Planning/Archive/Early Thinking

From Education & Outreach

Archived from Planning/Requirements Analysis on 4th February, 2015.

Design ideas

  • Questions can be presented to capture user circumstances. These are related to the characteristics used in the personas:
    • Organization size
    • Organizational awareness of accessibility
    • Individual awareness of accessibility
    • Technical competence
    • Influence within organization
    • Budgetary control
    • Use of third-party providers
    • Stage of project
  • Content may need to be structured in a way that allows elements of it to be presented or removed depending on the needs of the user. This could be split into modules (e.g. Assess Skills and Deliver Training), key actions (e.g. Assess expertise and motivation of key project personnel.) and related resources (e.g. Web accessibility tutorials).
  • Additional metadata may be required to content elements to indicate when it is appropriate to include the content.
  • Presentation could be framed within a general project structure with resources being connected to a project stage. For example:
    • Strategy, Planning, Build, Promote;
    • Planning, Content, Design, Development, Launch;
    • Requirements, Initial Planning, Analysis & Design, Implementation, Testing, Evaluation, Deployment; or
    • Discover, Design, Develop, Test.
  • Presentation could be achieved in a visual and engaging manner, with content attached to visual elements.
  • Presentation could alternatively be presented as a user journey, identifying project actor and phases, with relevant resources marked for each pairing.
  • Could include case studies of how target audience members incorporate accessibility into their planning process. Case studies need not be real but should be realistic. These could be developed from the existing work on planning personas
  • Other considerations:
    • How would users jump into specific sections that they were interested in?
    • If information was chucked up, how would it be put back together into a coherent whole?