Survey of techniques for checkpoint 1.1

Controlling the appearance of bullets

Style sheet example

The style sheet property used to create this effect is "list-style" with an image. It is not supported on Netscape Navigator 4 (win95/NT and Macintosh) and Internet Explorer 3 (Macintosh). [Results from]

Deprecated image example

* Audrey
* Laurie
* Alice

The alt-text used in this example is an asterisk. Since some screen reader users turn off the pronunciation of punctuation the asterisk may not be read. Therefore, some people suggest using "bullet" as the alt-text, as follows.

bullet Audrey
bullet Laurie
bullet Alice

Bullets w/additional information

New: Roth IRA
Old: 401(k)

Controlling layout of text

Style sheets

@@word-spacing # supported in Opera 3 (Win 95/NT) and IE4 (Macintosh).

@@letter-spacing # supported in IE4, IE5, and Opera 3 (Win 95/NT) and IE4 (Macintosh).

@@text-indent % supported in NN4, IE3, IE4, IE5, Opera 3 (Win 95/NT) and NN4, IE3, IE4 (Macintosh).

@@margin-right, -bottom, -left, -top

@@padding-top, -right, -bottom, -left

@@white-space (normal, pre, nowrap)


single pixel images

@@alt=" "


Information about you:

@@Name, browser used, assistive technology used, how many years have you been surfing the Web?

