[W3C] Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Validation Specification Version 1.0 W3C Working Draft 05 February 2003 This version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Val-20030205 Latest version: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Val Previous version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-DOM-Level-3-Val-20021008 Editors: Ben Chang, Oracle Joe Kesselman, IBM (until September 2001) Rezaur Rahman, Intel Corporation (until July 2001) This document is also available in these non-normative formats: XML file, plain text, PostScript file, PDF file, single HTML file, and ZIP file. Copyright ©2003 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark, document use and software licensing rules apply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract This specification defines the Document Object Model Validation Level 3, a platform- and language-neutral interface. This module provides the guidance to programs and scripts to dynamically update the content and the structure of documents while ensuring that the document remains valid, or to ensure that the document becomes valid. Status of this document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. The latest status of this document series is maintained at the W3C. This is the Working Draft specification of "DOM Level 3 Validation". This version is based on the feedback during the last call period. The intention of the Working Group is to ask the Director to move the document to Candidate Recommendation status soon. Comments on this document are invited and are to be sent to the public mailing list www-dom@w3.org. An archive is available at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/. Individuals or organizations are also invited to send a message to the public mailing list if they intend to produce an implementation of this module. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". This is work in progress and does not imply endorsement by, or the consensus of, either W3C or members of the DOM working group. This document has been produced as part of the W3C DOM Activity. The authors of this document are the DOM WG members. Patent disclosures relevant to this specification may be found on the Working Group's patent disclosure page. A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR. Table of contents * Expanded Table of Contents * W3C Copyright Notices and Licenses * 1. Validation * Appendix A: IDL Definitions * Appendix B: Java Language Binding * Appendix C: ECMAScript Language Binding * Appendix D: Acknowledgements * Glossary * References * Index 05 February 2003 Expanded Table of Contents * Expanded Table of Contents * W3C Copyright Notices and Licenses o W3C® Document Copyright Notice and License o W3C® Software Copyright Notice and License o W3C® Short Software Notice * 1. Validation o 1.1. Overview o 1.2. Exceptions o 1.3. Document Editing Interfaces o 1.4. Range-related Document-Editing Interfaces * Appendix A: IDL Definitions * Appendix B: Java Language Binding * Appendix C: ECMAScript Language Binding * Appendix D: Acknowledgements o D.1. Production Systems * Glossary * References * Index 05 February 2003 W3C Copyright Notices and Licenses Copyright © 2003 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This document is published under the W3C® Document Copyright Notice and License. The bindings within this document are published under the W3C® Software Copyright Notice and License. The software license requires "Notice of any changes or modifications to the W3C files, including the date changes were made." Consequently, modified versions of the DOM bindings must document that they do not conform to the W3C standard; in the case of the IDL definitions, the pragma prefix can no longer be 'w3c.org'; in the case of the Java language binding, the package names can no longer be in the 'org.w3c' package. ------- W3C® Document Copyright Notice and License Note: This section is a copy of the W3C® Document Notice and License and could be found at http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-documents-20021231. Copyright © 2003 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). 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THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. W3C® Short Software Notice Note: This section is a copy of the W3C® Short Software Notice and could be found at http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-short-notice-20021231 Copyright © 2003 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. Copyright © [$date-of-software] World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231 05 February 2003 1. Validation Editors: Ben Chang, Oracle Joe Kesselman, IBM (until September 2001) Rezaur Rahman, Intel Corporation (until July 2001) Table of contents * 1.1. Overview * 1.2. Exceptions o ExceptionVAL, ExceptionVALCode * 1.3. Document Editing Interfaces o DocumentEditVAL, NodeEditVAL, ElementEditVAL, CharacterDataEditVAL * 1.4. Range-related Document-Editing Interfaces o RangeVAL 1.1. Overview This chapter describes the optional DOM Level 3 Validation feature. This module provides APIs to guide construction and editing of XML documents. Examples of such guided editing are queries of the nature that combine questions like "what does the grammar allow me to insert/delete here" and "if I insert/delete here, will the document still be valid." Users may also want to know several levels of details, e.g., all the possible children, those which would be valid