Tracker summary for Judy Brewer

WAI Coordination Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 13 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-67 (edit) open Send out a pointer to the NPRM Judy Brewer 2011-09-30
ACTION-102 (edit) open Prepare a WAI CG discussion on Mobile & Accessibility (including potential implications for WCAG WG, UAWG, EOWG, RDWG) Judy Brewer 2011-12-28
ACTION-105 (edit) open Invite duff to discuss pdf Judy Brewer 2012-01-25
ACTION-99 (edit) open Talk w/ Jennifer S and John F about a wiki to monitor accessibility implications of new community groups Judy Brewer 2012-02-28
ACTION-81 (edit) open Discuss with W3M some improvements, within existing Process, to how the timing of LCWDs are handled, then socialize through Team and Chairs [on Judy, due 2011-03-15] Judy Brewer 2012-03-21
ACTION-94 (edit) open Schedule more time to discuss getting through CRs Judy Brewer 2012-03-31
ACTION-100 (edit) open Work with slh to prep some questions for wcag wg on follow-up of discussions on 1.3.1 for january 31, 2012 Judy Brewer 2012-04-30
ACTION-109 (edit) open Discuss with SAZ capacity needs for RDWG Symposia Judy Brewer 2012-06-20
ACTION-113 (edit) open Add a scope item to wai cg charter to do community group coord oversight in this group Judy Brewer 2013-08-28
ACTION-115 (edit) open Add line to wai cg meeting reminder boilerplate asking fyi on any new docs or tf's under development Judy Brewer 2013-09-11
ACTION-116 (edit) open Provide update to wai cg by next wednesday on accessibility-related events around tpac Judy Brewer 2013-09-11
ACTION-121 (edit) open Bring back 2-way rtc question when both uawg and pfwg reps are in cg Judy Brewer 2014-03-19
ACTION-122 (edit) open Connect wu wei and jeanne and jan on uawg input to use cases for tv and web Judy Brewer 2014-04-23

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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