[W3C] Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification Version 1.0 W3C Working Draft 01 September, 2000 This version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20000901 ( PostScript file, PDF file, plain text, ZIP file) Latest version: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core Editors: Arnaud Le Hors, IBM Copyright © 2000 W3C® (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark, document use and software licensing rules apply. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract This specification defines the Document Object Model Core Level 3, a platform- and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents. The Document Object Model Core Level 3 builds on the Document Object Model Core Level 2. Status of this document This document is a preliminary version of the Level 3 API. It is a W3C Working Draft for review by W3C members and other interested parties and acts as a starting point for the future DOM Working Group, should it be approved or not by the W3C Members. It is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress". Comments on this document are invited and are to be sent to the public mailing list www-dom@w3.org. An archive is available at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/. This document has been produced as part of the W3C DOM Activity. The authors of this document are the DOM WG members. Different modules of the Document Object Model have different editors. A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR. Table of contents * Expanded Table of Contents * Copyright Notice * 1. Document Object Model Core * Appendix A: IDL Definitions * Appendix B: Java Language Binding * Appendix C: ECMA Script Language Binding * References * Index 01 September, 2000 Expanded Table of Contents * Expanded Table of Contents * Copyright Notice o W3C Document Copyright Notice and License o W3C Software Copyright Notice and License * 1. Document Object Model Core o 1.1. DOM Level 3 Core * Appendix A: IDL Definitions * Appendix B: Java Language Binding * Appendix C: ECMA Script Language Binding * References o 1. Normative references * Index 01 September, 2000 Copyright Notice Copyright © 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This document is published under the W3C Document Copyright Notice and License. The bindings within this document are published under the W3C Software Copyright Notice and License. The software license requires "Notice of any changes or modifications to the W3C files, including the date changes were made." Consequently, modified versions of the DOM bindings must document that they do not conform to the W3C standard; in the case of the IDL binding, the pragma prefix can no longer be 'w3c.org'; in the case of the Java binding, the package names can no longer be in the 'org.w3c' package. W3C Document Copyright Notice and License Note: This section is a copy of the W3C Document Notice and License and could be found at http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents-19990405. Copyright © 1994-2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ Public documents on the W3C site are provided by the copyright holders under the following license. 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Notice of any changes or modifications to the W3C files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide URIs to the location from which the code is derived.) THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. COPYRIGHT HOLDERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. The name and trademarks of copyright holders may NOT be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in this software and any associated documentation will at all times remain with copyright holders. 01 September, 2000 1. Document Object Model Core Editors Arnaud Le Hors, IBM Table of contents * 1.1. DOM Level 3 Core o Entity3, Document3, Node3, Text3 1.1. DOM Level 3 Core (ED: Although the following defines a set of new interfaces that extend the DOM Level 2 interfaces the current plan is not to actually add any new interfaces but instead to expand the existing ones.) Issue Level-3-Core-1: Instead of extending the core interfaces should we define some kind of DOMUtility interface which could be optional? Interface Entity3 This interface extends the Entity interface with additional attributes to provide information on the text declaration of external parsed entities. IDL Definition interface Entity3 : Entity { attribute DOMString actualEncoding; attribute DOMString encoding; attribute DOMString version; }; Attributes actualEncoding of type DOMString An attribute specifying the actual encoding of this entity, when it is an external parsed entity. This is null otherwise. encoding of type DOMString An attribute specifying, as part of the text declaration, the encoding of this entity, when it is an external parsed entity. This is null otherwise. version of type DOMString An attribute specifying, as part of the text declaration, the version number of this entity, when it is an external parsed entity. This is null otherwise. Interface Document3 This interface extends the Document interface with additional attributes and methods. IDL Definition interface Document3 : Document { attribute DOMString actualEncoding; attribute DOMString encoding; attribute boolean standalone; attribute boolean strictErrorChecking; attribute DOMString version; Node adoptNode(in Node source) raises(DOMException); NodeList getElementsByAttributeValue(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName, in DOMString value); }; Attributes actualEncoding of type