Bert Bos | CSS masterclass – Amsterdam 2012

border-image-slice & border-image-repeat

From the demo:

	border-image: url(groovy.png);
   	border-image-repeat: round }


2012: experimental implementations (prefixes)

(Module: css3-background)

Gradients as border images

From the demo:

span {
     border-image: linear-gradient(blue, green) 
      33% round stretch;

Border radius

From the demo:

div:nth-child(6) {
	border-radius: 160px 0 60px 0 / 160px 0 30px 0; 
/* 4 horizontal angles / 4 vertical angles  */

Box Shadow

From the demo:

div:nth-child(2) div{
	box-shadow:rgba(102,90,74, .7) 3px 3px inset;