given what precedes this point, lists of defined symbols of a given type, in order to help in editing and creating a XML document. Some of these queries would prompt checks and warn you if you're about to conflict with or overwrite such data. Finally, users would like to validate an edited or newly constructed document before serializing it or passing it to other users. To some, they may edit, come up with an invalid document, then edit again to result in a valid document. During this process, these APIs can allow the user to check the validity of the document or sub-tree on demand; and if needed can also require that the document or sub-tree remain valid during this editing process via the continuousValidityChecking flag. A DOM application can use the hasFeature(feature, version) method of the DOMImplementation interface to determine with parameter values "VAL-DOC" and "3.0", respectively, whether or not these interfaces are supported by the implementation. This chapter focuses on the editing aspects used in the XML document editing world and usage of such information. 1.2. Exceptions This section describes the "VAL-DOC" exceptions. Exception ExceptionVAL The Validation operations may throw a ExceptionVAL as described in their descriptions. IDL Definition exception ExceptionVAL { unsigned short code; }; // ExceptionVALCode const unsigned short NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR = 71; Definition group ExceptionVALCode An integer indicating the type of error generated. Defined Constants NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR If the DocumentEditVAL related to the node does not have any grammar and wfValidityCheckLevel is set to PARTIAL or STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK. 1.3. Document Editing Interfaces This section contains "Document Editing" methods as described in the DocumentEditVAL, NodeEditVAL, ElementEditVAL, and CharacterEditVAL interfaces. Interface DocumentEditVAL This interface extends the NodeEditVAL interface with additional methods for document editing. An object implementing this interface must also implement the Document interface. IDL Definition interface DocumentEditVAL : NodeEditVAL { attribute boolean continuousValidityChecking; NameList getDefinedElementTypes(in DOMString namespaceURI); void validateDocument() raises(ExceptionVAL); }; Attributes continuousValidityChecking of type boolean An attribute specifying whether continuous checking for the validity of the document is enforced or not. Setting this to true will result in an exception being thrown, i.e., VALIDATION_ERR, for documents that are invalid at the time of the call. When set to true, the implementation if free to raise the VALIDATION_ERR exception on DOM operations that would make the document invalid with respect to "partial validity." If the document is invalid, then this attribute will remain false. This attribute is false by default. Methods getDefinedElementTypes Returns list of all element node names belonging to the element's namespace. Given the names, nodes can be created from them; note that these are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document. Parameters namespaceURI of type DOMString namespaceURI of namespace. For DTDs, this is NULL. Return Value NameList List of all element node names belonging to the element's namespace. No Exceptions validateDocument Validates the document against the grammar. If the document is mutated during validation, a warning will be issued. In addition, the validation cannot modify the document, e.g., for default attributes. This method makes use of the passed-in error handler, as described in [DOM Level 3 Core] interface. Exceptions ExceptionVAL NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR: Raised if an error occurs when the grammar is not available for the document. No Parameters No Return Value Interface NodeEditVAL This interface is similar to the [DOM Level 3 Core] Node interfaces, with methods for guided document editing. IDL Definition interface NodeEditVAL { // CheckTypeVAL const unsigned short WF_CHECK = 1; const unsigned short NS_WF_CHECK = 2; const unsigned short PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK = 3; const unsigned short STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK = 4; readonly attribute DOMString defaultValue; readonly attribute DOMStringList enumeratedValues; boolean canInsertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild); boolean canRemoveChild(in Node oldChild); boolean canReplaceChild(in Node newChild, in Node oldChild); boolean canAppendChild(in Node newChild); boolean isNodeValid(in boolean deep, in unsigned short wFValidityCheckLevel) raises(ExceptionVAL); }; Definition group CheckTypeVAL An integer indicating which type of validation this is. Stricter validation for certain XML dialects can be done by extending the NodeEditVAL interface adding a new CheckTypeVAL constant(s). Defined Constants NS_WF_CHECK Check for namespace well-formedness includes WF_CHECK. PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK Checks for whether this node is partially valid. It includes NS_WF_CHECK. STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK Checks for strict validity of the node with respect to the grammar which by definition includes NS_WF_CHECK. WF_CHECK Check for well-formedness of this node. Attributes defaultValue of type DOMString, readonly The default value specified in an attribute or an element declaration. enumeratedValues of type DOMStringList, readonly A DOMStringList of distinct values for an attribute or an element declaration. Methods canAppendChild Has the same arguments as Node.appendChild. Determines whether the Node.replaceChild operation would make this document not partially valid with respect to the grammar. Parameters newChild of type Node Node to be appended. