W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

This page contains material related to a presentation at the Web Accessibility Best Practices Evaluation Training in Sankt Augustin, Germany on 25 October, 2005, as part of the WAI-TIES Project (WAI - Training, Implementation, Education, Support). It is not intended to stand-alone; rather, it is primarily provided as reference material for participants in the training.

Scope of Training and Materials: This one-day training focused on select topics that were particularly suited to the circumstances of this specific training session. It did not to cover all aspects of evaluating Web accessibility, and did not cover all Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 checkpoints.
No Endorsement or Recommendation of Evaluation Tools: W3C/WAI does not endorse Web accessibility evaluation tools and does not recommend one tool over another. Some tools were listed, demonstrated, and used in activities in this training. Mention of a specific tool does not imply endorsement nor recommendation. WAI does provide a comprehensive list of Evaluation, Repair, and Transformation Tools for Web Content Accessibility.

Principles of Evaluation

Shadi Abou-Zahra, W3C / WAI

Last updated: 1 November 2005

Quick evaluation


Getting started

  1. Determine purpose
  2. Determine selection
  3. Determine thoroughness
  4. ...carry out evaluation




Ready to go...

  1. Determined purpose
  2. Determined selection
  3. Determined thoroughness

Evaluation vs. Validation

There's no magic, evaluation tools need humans:

Analogy: spell-checking tools.

Evaluation tools help!

Automatic checks
several checks, possibly across multiple pages, without user intervention
Manual checks
assist users to determine specific issues, usually on single pages only

Usages of evaluation tools

Some tools provide different modes for checking.

Selecting tools

Example evaluation

Bottom line