-- HTMLGeneration
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1993 06:58:47 +0200
From: Ari Lemmke <>
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

You might have tool to take out http addresses out of text files or mail, but not all of us have Nexts ;-)

This might be useful for someone.

#	get_www
#	Get http addresses out of mails [mailing list] or text files.
#	Standard mailbox format is used for input.
#	Use:
#		perl get_www < mailbox > foo.html
#		www foo.html
#	This script outputs:
#		* the mail Subject: line content as "H1" header,
#		* as the text "P" 3 lines before the line http address
#		  is, and 2 lines after the line.
#		* and the http:// address as the anchor text, so
#		  you can check out directly if it is a valid one.
#	Kludges: Regexps could be squuzed ;-), but then it would
#		 be hard to read them.
#		 The name for this script could be nice, but this
#		 is another perl-kludge anyway.
#	@ arl // 1993

	local(@mymail)		= @_;
	local($i)		= 0;
	local(@save)		= ();
	local($subject)		= '';
	local($http)		= '';

	foreach (@mymail)
		if ( /^Subject:/ )
			$subject = $_;
			$subject =~ s/^Subject://;
			$subject =~ s/^[\t ]*//;

		if ( /http:\/\// )
			push( @save, "<H1>" . $subject . "</H1>" );
			push( @save, "<P>" );
			push( @save, @mymail[($i-3)..($i+2)] );
			$http = $_;
			$http =~ s/.*http/http/;
			$http =~ s/[> "]*$//;
			push( @save, "<A HREF=\"" . $http . "\" >" .
				$http . "</A>" );


	foreach (@save)
		print $_,"\n";

$have		= 0;
@mail		= ();

while (<>)

	if ( /^From / )
		if ( $have eq 1 )
			&analyze( @mail );
			@mail = ();
			$have = 0;
		push( @mail, $_ );
		push( @mail, $_ );

	$have = 1;

&analyze( @mail );