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canInsertBefore Determines whether the Node.insertBefore operation would make this document not partially valid with respect to the grammar. Parameters newChild of type Node Node to be inserted. refChild of type Node Reference Node. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canRemoveChild Has the same arguments as Node.removeChild. Determines whether the Node.removeChild operation would make this document not partially valid with respect to the grammar. Parameters oldChild of type Node Node to be removed. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canReplaceChild Has the same arguments as Node.replaceChild. Determines whether the Node.replaceChild operation would make this document not partially valid with respect to the grammar. Parameters newChild of type Node New Node. oldChild of type Node Node to be replaced. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions isNodeValid Determines if the Node is valid relative to the grammar. It doesn't normalize before checking if the document is valid. To do so, one would need to explicitly call a normalize method. Parameters deep of type boolean Setting the deep flag on causes the isNodeValid method to check for the whole subtree of the current node for validity. Setting it to false only checks the current node and its immediate child nodes. The validateDocument method on the DocumentVAL interface, however, checks to determine whether the entire document is valid. wFValidityCheckLevel of type unsigned short Flag to tell at what level validity and well-formedness checking is done. Return Value boolean true if the node is valid/well-formed in the grammar and check level defined by wfValidityCheckLevel, false if not. Exceptions ExceptionVAL NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR: Exception is raised if the DocumentEditVAL related to this node does not have any grammar associated with it and wfValidityCheckLevel is set to PARTIAL or STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK. Interface ElementEditVAL This interface extends the NodeEditVAL interface with additional methods for guided document editing. An object implementing this interface must also implement Element interface. IDL Definition interface ElementEditVAL : NodeEditVAL { readonly attribute NameList allowedChildren; readonly attribute NameList allowedParents; readonly attribute NameList allowedNextSiblings; readonly attribute NameList allowedPreviousSiblings; readonly attribute NameList allowedAttributes; readonly attribute NameList requiredAttributes; unsigned short contentType(); boolean canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString attrval); boolean canSetAttributeNode(in Attr attrNode); boolean canSetAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName, in DOMString value); boolean canRemoveAttribute(in DOMString attrname); boolean canRemoveAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); boolean canRemoveAttributeNode(in Node attrNode); boolean isElementDefined(in DOMString name); boolean isElementDefinedNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name); }; Attributes allowedAttributes of type NameList, readonly A NameList of possible Attr nodes that can appear with this type of element. Given the names, nodes can be created from them; note that these are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document. allowedChildren of type NameList, readonly A NameList of possible Element nodes that can appear as children of this type of element. Note that if no context of this element exists, then this is NULL; it is an empty list if the element is not in the document tree. Given the names, nodes can be created from them; note that these are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document. allowedNextSiblings of type NameList, readonly A NameList of possible sibling Element nodes that can appear after this element. allowedParents of type NameList, readonly A NameList of possible Element nodes that can appear as a parent of this type of element. Note that if no context of this element exists, for example, the parent element of this element, then this is NULL; it is an empty list if the element is not in the document tree. Given the names, nodes can be created from them; note that these are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document. allowedPreviousSiblings of type NameList, readonly A NameList of possible sibling Element nodes that can appear before this element. requiredAttributes of type NameList, readonly A NameList of required Attr nodes that must appear with this type of element. Given the names, nodes can be created from them; note that these are not nodes from the instance document, but rather are new nodes that could be inserted in the document. Methods canRemoveAttribute Verifies if an attribute by the given name can be removed. Parameters attrname of type DOMString Name of attribute. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canRemoveAttributeNS Verifies if an attribute by the given local name and namespace can be removed. Parameters namespaceURI of type DOMString The namespace URI of the attribute to remove. localName of type DOMString Local name of the attribute to be removed. