01 September, 2000

Appendix A: IDL Definitions

This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMGIDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Model Content Model definitions.

The IDL files are also available as: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-3-Content-Models-and-Load-Save-20000901/idl.zip


// File: contentModel.idl


#include "dom.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module contentModel

  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::int int;
  typedef dom::where where;
  typedef dom::how how;
  typedef dom::why why;
  typedef dom::nsElement nsElement;
  typedef dom::namedCMNodeMap namedCMNodeMap;
  typedef dom::Document Document;
  typedef dom::CMExternalObject * CMExternalObject *;
  typedef dom::DomImplementation DomImplementation;
  typedef dom::Node Node;
  typedef dom::Text Text;

  interface CMObject {

  interface CMExternalObject {

  interface CMNode {

  interface CMNodeList {

  interface NamedCMNodeMap {

  interface CMDataType {

  interface CMType {

  interface ElementDeclaration {
    readonly attribute DOMString        elementName;
             attribute DOMString        contentType;
             attribute NamedCMNodeMap   attributes;

  interface ElementCMModel {
             attribute DOMString        listOperator;
             attribute int              multiplicity;
             attribute int              lowValue;
             attribute int              highValue;
             attribute NamedCMNodeMap   subModels;
             attribute CMNodeList       definingElement;

  interface AttributeDeclaration {
    readonly attribute DOMString        attrName;
             attribute CMDataType       attrType;
             attribute DOMString        defaultValue;
             attribute DOMString        enumAttr;
             attribute CMNodeList       ownerElement;

  interface EntityDeclaration {

  interface ErrorHandler {
    void               warning(in where DOMString, 
                               in how DOMString, 
                               in why DOMString)
    void               fatalError(in where DOMString, 
                                  in how DOMString, 
                                  in why DOMString)
    void               error(in where DOMString, 
                             in how DOMString, 
                             in why DOMString)

  interface CMObject {
    readonly attribute boolean          isNamespaceAware;
    nsElement          getCMNamespace();
    namedCMNodeMap     getCMElements();
    boolean            removeCMNode(in CMNode node);
    boolean            insertbeforeCMNode(in CMNode newnode, 
                                          in CMNode parentnode);

  interface CMNode {
    CMType             getCMNodeType();

  interface ElementDeclaration {
    int                getContentType();
    ElementCMModel     getCMElement();
    namedCMNodeMap     getCMAttributes();
    namedCMNodeMap     getCMElementsChildren();

  interface ElementCMModel {
    ElementCMModel     setCMElementCardinality(in CMNode node, 
                                               in int high, 
                                               in int low);
    ElementCMModel     getCMElementCardinality(in CMNode node, 
                                               out int high, 
                                               out int low);

  interface ElementCMModel {
    boolean            isValid();
    int                contentType();
    boolean            canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, 
                                       in DOMString attrval);
    boolean            canSetAttributeNode();

  interface DocumentCM : Document {
    boolean            isValid();
    int                numCMs();
    CMObject           getInternalCM();
    CMExternalObject * getCMs();
    CMObject           getActiveCM();
    void               addCM(in CMObject cm);
    void               removeCM(in CMObject cm);
    boolean            activateCM(in CMObject cm);

  interface DomImplementationCM : DomImplementation {
    boolean            validate();
    CMObject           createCM();
    CMExternalObject   createExternalCM();
    CMObject           cloneCM(in CMObject cm);
    CMExternalObject   cloneExternalCM(in CMExternalObject cm);

  interface NodeCM : Node {
    boolean            canInsertBefore();
    boolean            canRemoveChild();
    boolean            canReplaceChild();
    boolean            canAppendChild();

  interface TextCM : Text {
    boolean            isWhitespaceOnly();
    boolean            canSetData();
    boolean            canAppendData();
    boolean            canReplaceData();
    boolean            canInsertData();

  interface DocumentCM : Document {
    boolean            isElementDefined(in DOMString elemTypeName);
    boolean            isAttributeDefined(in DOMString elemTypeName, 
                                          in DOMString attrName);
    boolean            isEntityDefined(in DOMString entName);