From Mon Dec 13 14:06:07 1993 Article: 4282 of comp.infosystems.www From: (Kian-Tat Lim) Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www Subject: Emacs info to HTML filter Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 03:15:25 MET Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA Message-ID: <2e3dbt$> I had a need for converting Emacs info files (written directly, not compiled from TeXinfo source) into HTML. I didn't see a tool out there that would do the job, so I wrote one. It's not very sophisticated, but it gets the job done adequately. =============================================================================== #!/usr/bin/perl # # Translate Emacs info files into HTML pages, one page per node. # Menus, Notes, and Up/Next/Prev pointers are translated into links. # Other text is left as-is in
# Option: -d  specifies where to put the output files.
# This code is in the public domain.  No warranties, express or implied.
# Author: Kian-Tat Lim (
# $Header: /source/info2html,v 1.1 93/12/07 15:18:47 ktl Exp $

# Canonicalize a node name
sub canon {
	local($_) = $_[0];
	return $_;

# Translate HTML special characters into escape sequences
sub html {
	local($_) = $_[0];
	return $_;

# Translate escape sequences back to characters
sub dehtml {
	local($_) = $_[0];
	return $_;

# Main program

# Handle -d switch
require '';
do Getopt('d');

chdir($opt_d) if defined($opt_d);

# Any header stuff in the info file goes to the bit bucket
open(OUT, ">/dev/null");

# Process lines
while (<>) {

# Start a new node
	if (/^\037/) {

	# Finish off what we were last doing
		if ($menumode) {
			print OUT "\n";
			$menumode = 0;
		else {
			print OUT "\n";

	# ^_^L signals the end of the useful stuff
		exit if /^\037\014/;

	# Get the node header line, done if none left
		$_ = <>;
		exit if eof;

		($file, $node) = /^File:\s+(\S+)\s+Node:\s+([^,]+),/;
		$cnode = &canon($node);

	# Start a new file
		close OUT;
		open(OUT, ">$file.$cnode.html");
		print OUT "$node\n";

	# Split out Up, Next, Prev pointers so we can make them into links
		@items = split(/,/);
		for (@items) {
			if (/^ Up: (.*)/) {
				next if $1 eq "(dir)" || $1 eq "(DIR)";
				$node = &canon($1);
				print OUT
			"Go up to $1.\n";
			if (/^ Next: (.*)/) {
				$node = &canon($1);
				print OUT
			"Go forward to $1.\n";
			if (/^ Prev: (.*)/) {
				$node = &canon($1);
				print OUT "Go backward to ";
				print OUT
		} # for (@items)

	# Leave the rest of the text as-is
		print OUT "
	} # if (/^\037/)

# Start a menu
	elsif (/^\* Menu:/) {
		print OUT "


\n"; $menumode = 1; } # Process a menu item by turning it into a link elsif ($menumode && /^\*\s+([^:]*)::\s*(.*)/) { $node = &canon($1); $hnode = &html($1); $text = &html($2); print OUT "
$hnode\n"; print OUT "
$text\n"; } # Alternate menu style ("tag: node text"). Tab, comma, period inside brackets. elsif ($menumode && /^\*\s+([^:]*):\s*([^ ,.]+)(.*)/) { $node = &canon($2); $hnode = &html($2); $text = &html($3); $tag = &html($1); print OUT "
"; print OUT "$tag: $hnode\n"; # Trim off termination character and space, if any $text =~ s/^[ ,.]\s*//; print OUT "
$text\n"; } # Process heading text inside menus -- continuation lines are just dumped below elsif ($menumode && /^\S/) { print OUT "

", &html($_); } # Anything else. Look for notes; otherwise, just dump after handling specials. else { $_ = &html($_); # Convert a note into a link while (/\*([Nn])ote\s+([^:]*)::/) { $node = &canon(&dehtml($2)); $see = ($1 eq "N") ? "See" : "see"; $_ = $` . "$see $2" . $'; } # Alternate note style while (/\*([Nn])ote\s+([^:]*):\s*([^ ,.]+)/) { $node = &canon(&dehtml($3)); $see = ($1 eq "N") ? "See" : "see"; $_ = $` . "$see $2: $3" . $'; } print OUT; } } # while (<>) =============================================================================== -- Kian-Tat Lim, [RIPEM available] Materials & Molecular Simulation Center, Caltech Henry Spencer left-of-| signature fan