26 February 2003

Appendix B: Namespaces Algorithms

Arnaud Le Hors, IBM
Elena Litani, IBM

B.1: Namespace normalization

Namespace declaration attributes and prefixes are normalized as part of the normalizeDocument method of the Document interface as if the following method described in pseudo code was called on the document element.

void Element.normalizeNamespaces()

  // Pick up local namespace declarations
  for ( all DOM Level 2 valid local namespace declaration attributes of Element ) 
      if (the namespace declaration is invalid) 
          // Note: The prefix xmlns is used only to declare namespace bindings and
          // is by definition bound to the namespace name http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.
          // It must not be declared. No other prefix may be bound to this namespace name.         
          ==> Report an error.

          ==>  Record the namespace declaration

  // Fixup element's namespace
  if ( Element's namespaceURI != null )
    if ( Element's prefix/namespace pair (or default namespace,
         if no prefix) are within the scope of a binding )
      ==> do nothing, declaration in scope is inherited

      See section "B.1.1: Scope of a binding" for an example

      ==> Create a local namespace declaration attr for this namespace,
          with Element's current prefix (or a default namespace, if
          no prefix). If there's a conflicting local declaration
          already present, change its value to use this namespace.

          See section "B.1.2: Conflicting namespace declaration" for an example

          // NOTE that this may break other nodes within this Element's
          // subtree, if they're already using this prefix.
          // They will be repaired when we reach them.
    // Element has no namespace URI:
    if ( Element's localName is null )
       // DOM Level 1 node
       ==> if in process of validation against a namespace aware schema 
           (i.e XML Schema) report a fatal error: the processor can not recover 
           in this situation. 
           Otherwise, report an error: no namespace fixup will be performed on this node.
      // Element has no namespace URI 
      // Element has no pseudo-prefix
      if ( default Namespace in scope is "no namespace" )
        ==> do nothing, we're fine as we stand
        if ( there's a conflicting local default namespace declaration
             already present )
          ==> change its value to use this empty namespace.

          ==> Set the default namespace to "no namespace" by creating or
          changing a local declaration attribute: xmlns="". 

        // NOTE that this may break other nodes within this Element's
        // subtree, if they're already using the default namespaces.
        // They will be repaired when we reach them.

  // Examine and polish the attributes
  for ( all non-namespace Attrs of Element )
     if ( Attr[i] has a namespace URI )
        if ( attribute has no prefix (default namespace decl does not apply to attributes) 
             attribute prefix is not declared
             conflict: attribute has a prefix that conficlicts with a binding
                       already active in scope)
           if (namespaceURI matches an in scope declaration of one or more prefixes) 
               // pick the most local binding available; 
               // if there is more than one pick one arbitrarily

               ==> change attribute's prefix.
               if (the current prefix is not null and it has no in scope declaration) 
                   ==> declare this prefix
                   // find a prefix following the pattern "NS" +index (starting at 1)
                   // make sure this prefix is not declared in the current scope.
                   // create a local namespace declaration attribute

                   ==> change attribute's prefix.
            // Attr[i] has no namespace URI
            if ( Attr[i] has no localName )
               // DOM Level 1 node
              ==> if in process of validation against a namespace aware schema 
                 (i.e XML Schema) report a fatal error: the processor can not recover 
                  in this situation. 
                  Otherwise, report an error: no namespace fixup will be performed on this node.
                // attr has no namespace URI and no prefix
                // no action is required, since attrs don't use default
                ==> do nothing 
  } // end for-all-Attrs

  // do this recursively
  for ( all child elements of Element )
} // end Element.normalizeNamespaces

B.1.1: Scope of a binding

Note: This section is informative.

An element is said to be within the scope of the binding if its namespace prefix is bound to the same namespace URI in the [in-scope namespaces] defined in [XML Information set].

