
From Education & Outreach

Version 1

Overview page

This page should be the main access page to the other content. It severs as an introduction to the resource and a connection into each of the main top-level planning categories.

Planning overview page. Should be first point of contact and links to main planning categories

Top-level page

This page captures all the information associated with a top-level planning category and presents all the associated activities to the user.

Planning top-level category page. Captures all the information within a planning category and links to planning activities

Activity page

For each activity there is a page which provides the detail of the activity, related resources, and, potentially, other related activities.

Planning activity page. Detailed information about a planning activity.

Version 2

One problem with the initial idea that was highlighted by a couple of members of EO is that the navigation is unclear. Experimentation with adding in breadcrumbs or a left-hand navigation proved fruitless. With this in mind, this alternative approach returns to the use of tabs. This would keep the overview page, which allows users to select their first area of interest but allows easier visibility of current location and of the other items. This still has the slight problem of indicating an order.

Version 2 for Planning top-level category page. Includes a tabbed navigation element to allow easier access to the other categories.

Version 2 for Planning activity page.

Version 3

Version 2 has some problems with associating the main page title with the body of the resource. This approach changes it so that there isn't a perceptual dissociation between the body content and the header.

Version 3 for Planning top-level category page. Moves tabs into a left hand position and reports the primary label for the page.

Version 3 for Planning activity page.