
From Niles and Associates, Inc.

Excerpt From the Manual:

Introducing EndNote Plus

Welcome to EndNote Plus, an Enhanced Reference Database and Bibliography Maker. As the subtitle suggests, EndNote Plus is a program with a dual purpose.

First, EndNote Plus is a database manager-specialized in storing, managing, and searching for bibliographic references in your private reference library.

Second, EndNote Plus is a bibliography maker-it builds lists of cited works automatically, and can format references to paste into footnotes as well. EndNote scans your word processor paper for in-text citations. It then compiles a bibliography using the information in your database. Finally, it will produce a copy of your paper, reformatting the in-text citations and placing the bibliography at the end. You select the style to use and EndNote does the rest! EndNote can reformat documents created by Microsoft Word 3, 4, and 5, WordPerfect 1.0 - 2.1, MacWrite 5.0, MacWrite II, WriteNow 1.0-3.0, Nisus 3 and FrameMaker 3. It can also reformat documents in RTF (Rich Text Format), and plain text documents.

EndLink is the online database import facility for EndNote. It is an add-on module to EndNote which enables you to import journal references from online databases into your EndNote libraries. EndLink is not a program itself, rather it is a resource file which, when present in the same folder as the EndNote program, endows EndNote with a new import capability.

To use EndLink, you log on to your database service, and capture the results of your search as they are listed to the screen. Then you start EndNote, Import the resulting text file using EndLink, and the references are imported directly into an EndNote library. Further instructions on begin on page 28.