required.

  2. Non-text content that is designed to create a specific sensory experience (such as music without words or visual art) has a text label or a text description explicitly associated with it. [I] Techniques for Level 1 Success Criterion 2 of Guideline 1.1

Level 2 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. No level 2 success criteria for this guideline.

Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. A text document (for example, a movie script) is provided that includes all important visual information, dialogue, and other important sounds. [I] Techniques for Level 3 Success Criterion 1 of Guideline 1.1

Option 4

Create a separate section "Techniques for Level x Criteria for Guideline y.z" and an unordered list below that of links to techniques. I like that the link phrases could summarize the criterion, but the links are long.

Guideline 1.1 For non-text content, provide text equivalents that serve the same purpose or convey the same information as the non-text content, except when the sole purpose of the non-text content is to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music and visual art) in which case a text label or description is sufficient.

Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. Text-equivalents are explicitly associated with non-text content, except when the non-text content is intended to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music without words and visual art). [I]
    • The text equivalent fulfills the same function as the author intended for the non-text content (that is, it conveys all of the intended information and achieves the same function as the non-text content).


    If the purpose is to let users provide the text-equivalent (for example, a spelling test) then the text-equivalent is not required.

  2. Non-text content that is designed to create a specific sensory experience (such as music without words or visual art) has a text label or a text description explicitly associated with it. [I]
Techniques for Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

Level 2 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. No level 2 success criteria for this guideline.

Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. A text document (for example, a movie script) is provided that includes all important visual information, dialogue, and other important sounds. [I]
Techniques for Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

Option 5

Result of discussion with Shawn Henry about results of AIR usability test. Combination of option 4 (explanatory link text) with option 2 (links in bullets after criterion). Added "How to" to the beginning of each link.

Guideline 1.1 For non-text content, provide text equivalents that serve the same purpose or convey the same information as the non-text content, except when the sole purpose of the non-text content is to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music and visual art) in which case a text label or description is sufficient.

Level 1 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. Text-equivalents are explicitly associated with non-text content, except when the non-text content is intended to create a specific sensory experience (for example, music without words and visual art). [I]
    • The text equivalent fulfills the same function as the author intended for the non-text content (that is, it conveys all of the intended information and achieves the same function as the non-text content).


    If the purpose is to let users provide the text-equivalent (for example, a spelling test) then the text-equivalent is not required.

  2. Non-text content that is designed to create a specific sensory experience (such as music without words or visual art) has a text label or a text description explicitly associated with it. [I]

Level 2 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. No level 2 success criteria for this guideline.

Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 1.1

  1. A text document (for example, a movie script) is provided that includes all important visual information, dialogue, and other important sounds. [I]

$Date: 2004/04/29 18:48:45 $ Wendy Chisholm