Resource Development Life Cycle/Stage 6. Maintenance

From Education & Outreach


Annual Maintenance Review

(Leave as Is, Update, or Retire?) These are the 3 choices a resource manager can suggest when conducting the annual review of each resource.


Maintenance Review Recommendation

This can be a sentence or two explaining the recommendation and rationale.

EO Decision(s)

Approve Maintenance Review Recommendation

Seek EO review and approval to either wait another year (Maintain), move the resource to another phase (Update), or Retire the resource.

Status Template

Current Status

Published: [ADD link to the Resource published page]

Draft: [ADD link to the Resource draft page]

Wiki: [ADD link to the Resource wiki page]

Github Repo: [Add link to the Github repo]

Github Issues: [Add link to the Github Issues]


  • Add list items for what has been done so far
  • Add what is currently being worked on

Short-term Goals

Describe your short-term goals for the Resource.

Mid-term Goals

Describe your mid-term goals for the Resource.

Long-term Goals

Describe your mid-term goals for the Resource.


  • Add names of current volunteers

Of course if you’re reading this and want to help, feel free to email me.

How to give feedback and do reviews?

Describe the best way for people to give feedback or do reviews on your Resource.


Steps for Moving a Resource Back into an Earlier Stage

Note: Please feel free to continue to refine these steps.

As a Resource Manager, if you have determined that a particular resources is in need of updates, whether major or minor, follow these steps to help you move that resource back into an earlier stage of the RDLC to get started with the update.

  1. Draft Proposal: Draft a short summary of your recommendation for what needs to be done to the resource. The proposal may include the following, along with any other information you deem important.
    • what needs to be done to the resource
    • what RDLC Stage it should be put in
    • what assistance you may need to help with the work
    • timelines (if applicable)
    • plan for EOWG involvement
    • other
  2. Communicate Intention: Let the Planning Team know about your proposal for the resource.
    • Send your proposal in an email to the email list
    • (Optional) Request to attend the next Thursday Planning Meeting to discuss more details with the Planning Team
  3. Work Out Details & Gain Approval: Work with the planning team to answer any questions and gain agreement of all stakeholders for the proposal. Edit proposal as necessary.
  4. Set Up Work Environment: Request a GitHub repository for the resource if needed (from Shawn or Eric).
  5. Begin Work: Complete some of the preliminary tasks and begin work on the resource.
    • Be sure the resource is listed in the RM Tool and also update the RDLC "Current Stage" field
    • Mark the resource as "Active" in the RM Tool
    • Communicate dates for your bi-weekly EOWG Update schedule to Brent
    • Recruit any assistance needed
    • Start work and bring updates, discussions, and reviews to the larger Working Group as needed

For assistance in this process, please contact one of the Co-Chairs (Brent or Sharron).