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canRemoveAttributeNode Determines if an attribute node can be removed. Parameters attrNode of type Node The Attr node to remove from the attribute list. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canSetAttribute Determines if the value for specified attribute can be set. Parameters attrname of type DOMString Name of attribute. attrval of type DOMString Value to be assigned to the attribute. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canSetAttributeNS Determines if the attribute with given namespace and qualified name can be created if not already present in the attribute list of the element. If the attribute with the same qualified name and namespaceURI is already present in the element's attribute list, it tests whether the value of the attribute and its prefix can be set to the new value. See DOM core setAttributeNS. Parameters namespaceURI of type DOMString namespaceURI of namespace. qualifiedName of type DOMString Qualified name of attribute. value of type DOMString Value to be assigned to the attribute. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canSetAttributeNode Determines if an attribute node can be added with respect to the validity check level. Parameters attrNode of type Attr Node in which the attribute can possibly be set. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions contentType Determines element content type. Return Value unsigned Constant for one of EMPTY_CONTENTTYPE - short content type of an element which has neither child elements nor character data, ANY_CONTENTTYPE - content type of an element which can contain zero or more child elements as well as character data, MIXED_CONTENTTYPE - content type of an element which contains character data optionally interspersed with child elements, ELEMENTS_CONTENTTYPE - content type of an element which contains only child elements optionally separated by whitespace, SIMPLE_CONTENTTYPE - content type of an element which contains character data with attributes. No Parameters No Exceptions isElementDefined Determines if name is defined in the grammar. Parameters name of type DOMString Name of element. Return Value boolean A boolean that is true if the element is defined, false otherwise. No Exceptions isElementDefinedNS Determines if name in this namespace is defined in the current context. Parameters namespaceURI of type DOMString namespaceURI of namespace. name of type DOMString Name of element. Return Value boolean A boolean that is true if the element is defined, false otherwise. No Exceptions Interface CharacterDataEditVAL This interface extends the NodeEditVAL interface with additional methods for document editing. An object implementing this interface must also implement CharacterData interface. IDL Definition interface CharacterDataEditVAL : NodeEditVAL { readonly attribute boolean isWhitespaceOnly; boolean canSetData(in DOMString arg); boolean canAppendData(in DOMString arg); boolean canReplaceData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count, in DOMString arg); boolean canInsertData(in unsigned long offset, in DOMString arg); boolean canDeleteData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count); }; Attributes isWhitespaceOnly of type boolean, readonly true if content only whitespace; false for non-whitespace. Methods canAppendData Determines if data can be appended. Parameters arg of type DOMString Data to be appended. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canDeleteData Determines if data can be deleted. Parameters offset of type unsigned long Offset. count of type unsigned long Number of 16-bit units to delete. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canInsertData Determines if data can be inserted. Parameters offset of type unsigned long Offset. arg of type DOMString Argument to be set. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canReplaceData Determines if data can be replaced. Parameters offset of type unsigned long Offset. count of type unsigned long Replacement. arg of type DOMString Argument to be set. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions canSetData Determines if data can be set. Parameters arg of type DOMString Argument to be set. Return Value boolean true if no reason it can't be done; false if it can't be done. No Exceptions 1.4. Range-related Document-Editing Interfaces This section contains Range-related "Document-editing" methods. Interface RangeVAL This interface extends the Range interface with additional methods for guided document editing. IDL Definition interface RangeVAL : Range { boolean canSurroundContents(in Node node1, in Node node2, in Node b); NameList getAlternativeElements(in Node refChild); }; Methods canSurroundContents Determines if a passed-in node can be "surrounded" by two other nodes. For example, this convenience method can: 1) get all children of "x", 2) get all possible parents of "y", and then 3) check if the passed-in node "b" is present in both sets. Parameters node1 of type Node First node to "surround" passed-in node "b". node2 of type Node Second node to "surround" passed-in node "b". b of type Node Node to be "surrounded" by. Return Value boolean true if it is; false if it is not. No Exceptions getAlternativeElements Returns a list of names of alternative elements, given a reference child as a parameter. Parameters refChild of type Node Reference child. Return Value NameList A list of names of alternative elements. No Exceptions 05 February 2003 Appendix