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Proposed Recommendation 24-Feb-98

ISOAMSR Characters alphabetically, with glyphs

Added Math Symbols: Relations

Name Unicode Glyph Description
apE E315 glyph image approximately equal or equal to
ape 224A glyph image approximate, equals
apid 224B glyph image approximately identical to
asymp 224D glyph image asymptotically equal to
Barv E311 glyph image vert, double bar (over)
bcong 224C glyph image reverse congruent
bepsi E420 glyph image such that
bowtie 22C8 glyph image bowtie
bsim 223D glyph image reverse similar
bsime 22CD glyph image reverse similar, equals
bsolhsub E34D glyph image reverse solidus, subset
bump 224E glyph image bumpy equals
bumpe 224F glyph image bumpy equals, equals
cire 2257 glyph image circle, equals
Colon 2237 glyph image /Colon, two colons
Colone E30E glyph image double colon, equals
colone 2254 glyph image colon, equals
congdot E314 glyph image congruent, dot
csub E351 glyph image subset, closed
csube E353 glyph image subset, closed, equals
csup E352 glyph image superset, closed
csupe E354 glyph image superset, closed, equals
cuepr 22DE glyph image curly equals, precedes
cuesc 22DF glyph image curly equals, succeeds
Dashv E30F glyph image double dash, vertical
dashv 22A3 glyph image dash, vertical
easter 225B glyph image equal, asterisk above
ecir 2256 glyph image circle on equals sign
ecolon 2255 glyph image equals, colon
eDDot E309 glyph image equal with four dots
eDot 2251 glyph image equals, even dots
efDot 2252 glyph image equals, falling dots
eg E328 glyph image equal-or-greater
egs 22DD glyph image equal-or-gtr, slanted
egsdot E324 glyph image equal-or-greater, slanted, dot inside
el E327 glyph image equal-or-less
els 22DC glyph image eq-or-less, slanted
elsdot E323 glyph image equal-or-less, slanted, dot inside
equest 225F glyph image equal with questionmark
equivDD E318 glyph image equivalent, four dots above
erDot 2253 glyph image equals, rising dots
esdot 2250 glyph image equals, single dot above
Esim E317 glyph image equal, similar
esim 2242 glyph image equals, similar
fork 22D4 glyph image pitchfork
forkv E31B glyph image fork, variant
frown 2322 glyph image down curve
gap 2273 glyph image greater, approximate
gE 2267 glyph image greater, double equals
gEl 22DB glyph image gt, double equals, less
gel 22DB glyph image greater, equals, less
ges E421 glyph image gt-or-equal, slanted
gescc E358 glyph image greater than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
gesdot E31E glyph image greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
gesdoto E320 glyph image greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
gesdotol E322 glyph image greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above left
gesl E32C glyph image greater, equal, slanted, less
gesles E332 glyph image greater, equal, slanted, less, equal, slanted
Gg 22D9 glyph image triple gtr-than
gl 2277 glyph image greater, less
gla E330 glyph image greater, less, apart
glE E32E glyph image greater, less, equal
glj E32F glyph image greater, less, overlapping
gsim 2273 glyph image greater, similar
gsime E334 glyph image greater, similar, equal
gsiml E336 glyph image greater, similar, less
Gt 226B glyph image double greater-than sign
gtcc E356 glyph image greater than, closed by curve
gtcir E326 glyph image greater than, circle inside
gtdot 22D7 glyph image greater than, with dot
gtquest E32A glyph image greater than, questionmark above
gtrarr E35F glyph image greater than, right arrow
homtht 223B glyph image homothetic
lap 2272 glyph image less, approximate
lat E33A glyph image larger than
late E33C glyph image larger than or equal
lates E33E glyph image larger than or equal, slanted
lE 2266 glyph image less, double equals
lEg 22DA glyph image less, double equals, greater
leg 22DA glyph image less, equals, greater
les E425 glyph image less-than-or-equals, slant
lescc E357 glyph image less than, closed by curve, equal, slanted
lesdot E31D glyph image less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside
lesdoto E31F glyph image less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above
