Requirements and Desiderata for an XML Query Language

Frank Olken and John McCarthy,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

November 12, 1998


We are coming to this primarily from the perspective of database management applications, E-commerce messages, and (especially) metadata management for DB applications.

It is our view that XML will be extensively used to encode DB queries and query results, i.e., fragments of databases. Hence, we are seeking a query language with expressiveness at least equal to conventional DB query facilities, e.g., SQL or OQL.

We believe in the importance of metadata for understanding data and building plug-and-play applications hence we are seeking a query language that can query both/either data and metadata encoded in either XML and/or RDF.

Requirements and Desiderata

Maintained by Frank Olken and John McCarthy at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Email or Last revised: November 12, 1998