
HTML: The Markup Language

uoffset text conventionally styled with an underline CHANGED # T

The u element represents a span of text offset from its surrounding content without conveying any extra emphasis or importance, and for which the conventional typographic presentation is underlining; for example, a span of text in Chinese that is a proper name (a Chinese proper name mark), or span of text that is known to be misspelled.

Permitted contents #

Permitted attributes #

global attributes
Any attributes permitted globally.

Tag omission #

A u element must have both a start tag and an end tag.

Permitted parent elements #

any element that can contain phrasing elements

Changes in HTML5 #

Although previous versions of HTML defined the u element only in presentational terms, the element has now been given the specific semantic purpose of representing text “offset from its surrounding content without conveying any extra emphasis or importance, and for which the conventional typographic presentation is underlining”.

DOM interface #

Uses HTMLElement.