DOMString An attribute specifying the actual encoding of this document. This is null otherwise. encoding of type DOMString An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the encoding of this document. This is null when unspecified. standalone of type boolean An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, whether this document is standalone. strictErrorChecking of type boolean An attribute specifying whether errors checking is enforced or not. When set to false, the implementation is free to not test every possible error case normally defined on DOM operations, and not raise any DOMException. In case of error, the behavior is undefined. This attribute is true by defaults. version of type DOMString An attribute specifying, as part of the XML declaration, the version number of this document. This is null when unspecified. Methods adoptNode Changes the ownerDocument of a node, its children, as well as the attached attribute nodes if there are any. If the node has a parent it is first removed from its parent child list. This effectively allows moving a subtree from one document to another. The following list describes the specifics for each type of node. ATTRIBUTE_NODE The ownerElement attribute is set to null and the specified flag is set to true on the adopted Attr. The descendants of the source Attr are recursively adopted. DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE The descendants of the source node are recursively adopted. DOCUMENT_NODE Document nodes cannot be adopted. DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE DocumentType nodes cannot be adopted. ELEMENT_NODE Specified attribute nodes of the source element are adopted, and the generated Attr nodes. Default attributes are discarded, though if the document being adopted into defines default attributes for this element name, those are assigned. The descendants of the source element are recursively adopted. ENTITY_NODE Entity nodes can be adopted, however in the current release of the DOM the DocumentType is readonly. Ability to add these adopted nodes to a DocumentType will be considered for addition to a future release of the DOM. The descendants of the the source entity are recursively adopted. ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE Only the EntityReference node itself is adopted, the descendants are discarded, since the source and destination documents might have defined the entity differently. If the document being imported into provides a definition for this entity name, its value is assigned. NOTATION_NODE Notation nodes can be adopted, however in the current release of the DOM the DocumentType is readonly. Ability to add these adopted nodes to a DocumentType will be considered for addition to a future release of the DOM. PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE, CDATA_SECTION_NODE, COMMENT_NODE These nodes can all be adopted. No specifics. Issue adoptNode-1: Should this method simply return null when it fails? How "exceptional" is failure for this method? Resolution: Stick with raising exceptions only in exceptional circumstances, return null on failure (F2F 19 Jun 2000). Issue adoptNode-2: Can an entity node really be adopted? Parameters source of type Node The node to move into this document. Return Value Node The adopted node, or null if this operation fails, such as when the source node comes from a different implementation. Exceptions DOMException NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the source node is of type DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT_TYPE. NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: Raised when the source node is readonly. getElementsByAttributeValue Get a list of all the elements which have a specific attribute. Issue getElementsByAttributeValue-1: Anyone still lobbying for this? Resolution: No, killed! (F2F 1 Aug 2000) Issue getElementsByAttributeValue-2: Should we have getElementsByAttributeValue and getElementsByAttributeValueNS? Resolution: Yes, but irrelevant, see above. (F2F 1 Aug 2000) Issue getElementsByAttributeValue-3: Should we have this on Element as well? We have getElementsByTagName there. Resolution: Irrelevant, see above. (F2F 1 Aug 2000) Parameters namespaceURI of type DOMString The namespace URI of the attribute to look for. localName of type DOMString The local name of the attribute to look for. value of type DOMString The value of the attribute to look for. Return Value NodeList Returns a list containing the elements that have an attribute that matches the given namespace URI, local name, and value. No Exceptions Interface Node3 This interface extends the Node interface with several new methods. One allows to compare a node against another with regard to document order. Another methode allows to retrieve the content of a node and its descendants as a single DOMString. One allows to test whether two nodes are the same. Two methods provide for searching the namespace URI associated to a given prefix and to ensure the document is "namespace wellformed". Finally, a method allows to attach some user data to a Node. It also provides a new attribute to get the base URI of a node, as defined in the XML Infoset. Issue namespace-wellformed: The term namespace wellformed needs to be defined. Resolution: Define it as "being conformant to the Namespaces in XML spec" in the glossary (Telcon 4 Jul 2000). IDL Definition interface Node3 { readonly attribute DOMString baseURI; typedef enum _DocumentOrder { PRECEDING, FOLLOWING, SAME, UNORDERED }; DocumentOrder; DocumentOrder compareDocumentOrder(in Node other) raises(DOMException); typedef enum _TreePosition { PRECEDING, FOLLOWING, ANCESTOR, DESCENDANT, SAME, UNORDERED }; TreePosition; TreePosition compareTreePosition(in Node other) raises(DOMException); attribute DOMString textContent; boolean isSameNode(in Node other); DOMString lookupNamespacePrefix(in DOMString namespaceURI); DOMString lookupNamespaceURI(in DOMString prefix); void normalizeNS(); Object setUserData(in Object data, in DOMString key); Object getUserData(in DOMString key); readonly attribute Object key; }; Type Definition DocumentOrder A type to hold the document order of a node relative to another node. Enumeration _DocumentOrder An enumeration of the different orders the node can be in. Enumerator Values PRECEDING The node preceds the reference node in document order. FOLLOWING The node follows the reference node in document order. SAME The two nodes have the same document order. UNORDERED The two nodes are unordered, they do not have any common ancestor. Type Definition TreePosition A type to hold the relative tree position of a node with respect to another node. Enumeration _TreePosition An enumeration of the different orders the node can be in. Enumerator Values PRECEDING The node preceds the reference node. FOLLOWING The node follows the reference node. ANCESTOR The node is an ancestor of the reference node. DESCENDANT The node is a descendant of the reference node. SAME The two nodes have the same position. UNORDERED The two nodes are unordered, they do not have any common ancestor. Attributes baseURI of type DOMString, readonly Returns the absolute base URI of this node. Issue baseURI-1: How will this be affected by resolution of relative namespace URIs issue? Issue baseURI-2: Should this only be on Document, Element, ProcessingInstruction, Entity, and Notation nodes, according to the infoset? If not, what is it equal to on other nodes? Null? An empty string? Issue baseURI-3: Should this be read-only and computed or and actual read-write attribute? Resolution: The former (F2F 19 Jun 2000). key of type Object, readonly This attribute returns a unique key identifying this node. Issue key-1: What type should this really be? Issue key-2: In what space is this key unique (Document, DOMImplementation)? Issue key-3: What is the lifetime of the uniqueness of this key (Node, Document, ...)? textContent of type DOMString This attribute returns the text content of this node and its descendants. When set, any possible children this node may have are removed and replaced by a single Text node containing the string this attribute is set to. On getting, no serialization is performed, the returned string does not contain any markup. Similarly, on setting, no parsing is performed either, the input string is taken as pure textual content. The string returned is made of the text content of this node depending on its type, as defined below: Node type Content ELEMENT_NODE, ENTITY_NODE, concatenation of the ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, textContent of the child DOCUMENT_NODE, nodes, excluding COMMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE and PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE nodes ATTRIBUTE_NODE, TEXT_NODE, nodeValue CDATA_SECTION_NODE, COMMENT_NODE, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, empty string NOTATION_NODE Issue textContent-1: Should any whitespace normalization be performed? Issue textContent-2: Should this be two methods instead? Issue textContent-3: What about the name? Methods compareDocumentOrder Compares a node with this node with regard to document order. Issue compareOrder-1: Should an exception be raised when comparing attributes? Entities and notations? An element against an attribute? If yes, which one? HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR? Should the enum value "unordered" be killed then? Resolution: No, return unordered for attributes (F2F 19 Jun 2000). Issue compareOrder-2: Should this method be moved to Node and take only one node in argument? Resolution: Yes (F2F 19 Jun 2000). Parameters other of type Node The node to compare against this node. Return Value DocumentOrder Returns how the given node compares with this node in document order. Exceptions DOMException WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if the given node does not belong to the same document as this node. compareTreePosition Compares a node with this node with regard to their position in the tree. Parameters other of type Node The node to compare against this node. Return Value TreePosition Returns how the given node is positioned relatively to this node. Exceptions DOMException WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if the given node does not belong to the same document as this node. getUserData This method allows to retreive a user object previously attached to a Node with setUserData. Parameters key of type DOMString The key to look for. Return Value Object The object associated to this node and the given key or null. No Exceptions isSameNode Returns whether this node is the same node as the given one. Issue isIdentical-1: Do we really want to make this different from equals? Resolution: Yes, change name from isIdentical to isSameNode. (Telcon 4 Jul 2000). Parameters other of type Node The node to test against. Return Value boolean Returns true if the nodes are the same, false otherwise. No Exceptions lookupNamespacePrefix Look up the prefix associated to the given namespace URI, starting from this node. Parameters namespaceURI of type DOMString The namespace URI to look for. Return Value DOMString Returns the associated namespace prefix or null if none is found. No