UnicodeAFIIgridISO 8879 entityISO 8879 descriptionISO TR9573 entityISO TR9573 descriptionElsevier entityElsevier descriptionHTMLTeX textTeX mathElsevier glyphMathematica nameMathematica glyph
0448шsmall sha, Cyrillic
0449щsmall shcha, Cyrillic
044Aъsmall hard sign, Cyrillic
044Bыsmall yeru, Cyrillic
044Cьsmall soft sign, Cyrillic
044Dэsmall e, Cyrillic
044Eюsmall yu, Cyrillic
044Fяsmall ya, Cyrillic
0451ёsmall io, Russian
2002 en space (1/2-em)
2003 em space
2004 =1/3-em space
2005 =1/4-em space
2007 digit space (width of a number)
2008 punctuation space (width of comma)
2009,2006 thin space (1/6-em)
200A hair space
2010‐hyphen (true graphic)
2013–en dashDash,-
2014—em dashLongDash,--
2015―horizontal bar
20162142bdl‖Vert dbl vertical bar‖Vert dbl vertical bar&z.dfnc;||
2018‘single quotation mark, left
2019’single quotation mark, right
201A,201B‚rising single quote, left (low)
201C“double quotation mark, left
201D”double quotation mark, right
201E„rising dbl quote, left (low)
2020EF30bfa†dagger B: dagger†dagger B: dagger relation†daggerDagger,dg
2021EF31bga‡ddagger B: double dagger‡ddagger B: double dagger relation‡ddaggerDoubleDagger,ddg
2022,25CF•bullet B: round bullet, filledbulletBullet,bu
2025‥double baseline dot (en leader)
2026,22EF…ellipsis (horizontal)ldotsEllipsis,...
2030EF41bhm‰per thousand‰per thousand‰
2032216Cbm5′prime prime or minute′prime prime or minute′´prime\primePrime,'
2033216Dbm6″double prime or second″double prime or second″´´DoublePrime,''
2034216Bbm7‴triple prime‴triple prime‴´´´ReversePrime,`
2035222Bbl5‵backprime - reverse prime‵reverse prime‵ReverseDoublePrime,``
2041⁁caret (insertion mark)
2043,25AC⁃rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet)
20DBEB5Bcap⃛three dots above⃛three dots above&z.tDot;···
20DCEB5Ccaq⃜four dots above⃜four dots above⃜····
2105℅in-care-of symbol
210BEB22cjhℋHamiltonian (script capital H)ℋHamiltonian (script capital H)H
210FEE2Fbuhℏhbar /hslash - Planck's over 2pi&plank;hbar - Planck's over 2piℏhslash\hbarHBar,hb
211122A9ℑIm - imaginaryℑimaginary\Im
2112EE44cjlℒLagrangian (script capital L)ℒLagrangian (script capital L)L
2113EF69bukℓell - cursive small lℓcursive small lℓell\ellScriptL,scl
2116№numero sign
2117℗sound recording copyright sign
211822A6bjo℘wp - Weierstrass p℘Weierstrass p℘wp\wpWeierstrassP,wp
211C22A8ℜRe - realℜRe - real\Re
211E℞pharmaceutical prescription (Rx)
2122™trade mark sign
2126Ωohm sign
212BF12AbuwÅAngstrom capital A, ringÅAngstrom capital A, ringAAAngstrom,Ang
212CDB43cjbℬBernoulli function (script capital B)ℬBernoulli function (script capital B)B
2133EB5Ecjmℳphysics M-matrix (script capital M)ℳphysics M-matrix (script capital M)M
2134DB6Eℴorder of (script small o)ℴorder of (script small o)
2135E140chaℵaleph aleph, Hebrewℵaleph aleph, HebrewℵalephAleph,al
2136E141chbℶbeth - beth, Hebrewℶbeth, HebrewℶbethBet,be
2137E142chdℷgimel - gimel, Hebrewℷgimel, HebrewℷgimelGimel,gi
2138E143chcℸdaleth - daleth, Hebrewℸdaleth, HebrewℸdalethDalet,da
2153⅓fraction one-third
2154⅔fraction two-thirds
2155⅕fraction one-fifth
2156⅖fraction two-fifths
2157⅗fraction three-fifths
2158⅘fraction four-fifths
2159⅙fraction one-sixth
215A⅚fraction five-sixths
215B⅛fraction one-eighth
215C⅜fraction three-eighths
215D⅝fraction five-eighths
215E⅞fraction seven-eighths
2190&larr;leftarrow /gets A: leftward arrowleftarrow,getsLeftArrow,<-
2191&uarr;uparrow A: upward arrowuparrowUpArrow
2192&rarr;rightarrow /to A: rightward arrowrightarrow,toRightArrow, ->
2193&darr;downarrow A: downward arrowdownarrowDownArrow
2194EF52bar&harr;leftrightarrow A: l&r arrow&harr;leftrightarrow A: larrow&harr;leftrightarrow\leftrightarrowLeftRightArrow,<->
2195EEB5bcr&varr;updownarrow A: up&down arrow&varr;updownarrow A: uparrow&varr;updownarrow\updownarrowUpDownArrow
2196EF3Cbci&nwarr;nwarrow A: NW pointing arrow&nwarr;nwarrow A: NW pointing arrow&nwarr;nwarrow\nwarrowUpperLeftArrow
2197EF3Ebck&nearr;nearrow A: NE pointing arrow&nearr;nearrow A: NE pointing arrow&nearr;nearrow\nearrowUpperRightArrow
2198&drarr;searrow A: downward rt arrowsearrow\searrowLowerRightArrow
2199&dlarr;swarrow A: downward l arrowswarrow\swarrowLowerLeftArrow
219AEEF7bbg&nlarr;nleftarrow A: not left arrow&nlarr;nleftarrow A: not left arrow&nlarr;
219BEEF8bbm&nrarr;nrightarrow A: not right arrow&nrarr;nrightarrow A: not right arrow&nrarr;