As an example, the following document is loaded in a DOM tree:

  <parent xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns1"
    <ns:child1 xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns2"/>

In the case of the child1 element, the namespace prefix and namespace URI are within the scope of the appropriate namespace declaration given that the namespace prefix ns of child1 is bound to http://www.example.org/ns2.

Using the method Node.appendChild, a child2 element is added as a sibling of child1 with the same namespace prefix and namespace URI, i.e. "ns" and "http://www.example.org/ns2" respectively. Unlike child1 which contains the appropriate namespace declaration in its attributes, child2 is within the scope of the namespace declaration of its parent, and the namespace prefix "ns" is bound to "http://www.example.org/ns1". child2 is therefore not within the scope of a binding. In order to put child2 within a scope of a binding, the namespace normalization algorithm will create a namespace declaration attribute value to bind the namespace prefix "ns" to the namespace URI "http://www.example.org/ns2" and will attach to child2. The XML representation of the document after the completion of the namespace normalization algorithm will be:

  <parent xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns1"
    <ns:child1 xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns2"/>
    <ns:child2 xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns2"/>

To determine if an element is within the scope of a binding, one can invoke Node.lookupNamespaceURI, using its namespace prefix as the parameter, and compare the resulting namespace URI against the desired URI, or one can invoke Node.isDefaultNamespaceURI using its namespace URI if the element has no namespace prefix.

B.1.2: Conflicting namespace declaration

Note: This section is informative.

A conflicting namespace declaration could occur on an element if an Element node and a namespace declaration attribute use the same prefix but map them to two different namespace URIs.

As an example, the following document is loaded in a DOM tree:

  <ns:child1 xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns1">

Using the method Node.renameNode, the namespace URI of the element child1 is renamed from "http://www.example.org/ns1" to "http://www.example.org/ns2". The namespace prefix "ns" is now mapped to two different namespace URIs at the element child1 level and thus the namespace declaration is declared conflicting. The namespace normalization algorithm will resolved the namespace prefix conflict by modifying the namespace declaration attribute value from "http://www.example.org/ns1" to "http://www.example.org/ns2". The algorithm will then continue and consider the element child2, will no longer find a namespace declaration mapping the namespace prefix "ns" to "http://www.example.org/ns1" in the element's scope, and will create a new one. The XML representation of the document after the completion of the namespace normalization algorithm will be:

  <ns:child1 xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns2">
    <ns:child2  xmlns:ns="http://www.example.org/ns1"/> 

B.2: Namespace Prefix Lookup

The following describes in pseudo code the algorithm used in the lookupPrefix method of the Node interface. Before returning found prefix the algorithm needs to make sure that the prefix is not redefined on an element from which the lookup started. This methods ignores DOM Level 1 nodes.

Note: This method ignores all default namespace declarations. To look up default namespace use isDefaultNamespace method.

DOMString lookupPrefix(in DOMString specifiedNamespaceURI)
  short type = this.getNodeType(); 
  switch (type) { 
        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: 
             return lookupNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI, this); 
        case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
             return getDocumentElement().lookupNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI); 
        case Node.ENTITY_NODE : 
        case Node.NOTATION_NODE: 
        case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 
        case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 
            return null;   // type is unknown 
        case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
             if ( Attr has an owner Element ) 
                 return ownerElement.lookupNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI) 
             return null; 
           if (Node has an ancestor Element )
           // EntityReferences may have to be skipped to get to it 
                    return ancestor.lookupNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI); 
            return null; 