A: IDL Definitions This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMG IDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Model Validation definitions. The IDL files are also available as: http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Val-20030205/idl.zip validation.idl: // File: validation.idl #ifndef _VALIDATION_IDL_ #define _VALIDATION_IDL_ #include "dom.idl" #pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org" module validation { typedef dom::DOMString DOMString; typedef dom::DOMStringList DOMStringList; typedef dom::Node Node; typedef dom::NameList NameList; typedef dom::Attr Attr; typedef dom::Range Range; exception ExceptionVAL { unsigned short code; }; // ExceptionVALCode const unsigned short NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR = 71; interface NodeEditVAL { // CheckTypeVAL const unsigned short WF_CHECK = 1; const unsigned short NS_WF_CHECK = 2; const unsigned short PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK = 3; const unsigned short STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK = 4; readonly attribute DOMString defaultValue; readonly attribute DOMStringList enumeratedValues; boolean canInsertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild); boolean canRemoveChild(in Node oldChild); boolean canReplaceChild(in Node newChild, in Node oldChild); boolean canAppendChild(in Node newChild); boolean isNodeValid(in boolean deep, in unsigned short wFValidityCheckLevel) raises(ExceptionVAL); }; interface ElementEditVAL : NodeEditVAL { readonly attribute NameList allowedChildren; readonly attribute NameList allowedParents; readonly attribute NameList allowedNextSiblings; readonly attribute NameList allowedPreviousSiblings; readonly attribute NameList allowedAttributes; readonly attribute NameList requiredAttributes; unsigned short contentType(); boolean canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString attrval); boolean canSetAttributeNode(in Attr attrNode); boolean canSetAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName, in DOMString value); boolean canRemoveAttribute(in DOMString attrname); boolean canRemoveAttributeNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); boolean canRemoveAttributeNode(in Node attrNode); boolean isElementDefined(in DOMString name); boolean isElementDefinedNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString name); }; interface CharacterDataEditVAL : NodeEditVAL { readonly attribute boolean isWhitespaceOnly; boolean canSetData(in DOMString arg); boolean canAppendData(in DOMString arg); boolean canReplaceData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count, in DOMString arg); boolean canInsertData(in unsigned long offset, in DOMString arg); boolean canDeleteData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count); }; interface DocumentEditVAL : NodeEditVAL { attribute boolean continuousValidityChecking; NameList getDefinedElementTypes(in DOMString namespaceURI); void validateDocument() raises(ExceptionVAL); }; interface RangeVAL : Range { boolean canSurroundContents(in Node node1, in Node node2, in Node b); NameList getAlternativeElements(in Node refChild); }; }; #endif // _VALIDATION_IDL_ 05 February 2003 Appendix B: Java Language Binding This appendix contains the complete Java [Java] bindings for the Level 3 Document Object Model Validation. The Java files are also available as http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Val-20030205/java-binding.zip org/w3c/dom/validation/ExceptionVAL.java: package org.w3c.dom.validation; public class ExceptionVAL extends RuntimeException { public ExceptionVAL(short code, String message) { super(message); this.code = code; } public short code; // ExceptionVALCode public static final short NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR = 71; } org/w3c/dom/validation/DocumentEditVAL.java: package org.w3c.dom.validation; import org.w3c.dom.NameList; public interface DocumentEditVAL extends NodeEditVAL { public boolean getContinuousValidityChecking(); public void setContinuousValidityChecking(boolean continuousValidityChecking); public NameList getDefinedElementTypes(String namespaceURI); public void validateDocument() throws ExceptionVAL; } org/w3c/dom/validation/NodeEditVAL.java: package org.w3c.dom.validation; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.DOMStringList; public interface NodeEditVAL { // CheckTypeVAL public static final short WF_CHECK = 1; public static final short NS_WF_CHECK = 2; public static final short PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK = 3; public static final short STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK = 4; public String getDefaultValue(); public DOMStringList getEnumeratedValues(); public boolean canInsertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild); public boolean canRemoveChild(Node oldChild); public boolean canReplaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild); public boolean canAppendChild(Node newChild); public boolean isNodeValid(boolean deep, short wFValidityCheckLevel) throws ExceptionVAL; } org/w3c/dom/validation/ElementEditVAL.java: package org.w3c.dom.validation; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.NameList; public interface ElementEditVAL extends NodeEditVAL { public NameList getAllowedChildren(); public NameList getAllowedParents(); public NameList getAllowedNextSiblings(); public NameList getAllowedPreviousSiblings(); public NameList getAllowedAttributes(); public NameList getRequiredAttributes(); public short