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Web Accessibility on the Go!:
Mobile Activity in W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
ATIA 2013 ACC-08

Jeanne Spellman, <>

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The Promise of Mobile Accessibility

“My First Week with the iPhone” in Austin Seraphin's Blog “Behind the Curtain”

Mobile is more than just phones...

woman wearing glasses with digital display

Google's Project Glass

Microsoft has a patent for AR/HUD device

What is W3C/WAI?

WAI develops strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible:

Web Accessibility Initiative

Participating in WAI

How do W3C & WAI standards support Mobile Accessibility

Existing accessibility guidelines and standards provide extensive guidance on mobile accessibility



W3C and WAI Resources for Mobile

Business Case for Mobile Accessibility in Your Organization

Mobile and Accessibility share some similar barriers

Cost savings in developing for both, especially early in the project, because once your website is ready for mobile it is most of the way toward being accessible.

Mobile Accessibility Resources

Mobile Resources

How WCAG 2.0 Applies to Mobile

WCAG at a Glance

WCAG 2.0 was designed to be flexible. It's Principles can be applied to different types of web sites, different technologies and different devices.

WCAG 2.0 Principles

Examples of WCAG 2.0 Applied to Mobile

WCAG 2.0

While all the guidelines of WCAG 2.0 apply to mobile, these are some of the most relevant:

WCAG 2.0

WCAG 2.0 At a Glance

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Mobile Examples

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
Implementing UAAG 2.0 - latest editors' draft with mobile examples

As the web is increasingly becoming the platform for interoperable applications, the need for accessibility guidelines for the user interface is also increasing.

More UAAG 2.0 Examples

Some examples are not currently supported on current mobile technology:

Events for User Interface Independence

Events for User Interface Independence (IndieUI) First Public Working Draft

specifies a layer between device input abilities and what the user wants to do, such as

so that the device can infer what action the user wants — no matter what the modality (keyboard, mouse, touch, gesture, speech) or the raw input (e.g. a 3 finger swipe custom gesture) — and send the appropriate event to the web application.

Please send comments on this Draft by 22 February 2013.


R&D WG symposium on mobile accessibility research

The W3C WAI Research and Development Working Group (RDWG) recently held a research symposium on mobile accessibility. This symposium explored some of the current challenges and issues to inform further research and development. The group is currently preparing a research report with the main results of the symposium.

Papers contributed to this symposium included:

HTML5 Accessibility

HTML5 is not finalized, but is becoming a stable draft. Some improvements for accessibility are:

HTML5 and web apps

W3C Report on Standards for Web Applications on Mobile

Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap

Report sections of potential interest to AT developers:

  1. Graphics — Web Open Font Format, Fullscreen API
  2. Multimedia — analysis of audio, video and images.
  3. Device Adaptation — Device Description Repository, Media Capture (cameras), CSS Media Queries and Device Adaptation (identifying the device capabilities and adapting the web app to the device)
  4. Forms — Date & time, pattern, placeholder, datalist and new type= for improved error reporting
  5. User interactions — Accessibility, touch, vibration, speech input, and web notifications
  6. Data storage
  7. Personal Information Management — Contacts API and Calendar API
  8. Sensors and hardware integration — APIs for Geolocation, sensors for ambient light, proximity and humidity; device orientation and acceleration, near-field communications and USB & bluetooth.
  9. Network
  10. Communication_and_Discovery
  11. Packaging
  12. Performance & Optimization

W3C Report on Standards for Web Applications on Mobile

Each section of the report contains a written description of the standards and the changes since the last report. Each section contains a chart with the spec, working group link, maturity, stability, latest editors draft, current implementations (by major browsers), and test suite.

sample chart in the web standards report with links, maturity, stability, latest draft, current implementations and test suite

W3C Report on Standards for Web Applications on Mobile

What's Next?

Web Accessibility Initiative's work relies on public participation to obtain the quality of results we all want.

Participating In WAI ->

Participating In WAI ->

Thank You

Participating In WAI ->

This presentation

Jeanne Spellman, <>