15 November 2000

Appendix A: IDL Definitions

This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMGIDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Views and Formatting definitions.

The IDL files are also available as: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-3-Views-20001115/idl.zip


// File: views.idl

#ifndef _VIEWS_IDL_
#define _VIEWS_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module views

  typedef dom::Node Node;
  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;

  interface Segment;
  interface VisualResource;
  interface VisualCharacter;
  interface VisualCharacterRun;
  interface VisualFrame;
  interface VisualImage;
  interface VisualFormButton;
  interface VisualFormField;

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface View {
    void               select(in Node boundary, 
                              in unsigned long offset, 
                              in boolean extend, 
                              in boolean add);
    Segment            createSegment();
    boolean            matchFirstSegment(inout Segment todo)
    long               getIntegerProperty(in DOMString name)
    DOMString          getStringProperty(in DOMString name)
    boolean            getBooleanProperty(in boolean name)
    Node               getContentPropertyNode(in DOMString name)
    unsigned long      getContentPropertyOffset(in DOMString name)

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface Match {

    // MatchTestGroup
    const unsigned short      IS_EQUAL                       = 0;
    const unsigned short      IS_NOT_EQUAL                   = 1;
    const unsigned short      INT_PRECEDES                   = 2;
    const unsigned short      INT_PRECEDES_OR_EQUALS         = 3;
    const unsigned short      INT_FOLLOWS                    = 4;
    const unsigned short      INT_FOLLOWS_OR_EQUALS          = 5;
    const unsigned short      STR_STARTS_WITH                = 6;
    const unsigned short      STR_ENDS_WITH                  = 7;
    const unsigned short      STR_CONTAINS                   = 8;
    const unsigned short      SET_ANY                        = 9;
    const unsigned short      SET_ALL                        = 10;
    const unsigned short      SET_NOT_ANY                    = 11;
    const unsigned short      SET_NOT_ALL                    = 12;

    readonly attribute unsigned short   test;

  // Introduced in DOM level 3:
  interface MatchString : Match {
    readonly attribute DOMString        name;
    readonly attribute DOMString        value;

  // Introduced in DOM level 3:
  interface MatchInteger : Match {
    readonly attribute DOMString        name;
    readonly attribute long             value;

  // Introduced in DOM level 3:
  interface MatchBoolean : Match {
    readonly attribute DOMString        name;
    readonly attribute boolean          value;

  // Introduced in DOM level 3:
  interface MatchContent : Match {
    readonly attribute DOMString        name;
    readonly attribute Node             node;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    offset;

  // Introduced in DOM level 3:
  interface MatchSet : Match {
    readonly attribute Node             node;
    void               addMatch(in Match add);
    Match              getMatch(in unsigned long index);

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface Item {
    readonly attribute boolean          exists;
    readonly attribute DOMString        name;

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface StringItem : Item {
    readonly attribute DOMString        value;

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface IntegerItem : Item {
    readonly attribute long             value;

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface BooleanItem : Item {
             attribute boolean          value;

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface ContentItem : Item {
             attribute Node             node;
             attribute unsigned long    offset;

  interface VisualView {
    readonly attribute DOMString        fontScheme;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    width;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    height;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    horizontalDPI;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    verticalDPI;
    VisualCharacter    createVisualCharacter();
    VisualCharacterRun createVisualCharacterRun();
    VisualFrame        createVisualFrame();
    VisualImage        createVisualImage();
    VisualFormButton   createVisualFormButton();
    VisualFormField    createVisualFormField();
    void               select(in Node boundary, 
                              in unsigned long offset, 
                              in boolean extend, 
                              in boolean add);
    void               matchSegment(in VisualResource segment);

  interface VisualResource {

  interface VisualFont : VisualResource {
             attribute DOMString        matchFontName;
    readonly attribute boolean          exists;
    readonly attribute DOMString        fontName;
    boolean            getNext();

  interface VisualSegment : VisualResource {
             attribute boolean          matchPosition;
             attribute boolean          matchInside;
             attribute boolean          matchContaining;
             attribute long             matchX;
             attribute long             matchY;
             attribute long             matchXR;
             attribute long             matchYR;
             attribute boolean          matchContent;
             attribute boolean          matchRange;
             attribute Node             matchNode;
             attribute unsigned long    matchOffset;
             attribute Node             matchNodeR;
             attribute unsigned long    matchOffsetR;
             attribute boolean          matchContainsSelected;
             attribute boolean          matchContainsVisible;
    readonly attribute boolean          exists;
    readonly attribute Node             startNode;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    startOffset;
    readonly attribute Node             endNode;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    endOffset;
    readonly attribute long             topOffset;
    readonly attribute long             bottomOffset;
    readonly attribute long             leftOffset;
    readonly attribute long             rightOffset;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    width;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    height;
    readonly attribute boolean          selected;
    readonly attribute boolean          visible;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    foregroundColor;
    readonly attribute unsigned long    backgroundColor;
    readonly attribute DOMString        fontName;
    readonly attribute DOMString        fontHeight;
    boolean            getNext();

  interface VisualCharacter : VisualSegment {

  interface VisualCharacterRun : VisualSegment {

  interface VisualFrame : VisualSegment {
    readonly attribute VisualSegment    embedded;

  interface VisualImage : VisualSegment {
    readonly attribute DOMString        imageURL;
    readonly attribute boolean          isLoaded;

  interface VisualFormButton : VisualSegment {
    readonly attribute boolean          isPressed;

  interface VisualFormField : VisualSegment {
    readonly attribute DOMString        formValue;

  // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
  interface Segment : Match {
             attribute Match            criteria;
             attribute DOMString        order;
    void               addItem(in Item add);
    MatchString        createMatchString(in unsigned short test, 
                                         in DOMString name, 
                                         in DOMString value);
    MatchInteger       createMatchInteger(in unsigned short test, 
                                          in DOMString name, 
                                          in long value);
    MatchBoolean       createMatchBoolean(in unsigned short test, 
                                          in DOMString name, 
                                          in boolean value);
    MatchContent       createMatchContent(in unsigned short test, 
                                          in DOMString name, 
                                          in unsigned long offset, 
                                          in Node node);
    MatchSet           createMatchSet(in unsigned short test);
    StringItem         createStringItem(in DOMString name);
    IntegerItem        createIntegerItem(in DOMString name);
    BooleanItem        createBooleanItem(in DOMString name);
    ContentItem        createContentItem(in DOMString name);
    void               getItem(in unsigned long index);
    boolean            getNext();

#endif // _VIEWS_IDL_