lesdotor E321 glyph image less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above right
lesg E32B glyph image less, equal, slanted, greater
lesges E331 glyph image less, equal, slanted, greater, equal, slanted
lg 2276 glyph image less, greater
lgE E32D glyph image less, greater, equal
Ll 22D8 glyph image triple less-than
lsim 2272 glyph image less, similar
lsime E333 glyph image less, similar, equal
lsimg E335 glyph image less, similar, greater
Lt 226A glyph image double less-than sign
ltcc E355 glyph image less than, closed by curve
ltcir E325 glyph image less than, circle inside
ltdot 22D6 glyph image less than, with dot
ltlarr E35E glyph image less than, left arrow
ltquest E329 glyph image less than, questionmark above
ltrie 22B4 glyph image left triangle, equals
mcomma E31A glyph image minus, comma above
mDDot 223A glyph image minus with four dots, geometric properties
mid 2223 glyph image mid
mlcp E30A glyph image transversal intersection
models 22A7 glyph image models
mstpos 223E glyph image most positive
Pr E35C glyph image double precedes
pr 227A glyph image precedes
prap 227E glyph image precedes, approximate
prcue 227C glyph image precedes, curly equals
prE 227C glyph image precedes, double equals
pre 227C glyph image precedes, equals
prsim 227E glyph image precedes, similar
prurel 22B0 glyph image element precedes under relation
ratio 2236 glyph image ratio
rtrie 22B5 glyph image right triangle, equals
rtriltri E359 glyph image right triangle above left triangle
Sc E35D glyph image double succeeds
sc 227B glyph image succeeds
scap 227F glyph image succeeds, approximate
sccue 227D glyph image succeeds, curly equals
scE 227E glyph image succeeds, double equals
sce 227D glyph image succeeds, equals
scsim 227F glyph image succeeds, similar
sdote E319 glyph image equal, dot below
sfrown E426 glyph image small down curve
simg E30C glyph image similar, greater
simgE E338 glyph image similar, greater, equal
siml E30B glyph image similar, less
simlE E337 glyph image similar, less, equal
smid E301 glyph image shortmid
smile 2323 glyph image up curve
smt E339 glyph image smaller than
smte E33B glyph image smaller than or equal
smtes E33D glyph image smaller than or equal, slanted
spar E302 glyph image short parallel
sqsub 228F glyph image square subset
sqsube 2291 glyph image square subset, equals
sqsup 2290 glyph image square superset
sqsupe 2292 glyph image square superset, equals
ssmile E303 glyph image small up curve
Sub 22D0 glyph image double subset
subE 2286 glyph image subset, double equals
subedot E34F glyph image subset, equals, dot
submult E343 glyph image subset, multiply
subplus E341 glyph image subset, plus
subrarr E33F glyph image subset, right arrow
subsim E345 glyph image subset, similar
subsub E349 glyph image subset above subset
subsup E347 glyph image subset above superset
Sup 22D1 glyph image double superset
supdsub E34C glyph image superset, subset, dash joining them
supE 2287 glyph image superset, double equals
supedot E350 glyph image superset, equals, dot
suphsol E34E glyph image superset, solidus
suphsub E34B glyph image superset, subset
suplarr E340 glyph image superset, left arrow
supmult E344 glyph image superset, multiply
supplus E342 glyph image superset, plus
supsim E346 glyph image superset, similar
supsub E348 glyph image superset above subset
supsup E34A glyph image superset above superset
thkap E306 glyph image thick approximate
thksim E429 glyph image thick similar
topfork E31C glyph image fork with top
trie 225C glyph image triangle, equals
twixt 226C glyph image between
Vbar E30D glyph image double vert, bar (under)
vBar E310 glyph image vert, double bar (under)
vBarv E312 glyph image double bar, vert over and under
VDash 22AB glyph image double vert, double dash
Vdash 22A9 glyph image double vertical, dash
vDash 22A8 glyph image vertical, double dash
vdash 22A2 glyph image vertical, dash
Vdashl E313 glyph image vertical, dash (long)
vltri 22B2 glyph image left triangle, open, variant
vprop 221D glyph image proportional, variant
vrtri 22B3 glyph image right triangle, open, variant
Vvdash 22AA glyph image triple vertical, dash