DOMString lookupNamespacePrefix(DOMString namespaceURI, Element originalElement){ 
        if ( Element has namespace and Element's namespace == namespaceURI and 
             Element has prefix and originalElement.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) == namespaceURI) 
             return Element's prefix; 
        if (Element has attributes) 
                if (Attr's prefix == "xmlns" and 
                   Attr's value == namespaceURI and 
                   originalElement.lookupNamespaceURI(Attr's localname) == namespaceURI) 
                      return Attr's localname;

        if (Node has an ancestor Element ) 
           // EntityReferences may have to be skipped to get to it 
            return ancestor.lookupNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI, originalElement); 
        return null; 
Issue lookupNamespacePrefixAlgo-1:
Isn't the name the opposite of what it stands for?
Resolution: No.
Issue lookupNamespacePrefixAlgo-2:
How does one differentiate the case where it's the default namespace (prefix == null) from the case where the namespaceURI was not found?
Resolution: Not applicable. The method ignores default namespace declarations. To lookup default namespace use isDefaultNamespace.
Issue lookupNamespacePrefixAlgo-3:
How does one specify this is for an attribute and therefore the default namespace is not applicable?
Resolution: Not applicable. The default namespace declarations are ignored.

B.3: Default Namespace Lookup

The following describes in pseudo code the algorithm used in the isDefaultNamespace method of the Node interface. This methods ignores DOM Level 1 nodes.

boolean isDefaultNamespace(in DOMString specifiedNamespaceURI)
  switch (nodeType) {
  case ELEMENT_NODE:  
     if ( Element has no prefix )
          return (Element's namespaceURI == specifiedNamespaceURI)
     else if ( Element has an Attr and
               Attr's localName == "xmlns" )
      return (Attr's value == specifiedNamespaceURI)

     if ( Element has an ancestor Element )
         // EntityReferences may have to be skipped to get to it
          return ancestorElement.isDefaultNamespace(specifiedNamespaceURI)
     else {
          return unknown (false)
     return documentElement.isDefaultNamespace(specifiedNamespaceURI)
     return unknown (false);
     if ( Attr has an owner Element )
          return ownerElement.isDefaultNamespace(specifiedNamespaceURI)
     else {
          return unknown (false)
     if ( Node has an ancestor Element )
         // EntityReferences may have to be skipped to get to it
          return ancestorElement.isDefaultNamespace(specifiedNamespaceURI)
     else {
          return unknown (false)
Issue isDefaultNamespace-1:
What should algorithm return if the parameter - namespaceURI - is null?
Resolution: If *null* as passed as a parameter the function returns true if default namespace is not available. Otherwise, if default namespace is available, return false.

B.4: Namespace URI Lookup

The following describes in pseudo code the algorithm used in the lookupNamespaceURI method of the Node interface. This methods ignores DOM Level 1 nodes.

DOMString lookupNamespaceURI(in DOMString specifiedPrefix) 
  switch (nodeType) { 
     case ELEMENT_NODE: 
         if ( Element's namespace URI != null and Element's prefix == specifiedPrefix ) 
               // Note: prefix could be "null" in this case we are looking for default namespace 
               return Element's namespace URI 
         else if ( Element has an Attr)
                 if (Attr's prefix == "xmlns" and Attr's localName == specifiedPrefix ) 
                       // non default namespace
                           return (Attr's value) 
                 else if (Attr's localname == "xmlns" and speficiedPrefix == null)
                       // default namespace
                           return (Attr's value)
         if ( Element has an ancestor Element ) 
            // EntityReferences may have to be skipped to get to it 
                   return ancestorElement.lookupNamespaceURI(specifiedPrefix) 
         return null; 
     case DOCUMENT_NODE: 
          return documentElement.lookupNamespaceURI(specifiedPrefix) 

     case ENTITY_NODE: 
     case NOTATION_NODE: 
           return unknown (null) 

     case ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 
         if (Attr has an owner Element) 
             return ownerElement.lookupNamespaceURI(specifiedPrefix) 
             return unknown (null) 
         if (Node has an ancestor Element) 
          // EntityReferences may have to be skipped to get to it 
             return ancestorElement.lookupNamespaceURI(specifiedPrefix) 
         else { 
             return unknown (null) 
Issue lookupNamespaceURIAlgo-1:
How does one look for the default namespace?
Resolution: use lookupNamespaceURI(null)