Exceptions lookupNamespaceURI Look up the namespace URI associated to the given prefix, starting from this node. Issue lookupNamespaceURI-1: Name? May need to change depending on ending of the relative namespace URI reference nightmare. Parameters prefix of type DOMString The prefix to look for. Return Value DOMString Returns the associated namespace URI or null if none is found. No Exceptions normalizeNS This method walks down the tree, starting from this node, and adds namespace declarations where needed so that every namespace being used is properly declared. It also changes or assign prefixes when needed. This effectively makes this node subtree is "namespace wellformed". What the generated prefixes are and/or how prefixes are changed to achieve this is implementation dependent. Issue normalizeNS-1: Any other name? Issue normalizeNS-2: How specific should this be? Should we not even specify that this should be done by walking down the tree? Issue normalizeNS-3: What does this do on attribute nodes? Resolution: Doesn't do anything (F2F 1 Aug 2000). Issue normalizeNS-4: How does it work with entity reference subtree which may be broken? Resolution: This doesn't affect entity references which are not visited in this operation (F2F 1 Aug 2000). Issue normalizeNS-5: Should this be really be on Node? Resolution: Yes, but this only works on Document, Element, and DocumentFragment. On other types it is a no-op. (F2F 1 Aug 2000). Issue normalizeNS-6: What happens with read-only nodes? Issue normalizeNS-7: What/how errors should be reported? Are there any? No Parameters No Return Value No Exceptions setUserData This method allows to attach a user object to a Node. This object can then be retreived using getUserData. Issue setUserData-1: Is this really worth it? Issue setUserData-2: Could we live without a key? Issue setUserData-3: What happens if the node is cloned, imported, adopted? Should some event mechanism be specified to notify the application? Issue setUserData-4: What happens if the node is cloned? Issue setUserData-5: What should Object be mapped to in ECMAScript? For IDL we need to define this type somehow. Parameters data of type Object The piece of data to attach to this node. key of type DOMString The key to associate this data to. Return Value Object The object previously associated to this node and the given key or null. No Exceptions Interface Text3 This interface extends the Text interface with a new attribute that allows one to find out whether a Text node only contains whitespace in element content. IDL Definition interface Text3 : Text { readonly attribute boolean isWhitespaceInElementContent; }; Attributes isWhitespaceInElementContent of type boolean, readonly Returns whether this text node contains whitespace in element content, often abusively called "ignorable whitespace". Note: An implementation can only return true if, one way or another, it has access to the relevant information (e.g., the DTD or schema). 01 September, 2000 Appendix A: IDL Definitions This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMGIDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Model Core definitions. The IDL files are also available as: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20000901/idl.zip dom.idl: // File: dom.idl #ifndef _DOM_IDL_ #define _DOM_IDL_ #pragma prefix "w3c.org" module dom { typedef null::DOMString DOMString; typedef null::Object Object; typedef null::Node Node; typedef null::Entity Entity; typedef null::Document Document; typedef null::NodeList NodeList; typedef null::Text Text; interface Node3 { readonly attribute DOMString baseURI; typedef enum _DocumentOrder { PRECEDING, FOLLOWING, SAME, UNORDERED }; DocumentOrder; DocumentOrder compareDocumentOrder(in Node other) raises(DOMException); typedef enum _TreePosition { PRECEDING, FOLLOWING, ANCESTOR, DESCENDANT, SAME, UNORDERED }; TreePosition; TreePosition compareTreePosition(in Node other) raises(DOMException); attribute DOMString textContent; boolean isSameNode(in Node other); DOMString lookupNamespacePrefix(in DOMString namespaceURI); DOMString lookupNamespaceURI(in DOMString prefix); void normalizeNS(); Object setUserData(in Object data, in DOMString key); Object getUserData(in DOMString key); readonly attribute Object key; }; interface Entity3 : Entity { attribute DOMString actualEncoding; attribute DOMString encoding; attribute DOMString version; }; interface Document3 : Document { attribute DOMString actualEncoding; attribute DOMString encoding; attribute boolean standalone; attribute boolean strictErrorChecking; attribute DOMString version; Node adoptNode(in Node source) raises(DOMException); NodeList getElementsByAttributeValue(in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName, in DOMString value); }; interface Text3 : Text { readonly attribute boolean isWhitespaceInElementContent; }; }; #endif // _DOM_IDL_ 01 September, 2000 Appendix B: Java Language Binding This appendix contains the complete Java [Java] bindings for the Level 3 Document Object Model Core. The Java files are also available as http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20000901/java-binding.zip org/w3c/dom/Entity3.java: package org.w3c.dom; import org.w3c.Entity; public interface Entity3 extends Entity { public String getActualEncoding(); public void setActualEncoding(String actualEncoding); public String getEncoding(); public void setEncoding(String encoding); public String getVersion(); public void setVersion(String version); } org/w3c/dom/Document3.java: package org.w3c.dom; import org.w3c.Node; import org.w3c.Document; import org.w3c.DOMException; import