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Proposed Recommendation 24-Feb-98

ISOAMSN Characters alphabetically, with glyphs

Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations
Extended by MathML with aliases

Name Unicode Glyph Description Entity group
gnap E411 glyph image greater, not approximateISOAMSN
gnapprox E411 glyph image greater, not approximateMMALIAS gnap
gnE 2269 glyph image greater, not double equalsISOAMSN
gne 2269 glyph image greater, not equalsISOAMSN
gneq 2269 glyph image greater, not equalsMMALIAS gne
gneqq 2269 glyph image greater, not double equalsMMALIAS gnE
gnsim 22E7 glyph image greater, not similarISOAMSN
gvertneqq E2A1 glyph image gt, vert, not double equalsMMALIAS gvnE
gvnE E2A1 glyph image gt, vert, not double equalsISOAMSN
lnap E2A2 glyph image less, not approximateISOAMSN
lnapprox E2A2 glyph image less, not approximateMMALIAS lnap
lnE 2268 glyph image less, not double equalsISOAMSN
lne 2268 glyph image less, not equalsISOAMSN
lneq 2268 glyph image less, not equalsMMALIAS lne
lneqq 2268 glyph image less, not double equalsMMALIAS lnE
lnsim 22E6 glyph image less, not similarISOAMSN
lvertneqq E2A4 glyph image less, vert, not double equalsMMALIAS lvnE
lvnE E2A4 glyph image less, vert, not double equalsISOAMSN
nap 2249 glyph image not approximateISOAMSN
napE E2C7 glyph image not approximately equal or equal toISOAMSN
napid E2BC glyph image not approximately identical toISOAMSN
napprox 2249 glyph image not approximateMMALIAS nap
ncong 2247 glyph image not congruent withISOAMSN
ncongdot E2C5 glyph image not congruent, dotISOAMSN
nequiv 2262 glyph image not identical withISOAMSN
ngE 2271 glyph image not greater, double equalsISOAMSN
nge E2A6 glyph image not greater-than-or-equalISOAMSN
ngeq E2A6 glyph image not greater-than-or-equalMMALIAS nge
ngeqq 2271 glyph image not greater, double equalsMMALIAS ngE
ngeqslant 2271 glyph image not gt-or-equals, slantedMMALIAS nges
nges 2271 glyph image not gt-or-equals, slantedISOAMSN
nGg E2CE glyph image not triple greater thanISOAMSN
ngsim 2275 glyph image not greater, similarISOAMSN
nGt E2CA glyph image not, vert, much greater thanISOAMSN
ngt 226F glyph image not greater-thanISOAMSN
ngtr 226F glyph image not greater-thanMMALIAS ngt
nGtv E2CC glyph image not much greater than, variantISOAMSN
nlE 2270 glyph image not less, double equalsISOAMSN
nle E2A7 glyph image not less-than-or-equalISOAMSN
nleq E2A7 glyph image not less-than-or-equalMMALIAS nle
nleqq 2270 glyph image not less, double equalsMMALIAS nlE
nleqslant 2270 glyph image not less-or-equals, slantMMALIAS nles
nles 2270 glyph image not less-or-equals, slantISOAMSN
nless 226E glyph image not less-thanMMALIAS nlt
nLl E2CD glyph image not triple less thanISOAMSN
nlsim 2274 glyph image not less, similarISOAMSN
nLt E2C9 glyph image not, vert, much less thanISOAMSN
nlt 226E glyph image not less-thanISOAMSN
nltri 22EA glyph image not left triangleISOAMSN
nltrie 22EC glyph image not left triangle, equalsISOAMSN
nLtv E2CB glyph image not much less than, variantISOAMSN
nmid 2224 glyph image negated midISOAMSN