contentType(); public boolean canSetAttribute(String attrname, String attrval); public boolean canSetAttributeNode(Attr attrNode); public boolean canSetAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String value); public boolean canRemoveAttribute(String attrname); public boolean canRemoveAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName); public boolean canRemoveAttributeNode(Node attrNode); public boolean isElementDefined(String name); public boolean isElementDefinedNS(String namespaceURI, String name); } org/w3c/dom/validation/CharacterDataEditVAL.java: package org.w3c.dom.validation; public interface CharacterDataEditVAL extends NodeEditVAL { public boolean getIsWhitespaceOnly(); public boolean canSetData(String arg); public boolean canAppendData(String arg); public boolean canReplaceData(int offset, int count, String arg); public boolean canInsertData(int offset, String arg); public boolean canDeleteData(int offset, int count); } org/w3c/dom/validation/RangeVAL.java: package org.w3c.dom.validation; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.Range; import org.w3c.dom.NameList; public interface RangeVAL extends Range { public boolean canSurroundContents(Node node1, Node node2, Node b); public NameList getAlternativeElements(Node refChild); } 05 February 2003 Appendix C: ECMAScript Language Binding This appendix contains the complete ECMAScript [ECMAScript] binding for the Level 3 Document Object Model Validation definitions. Properties of the ExceptionVAL Constructor function: ExceptionVAL.NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR The value of the constant ExceptionVAL.NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR is 71. Objects that implement the ExceptionVAL interface: Properties of objects that implement the ExceptionVAL interface: code This property is a Number. Objects that implement the DocumentEditVAL interface: Objects that implement the DocumentEditVAL interface have all properties and functions of the NodeEditVAL interface as well as the properties and functions defined below. Properties of objects that implement the DocumentEditVAL interface: continuousValidityChecking This property is a Boolean. Functions of objects that implement the DocumentEditVAL interface: getDefinedElementTypes(namespaceURI) This function returns an object that implements the NameList interface. The namespaceURI parameter is a String. validateDocument() This function has no return value. This function can raise an object that implements the ExceptionVAL interface. Properties of the NodeEditVAL Constructor function: NodeEditVAL.WF_CHECK The value of the constant NodeEditVAL.WF_CHECK is 1. NodeEditVAL.NS_WF_CHECK The value of the constant NodeEditVAL.NS_WF_CHECK is 2. NodeEditVAL.PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK The value of the constant NodeEditVAL.PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK is 3. NodeEditVAL.STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK The value of the constant NodeEditVAL.STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK is 4. Objects that implement the NodeEditVAL interface: Properties of objects that implement the NodeEditVAL interface: defaultValue This read-only property is a String. enumeratedValues This read-only property is an object that implements the DOMStringList interface. Functions of objects that implement the NodeEditVAL interface: canInsertBefore(newChild, refChild) This function returns a Boolean. The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. The refChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. canRemoveChild(oldChild) This function returns a Boolean. The oldChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. canReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild) This function returns a Boolean. The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. The oldChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. canAppendChild(newChild) This function returns a Boolean. The newChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. isNodeValid(deep, wFValidityCheckLevel) This function returns a Boolean. The deep parameter is a Boolean. The wFValidityCheckLevel parameter is a Number. This function can raise an object that implements the ExceptionVAL interface. Objects that implement the ElementEditVAL interface: Objects that implement the ElementEditVAL interface have all properties and functions of the NodeEditVAL interface as well as the properties and functions defined below. Properties of objects that implement the ElementEditVAL interface: allowedChildren This read-only property is an object that implements the NameList interface. allowedParents This read-only property is an object that implements the NameList interface. allowedNextSiblings This read-only property is an object that implements the NameList interface. allowedPreviousSiblings This read-only property is an object that implements the NameList interface. allowedAttributes This read-only property is an object that implements the NameList interface. requiredAttributes This read-only property is an object that implements the NameList interface. Functions of objects that implement the ElementEditVAL interface: contentType() This function returns a Number. canSetAttribute(attrname, attrval) This function returns a Boolean. The attrname parameter is a String. The attrval parameter is a String. canSetAttributeNode(attrNode) This function returns a Boolean. The attrNode parameter is an object that implements the Attr