org.w3c.NodeList; public interface Document3 extends Document { public String getActualEncoding(); public void setActualEncoding(String actualEncoding); public String getEncoding(); public void setEncoding(String encoding); public boolean getStandalone(); public void setStandalone(boolean standalone); public boolean getStrictErrorChecking(); public void setStrictErrorChecking(boolean strictErrorChecking); public String getVersion(); public void setVersion(String version); public Node adoptNode(Node source) throws DOMException; public NodeList getElementsByAttributeValue(String namespaceURI, String localName, String value); } org/w3c/dom/Node3.java: package org.w3c.dom; import org.w3c.Object; import org.w3c.Node; import org.w3c.DocumentOrder; import org.w3c.TreePosition; import org.w3c.DOMException; public interface Node3 { public String getBaseURI(); public static final int PRECEDING = 1; public static final int FOLLOWING = 2; public static final int SAME = 3; public static final int UNORDERED = 4; public int compareDocumentOrder(Node other) throws DOMException; public static final int PRECEDING = 1; public static final int FOLLOWING = 2; public static final int ANCESTOR = 3; public static final int DESCENDANT = 4; public static final int SAME = 5; public static final int UNORDERED = 6; public int compareTreePosition(Node other) throws DOMException; public String getTextContent(); public void setTextContent(String textContent); public boolean isSameNode(Node other); public String lookupNamespacePrefix(String namespaceURI); public String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix); public void normalizeNS(); public Object setUserData(Object data, String key); public Object getUserData(String key); public Object getKey(); } org/w3c/dom/Text3.java: package org.w3c.dom; import org.w3c.Text; public interface Text3 extends Text { public boolean getIsWhitespaceInElementContent(); } 01 September, 2000 Appendix C: ECMA Script Language Binding This appendix contains the complete ECMA Script [ECMAScript] binding for the Level 3 Document Object Model Core definitions. Object Entity3 Entity3 has the all the properties and methods of Entity as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Entity3 object has the following properties: actualEncoding This property is of type String. encoding This property is of type String. version This property is of type String. Object Document3 Document3 has the all the properties and methods of Document as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Document3 object has the following properties: actualEncoding This property is of type String. encoding This property is of type String. standalone This property is of type boolean. strictErrorChecking This property is of type boolean. version This property is of type String. The Document3 object has the following methods: adoptNode(source) This method returns a Node. The source parameter is of type Node. getElementsByAttributeValue(namespaceURI, localName, value) This method returns a NodeList. The namespaceURI parameter is of type String. The localName parameter is of type String. The value parameter is of type String. Object Node3 The Node3 object has the following properties: baseURI This property is of type String. textContent This property is of type String. key This property is of type Object. The Node3 object has the following methods: compareDocumentOrder(other) This method returns a DocumentOrder. The other parameter is of type Node. compareTreePosition(other) This method returns a TreePosition. The other parameter is of type Node. isSameNode(other) This method returns a boolean. The other parameter is of type Node. lookupNamespacePrefix(namespaceURI) This method returns a String. The namespaceURI parameter is of type String. lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) This method returns a String. The prefix parameter is of type String. normalizeNS() This method has no return value. setUserData(data, key) This method returns a Object. The data parameter is of type Object. The key parameter is of type String. getUserData(key) This method returns a Object. The key parameter is of type String. Object Text3 Text3 has the all the properties and methods of Text as well as the properties and methods defined below. The Text3 object has the following properties: isWhitespaceInElementContent This property is of type boolean. 01 September, 2000 References For the latest version of any W3C specification please consult the list of W3C Technical Reports available at http://www.w3.org/TR. D.1: Normative references ECMAScript ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) ECMAScript Language Specification. Available at http://www.ecma.ch/ecma1/STAND/ECMA-262.HTM Java Sun Microsystems Inc. The Java Language Specification, James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele, September 1996. Available at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls OMGIDL OMG (Object Management Group) IDL (Interface Definition Language) defined in The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification, version 2.3.1, October 1999. Available at http://sisyphus.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/corba_2.htm 01 September, 2000 Index actualEncoding 1, 2 adoptNode baseURI compareDocumentOrder compareTreePosition Document3 DocumentOrder ECMAScript encoding 1, 2 Entity3 getElementsByAttributeValuegetUserData isSameNode isWhitespaceInElementContent Java key lookupNamespacePrefix lookupNamespaceURI Node3 normalizeNS OMGIDL setUserData standalone strictErrorChecking Text3 textContent TreePosition version 1, 2