AU Teleconference (Monday, 3 June 2002)

Telephone: +1.617.761.6200
Conference number: 2894


  1. Face to Face Meeting Planning
  2. Evaluation Technique Issues
  3. Next steps for the evaluation template


JR: Jan Richards
JT: Jutta Treviranus
DG: Doug Grude (Adobe)
MM: Matt May
JB: Judy Brewer
PJ: Phill Jenkins
PV: Patrick Vartuli (Comp. Sci. Corp)
KM: Kirk Mcullough (Comp. Sci. Corp)
LN: Liddy Nevile
LNG: Lou Nell Gerard (Microsoft)


CMN: Charles McCathieNevile
HS: Heather Swayne

Action Items:


JT: Introduces agenda items.

JB: Introduces Matt as the new staff contact: JT is the chair of the group. CMN was team staff contact until December. JB took over with JR helping out. MM started today - he has been a volunteer editor for WCAG for awhile. ATAG 1.0 released in Feb. 2000. Still collecting implementations. Next version of ATAG will be synchronized with WCAG 2.0.

MM: introduces himself - e-commerce development (UI's, etc.)

DG: introduces himself - has been driving WAI corporate-wide at Adobe- ensuring docs, customer support etc.

PV: Developing on-line course systems at CSC

KM: Instructional designer at CSC - trying to make courses 508 compliant

PJ: at IBM, involved AUWG, Web Accessibility Steering Committee

LN: working with IMS and Dublin Core Init.

JT: Chair, directs ATRC at Univ. of Toronto, on IMS

Face to Face (F2F) Meeting

JT: The F2F Jul 15 - Monday PM, Jul 16 - Tuesday ALL DAY

JT: Is everyone agreed on goals of meeting are to work on the evaluation techniques and a compliance document?

JT: We may want to meet with WCAG and IMS. IMS is an online learning consortium (works on metadata, learner info, content packaging). IMS has an accessibility working group (IMS-AWG).

JT: We also want to finalize compliance policy at the F2F and they are working on some of the same issues.

JB: We should have some joint discussion with IMS. IMS joined us in Cannes and there was good info exchange.

JT: Do we want to meet with GL as well?

JB: GL is quite busy.

PJ: WCAG is higher priority than IMS-AWG for the F2F. We have a clear dependency on WCAG but not on IMS-AWG.

JR: Agree.

DG: What about a dinner meeting?

JB: Formal meetings are sometimes easier in terms of communication support technology, etc.

PJ: What about if we put together a ATAG=>WCAG dependency document to discuss with GL.

ACTION ITEM: PJ: Start an ATAG=>WCAG dependency document

LN, JB: support F2F contact with IMS-AWG.

JT: IMS whitepaper getting close to final draft

JB: Was there cross reference of the IMS whitepaper by ATAG?

JT: Not formally. But the compliance issue we want to discuss in July is not part of that draft.

JB: What about a F2F discussion of collaboration details such as document sharing?

JT: We can probably get IMS-AWG stuff but not some of the other IMS group docs.

ACTION ITEM: JT: Will contact both IMS-AWG and WCAG to try and arrange F2F contact.

JB: We need an announcement and meeting page for the upcoming F2F.

DG: Will there be a conference call connection to F2F?

JT: Yes. But it will probably be limited - and we will be sure to reserve resolution voting for those times.

JB: How many confirmations for the F2F?

JT: Eight people.

PJ: His confirmation is tentative.

MM: The Linz hotels are very inexpensive.

JT, JR, MM: Will post good travel info.

Evalaution Technique Issues

JR: [presents point 1 of eval tech issues]

PJ: We should not do a step-by-step - but we should point to normative WCAG format-specific techniques.

JR: Agreed - but we need to keep in mind that we are working on eval techs for ATAG 1.0.

JT: The step-by-step test suite idea was introduced to make the compliance process easy.

PJ: Would like to see test files, test sites. Would like to see repeatable tests.

LN, JT: What about the problem of developers making tools to pass specific tests.

MM: From WCAG point of view, there comes a point where the stuff outside the angle brackets becomes difficult.

JT: We don't want step-by-step but we do want metrics to enhance inter-rater reliablity. Default time for next meeting is noon, June 17.

ACTION ITEM: JT: Will send some new meeting times.