interface. canSetAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value) This function returns a Boolean. The namespaceURI parameter is a String. The qualifiedName parameter is a String. The value parameter is a String. canRemoveAttribute(attrname) This function returns a Boolean. The attrname parameter is a String. canRemoveAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localName) This function returns a Boolean. The namespaceURI parameter is a String. The localName parameter is a String. canRemoveAttributeNode(attrNode) This function returns a Boolean. The attrNode parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. isElementDefined(name) This function returns a Boolean. The name parameter is a String. isElementDefinedNS(namespaceURI, name) This function returns a Boolean. The namespaceURI parameter is a String. The name parameter is a String. Objects that implement the CharacterDataEditVAL interface: Objects that implement the CharacterDataEditVAL interface have all properties and functions of the NodeEditVAL interface as well as the properties and functions defined below. Properties of objects that implement the CharacterDataEditVAL interface: isWhitespaceOnly This read-only property is a Boolean. Functions of objects that implement the CharacterDataEditVAL interface: canSetData(arg) This function returns a Boolean. The arg parameter is a String. canAppendData(arg) This function returns a Boolean. The arg parameter is a String. canReplaceData(offset, count, arg) This function returns a Boolean. The offset parameter is a Number. The count parameter is a Number. The arg parameter is a String. canInsertData(offset, arg) This function returns a Boolean. The offset parameter is a Number. The arg parameter is a String. canDeleteData(offset, count) This function returns a Boolean. The offset parameter is a Number. The count parameter is a Number. Objects that implement the RangeVAL interface: Objects that implement the RangeVAL interface have all properties and functions of the Range interface as well as the properties and functions defined below. Functions of objects that implement the RangeVAL interface: canSurroundContents(node1, node2, b) This function returns a Boolean. The node1 parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. The node2 parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. The b parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. getAlternativeElements(refChild) This function returns an object that implements the NameList interface. The refChild parameter is an object that implements the Node interface. 05 February 2003 Appendix D: Acknowledgements Many people contributed to the DOM specifications (Level 1, 2 or 3), including members of the DOM Working Group and the DOM Interest Group. We especially thank the following: Andrew Watson (Object Management Group), Andy Heninger (IBM), Angel Diaz (IBM), Arnaud Le Hors (W3C and IBM), Ashok Malhotra (IBM and Microsoft), Ben Chang (Oracle), Bill Smith (Sun), Bill Shea (Merrill Lynch), Bob Sutor (IBM), Chris Lovett (Microsoft), Chris Wilson (Microsoft), David Brownell (Sun), David Ezell (Hewlett Packard Company), David Singer (IBM), Dimitris Dimitriadis (Improve AB), Don Park (invited), Elena Litani (IBM), Eric Vasilik (Microsoft), Gavin Nicol (INSO), Ian Jacobs (W3C), James Clark (invited), James Davidson (Sun), Jared Sorensen (Novell), Jeroen van Rotterdam (X-Hive Corporation), Joe Kesselman (IBM), Joe Lapp (webMethods), Joe Marini (Macromedia), Johnny Stenback (Netscape/AOL), Jon Ferraiolo (Adobe), Jonathan Marsh (Microsoft), Jonathan Robie (Texcel Research and Software AG), Kim Adamson-Sharpe (SoftQuad Software Inc.), Lauren Wood (SoftQuad Software Inc., former Chair), Laurence Cable (Sun), Mark Davis (IBM), Mark Scardina (Oracle), Martin Dürst (W3C), Mary Brady (NIST), Mick Goulish (Software AG), Mike Champion (Arbortext and Software AG), Miles Sabin (Cromwell Media), Patti Lutsky (Arbortext), Paul Grosso (Arbortext), Peter Sharpe (SoftQuad Software Inc.), Phil Karlton (Netscape), Philippe Le Hégaret (W3C, W3C team contact and former Chair), Ramesh Lekshmynarayanan (Merrill Lynch), Ray Whitmer (iMall, Excite@Home, and Netscape/AOL, Chair), Rezaur Rahman (Intel), Rich Rollman (Microsoft), Rick Gessner (Netscape), Rick Jelliffe (invited), Rob Relyea (Microsoft), Scott Isaacs (Microsoft), Sharon Adler (INSO), Steve Byrne (JavaSoft), Tim Bray (invited), Tim Yu (Oracle), Tom Pixley (Netscape/AOL), Vidur Apparao (Netscape), Vinod Anupam (Lucent). Thanks to all those who have helped to improve this specification by sending suggestions and corrections (Please, keep bugging us with your issues!). D.1: Production Systems This specification was written in XML. The HTML, OMG IDL, Java and ECMAScript bindings were all produced automatically. Thanks to Joe English, author of cost, which was used as the basis for producing DOM Level 1. Thanks also to Gavin Nicol, who wrote the scripts which run on top of cost. Arnaud Le Hors and Philippe Le Hégaret maintained the scripts. After DOM Level 1, we used Xerces as the basis DOM implementation and wish to thank the authors. Philippe Le Hégaret and Arnaud Le Hors wrote the Java programs which are the DOM application. Thanks also to Jan Kärrman, author of html2ps, which we use in creating the PostScript version of the specification. 