Up: Table of Contents REC-MathML-19980407

Working Group Membership

The HTML Math working group is co-chaired by Patrick Ion of AMS, and Robert Miner of the Geometry Center. Contact the co-chairs if you are interested in joining the group.

Current group members are:

T. V. Raman
American Mathematical Society , Providence RI
Ralph Youngen
Design Science Inc.
Paul Topping
Elsevier Science
Nico Poppelier
The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota
Robert Miner
IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights, NY
Robert S. Sutor, Angel Diaz
Mathematical Reviews (American Mathematical Society), Ann Arbor MI
Patrick Ion
Mathsoft, Cambridge, MA
Stephen Glim
University of Waterloo
Ka-Ping Yee
The SAFIR Research Group of INRIA
Stéphane Dalmas
Stilo Technologies
Stephen Buswell
SoftQuad, Surrey, BC
Lauren Wood
Texterity Corporation
Ronald Whitney
University of Western Ontario
Stephen Watt
Waterloo Maple Inc.
Stan Devitt
Dave Raggett, Arnaud LeHors
Wolfram Research
Steven Hunt, Brenda Hunt, Bruce Smith, Neil Soiffer

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