Details on Product Spec reviews

All Issues

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There are 6 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-336 (edit)
OPEN Investigate creation of CSS pseudo-classes to support ARIA, such as aria-activedescendant 2009-07-01 Spec reviews 0
ISSUE-365 (edit)
OS preferences
OPEN UAAG should address how browsers inherit OS preferences related to accessibility 2009-10-26 Spec reviews 0
ISSUE-333 (edit)
RAISED Support for 3rd-party user interface resources in future Web architecture 2009-06-17 Spec reviews 0
ISSUE-380 (edit)
Unicode characters
RAISED Need to review AT handling of higher order Unicode characters 2009-11-18 Spec reviews 0
ISSUE-419 (edit)
CSS3 module interdependency
RAISED tracking the inter-relationships between CSS3 modules and their mutual dependencies [2007 CSS Snapshot update] 2010-07-14 Spec reviews 0
ISSUE-473 (edit) RAISED Math mapping to AAPI 2012-01-11 Spec reviews 0

All Actions

There are 7 actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-618 (edit) open relay conclusions to the IETF HTTP group Janina Sajka 2013-12-31 Spec reviews
ACTION-2131 (edit) open Ask webappsec if csp is meant to block bookmarklets, and raise issue of a11y scripts that users explicitly request (not xss) Becky Gibson 2020-07-29 Spec reviews
ACTION-2145 (edit) open Ping review on long tasks api 1 Michael Cooper 2021-01-22 Spec reviews
ACTION-2174 (edit) open Draft responses to page visibility level 2 actions Becky Gibson 2018-08-01 Spec reviews
ACTION-2189 (edit) open Bring back mitigating browser fingerprinting in web specifications for group discussion Janina Sajka 2019-04-17 Spec reviews
ACTION-2191 (edit) open Review feature policy Michael Cooper 2020-07-15 Spec reviews
ACTION-2194 (edit) open Run the jf and janina show on review of media timed events Janina Sajka 2020-07-15 Spec reviews

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See only open and raised issues and actions.

Janina Sajka <>, Matthew Atkinson <>, Chairs, Ruoxi Ran <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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