05 February 2003 Glossary Editors: Arnaud Le Hors, W3C Robert S. Sutor, IBM Research (for DOM Level 1) Several of the following term definitions have been borrowed or modified from similar definitions in other W3C or standards documents. See the links within the definitions for more information. document element There is only one document element in a Document. This element node is a child of the Document node. See Well-Formed XML Documents in XML [XML 1.0]. document order There is an ordering, document order, defined on all the nodes in the document corresponding to the order in which the first character of the XML representation of each node occurs in the XML representation of the document after expansion of general entities. Thus, the document element node will be the first node. Element nodes occur before their children. Thus, document order orders element nodes in order of the occurrence of their start-tag in the XML (after expansion of entities). The attribute nodes of an element occur after the element and before its children. The relative order of attribute nodes is implementation-dependent. event An event is the representation of some asynchronous occurrence (such as a mouse click on the presentation of the element, or the removal of child node from an element, or any of unthinkably many other possibilities) that gets associated with an event target. event target The object to which an event is targeted. partially valid A node in a DOM tree is partially valid if it is well formed (this part is for comments and processing instructions) and its immediate children are those expected by the content model. The node may be missing trailing required children yet still be considered partially valid. target node The target node is the node representing the event target to which an event is targeted using the DOM event flow defined in [DOM Level 3 Events]. tokenized The description given to various information items (for example, attribute values of various types, but not including the StringType CDATA) after having been processed by the XML processor. The process includes stripping leading and trailing white space, and replacing multiple space characters by one. See the definition of tokenized type. well-formed A node is a well-formed XML node if it matches its respective production in [XML 1.0], meets all well-formedness constraints related to the production, if the entities which are referenced within the node are also well-formed. See also the definition for well-formed XML documents in [XML 1.0]. 05 February 2003 References For the latest version of any W3C specification please consult the list of W3C Technical Reports available at http://www.w3.org/TR. The references listed in this section are normatives. [DOM Level 3 Core] Document Object Model Level 3 Core Specification, A. Le Hors, et al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, October 2002. This version of the Document Object Model Level 3 Core Specification is http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20021022. The latest version of DOM Level 3 Core is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core. [DOM Level 3 Events] Document Object Model Level 3 Events Specification, P. Le Hégaret, T. Pixley, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, July 2002. This version of the Document Object Model Level 3 Events Specification is http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events. The latest version of Document Object Model Level 3 Events is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events. [ECMAScript] ECMAScript Language Specification, Third Edition. European Computer Manufacturers Association, December 1999. This version of the ECMAScript Language is available from http://www.ecma.ch/. [Java] The Java Language Specification, J. Gosling, B. Joy, and G. Steele, Authors. Addison-Wesley, September 1996. Available at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls [OMG IDL] "OMG IDL Syntax and Semantics" defined in The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification, version 2, Object Management Group. The latest version of CORBA version 2.0 is available at http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/corba_2.htm. [XML 1.0] Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition), T. Bray, J. Paoli, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, and E. Maler, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 10 February 1998, revised 6 October 2000. This version of the XML 1.0 Recommendation is http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006. The latest version of XML 1.0 is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml. 05 February 2003 Index allowedAttributes allowedChildren allowedNextSiblings allowedParents allowedPreviousSiblings canAppendChild canAppendData canDeleteData canInsertBefore canInsertData canRemoveAttribute canRemoveAttributeNode canRemoveAttributeNS canRemoveChild canReplaceChild canReplaceData canSetAttribute canSetAttributeNode canSetAttributeNS canSetData canSurroundContents CharacterDataEditVAL contentType continuousValidityChecking defaultValue document element document order DocumentEditVAL DOM Level 3 Core 1, 2, 3 DOM Level 3 Events 1, 2 ECMAScript ElementEditVAL enumeratedValues event event target ExceptionVAL getAlternativeElements getDefinedElementTypes isElementDefined isElementDefinedNS isNodeValid isWhitespaceOnly Java NO_GRAMMAR_AVAILABLE_ERR NodeEditVAL NS_WF_CHECK OMG IDL PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK partially valid 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 RangeVAL requiredAttributes STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK target node tokenized validateDocument well-formed WF_CHECK XML 1.0 1, 2, 3