Overdue Actions

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There are 40 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-2002 (edit) open Own issue 1001 and will follow up with aria wg Matthew King 2016-01-18
ACTION-2003 (edit) open Work up some editorial approaches and return back to the group with those thoughts Matthew King 2016-01-18
ACTION-2007 (edit) open Rewrite proposal to take into account that an img with source svg has no children and also to address the required owned elements Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-01-28
ACTION-2014 (edit) open Propose new text for landmark regions that restrict scope based on document and application roles Matthew King 2016-02-15
ACTION-2019 (edit) open Modify aria-details to state that it wins over describedby and also to provide example with an anchor Richard Schwerdtfeger 2016-02-18
ACTION-2025 (edit) open Find out if there is a way to mark wds as abandoned and superceded by x without doing a republish Michael Cooper 2016-02-24
ACTION-2027 (edit) open Attempt to address documentation issues https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?utf8=%e2%9c%93&q=is%3aissue+is%3aopen+label%3adocumentation reassign if needed Michael Cooper 2016-02-24
ACTION-2033 (edit) open Search for old links and update them in the aria 1.1 spec. Michael Cooper 2016-03-03
ACTION-2051 (edit) open Begin discussion about whether or not the mappings for role="status" should be changed for ia2 and atk/at-spi2 Joseph Scheuhammer 2016-04-26
ACTION-2052 (edit) open Do repository re-org Michael Cooper 2016-04-27
ACTION-2060 (edit) open See if https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-details/blob/master/jquery.details.min.js should be added to w3c script repository, and what the update policy is Michael Cooper 2016-05-11
ACTION-2123 (edit) open Bring question about annotating test assertions with spec requirements to whomever is working on testing Michael Cooper 2016-10-26
ACTION-2124 (edit) open Ask ralph about emerging practices for x considerations sections Michael Cooper 2016-10-26
ACTION-2127 (edit) open Migrate issues from tracker to github Michael Cooper 2016-11-03
ACTION-2145 (edit) open Install respec validator in aria repo Michael Cooper 2020-04-22
ACTION-2146 (edit) open Externalize ariaspecurls etc. param and explore version flag Michael Cooper 2020-04-22
ACTION-2147 (edit) open Update aria readme with full xref values Michael Cooper 2020-04-22
ACTION-2148 (edit) open Prototype this to see what happens, and bring back to editors´ call Michael Cooper 2020-07-29
ACTION-2149 (edit) open Change “master” to “main” branch in accname and see what happens Michael Cooper 2020-07-29
ACTION-2150 (edit) open Will help to draft high color contrast mode section in aria apg spec. Sarah Higley 2021-02-09
ACTION-2151 (edit) open Will create the treeview design proposal Sarah Higley 2021-03-23
ACTION-2152 (edit) open Review why pr previews not working Michael Cooper 2021-06-10
ACTION-2153 (edit) open Leventhal to review #90 Aaron Leventhal 2021-06-10
ACTION-2154 (edit) open Assign neil soiffer James Nurthen 2021-07-08
ACTION-2155 (edit) open Merge #1497 James Nurthen 2021-07-08
ACTION-2156 (edit) open Will create the issue for simon to run the coverage report script automatically JaEun Jemma Ku 2021-07-20
ACTION-2157 (edit) open Will add coverage report url to readme and wiki. JaEun Jemma Ku 2021-07-20
ACTION-2158 (edit) open Mark 1511 as won't fix James Nurthen 2021-07-29
ACTION-2159 (edit) open Create cfc James Nurthen 2021-07-29
ACTION-2160 (edit) open File issue that normative text in 6.3 should be more explicit (e.g. more that one "user agent must"… will be added). follow-on may include new test case issues, and linked tracking issue in each user agent bug tracking system (e.g. bugzilla) Joanmarie Diggs 2021-08-05
ACTION-2161 (edit) open File issue that role-specific default (e.g. aria-orientation on scrollbar) should be addressed as reflectable in the idl or in normative prose somehow Joanmarie Diggs 2021-08-05
ACTION-2162 (edit) open Set up sept 2 deepdive: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1210 Joanmarie Diggs 2021-08-19
ACTION-2163 (edit) open File issue about idl and pulling aria 1.2 out of cr Joanmarie Diggs 2021-08-19
ACTION-2164 (edit) open Fix apg in place wrt permalink location Michael Cooper 2021-12-15
ACTION-2165 (edit) open Explore code quality tools for aria using gh-actions Michael Cooper 2021-12-15
ACTION-2166 (edit) open Remove jquery from aria-common Michael Cooper 2021-12-15
ACTION-2167 (edit) open Schedule dialog 5th may, openui april 28 James Nurthen 2022-04-14
ACTION-2168 (edit) open Merge James Nurthen 2022-10-13
ACTION-2169 (edit) open Close #908 as won't fix James Nurthen 2022-10-13
ACTION-2170 (edit) open Ping james teh James Nurthen 2023-01-19

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James Nurthen <w3c@nurthen.com>, Valerie Young <spectranaut@igalia.com>, Chairs, Daniel Montalvo <dmontalvo@w3.org>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <w3t-sys@w3.org>.
$Id: overdue.html,v 1.1 2023/05/22 16:31:54 carcone Exp $