NotCongruent 2262 glyph image not identical withMMALIAS nequiv
NotDoubleVerticalBar 2226 glyph image not parallelMMALIAS npar
NotGreater 226F glyph image not greater-thanMMALIAS ngt
NotGreaterEqual E2A6 glyph image not greater-than-or-equalMMALIAS nge
NotGreaterFullEqual 2270 glyph image not less, double equalsMMALIAS nlE
NotGreaterGreater E2CC glyph image not much greater than, variantMMALIAS nGtv
NotGreaterLess 2279 glyph image not, vert, greater, lessMMALIAS ntvgl
NotGreaterSlantEqual 2271 glyph image not gt-or-equals, slantedMMALIAS nges
NotGreaterTilde 2275 glyph image not greater, similarMMALIAS ngsim
NotLeftTriangle 22EA glyph image not left triangleMMALIAS nltri
NotLeftTriangleEqual 22EC glyph image not left triangle, equalsMMALIAS nltrie
NotLess 226E glyph image not less-thanMMALIAS nlt
NotLessEqual E2A7 glyph image not less-than-or-equalMMALIAS nle
NotLessGreater 2278 glyph image not, vert, less, greaterMMALIAS ntvlg
NotLessLess E2CB glyph image not much less than, variantMMALIAS nLtv
NotLessSlantEqual 2270 glyph image not less-or-equals, slantMMALIAS nles
NotLessTilde 2274 glyph image not less, similarMMALIAS nlsim
NotPrecedes 2280 glyph image not precedesMMALIAS npr
NotPrecedesEqual E412 glyph image not precedes, equalsMMALIAS npre
NotPrecedesSlantEqual 22E0 glyph image not curly precedes, equalsMMALIAS nprcue
NotRightTriangle 22EB glyph image not right triangleMMALIAS nrtri
NotRightTriangleEqual 22ED glyph image not right triangle, equalsMMALIAS nrtrie
NotSquareSubsetEqual 22E2 glyph image not, square subset, equalsMMALIAS nsqsube
NotSquareSupersetEqual 22E3 glyph image not, square superset, equalsMMALIAS nsqsupe
NotSubset 2284 glyph image not subset, variantMMALIAS vnsub
NotSucceeds 2281 glyph image not succeedsMMALIAS nsc
NotSucceedsEqual E413 glyph image not succeeds, equalsMMALIAS nsce
NotSucceedsSlantEqual 22E1 glyph image not succeeds, curly equalsMMALIAS nsccue
NotSuperset 2285 glyph image not superset, variantMMALIAS vnsup
NotTilde 2241 glyph image not similarMMALIAS nsim
NotTildeEqual 2244 glyph image not similar, equalsMMALIAS nsime
NotTildeFullEqual 2247 glyph image not congruent withMMALIAS ncong
NotTildeTilde 2249 glyph image not approximateMMALIAS nap
NotVerticalBar 2224 glyph image negated midMMALIAS nmid
npar 2226 glyph image not parallelISOAMSN
nparallel 2226 glyph image not parallelMMALIAS npar
npr 2280 glyph image not precedesISOAMSN
nprcue 22E0 glyph image not curly precedes, equalsISOAMSN
npre E412 glyph image not precedes, equalsISOAMSN
nprec 2280 glyph image not precedesMMALIAS npr
npreceq E412 glyph image not precedes, equalsMMALIAS npre
nrtri 22EB glyph image not right triangleISOAMSN
nrtrie 22ED glyph image not right triangle, equalsISOAMSN
nsc 2281 glyph image not succeedsISOAMSN
nsccue 22E1 glyph image not succeeds, curly equalsISOAMSN
nsce E413 glyph image not succeeds, equalsISOAMSN
nshortmid E2AA glyph image negated short mid MMALIAS nsmid
nshortparallel E2AB glyph image not short parMMALIAS nspar
nsim 2241 glyph image not similarISOAMSN
nsime 2244 glyph image not similar, equalsISOAMSN
nsimeq 2244 glyph image not similar, equalsMMALIAS nsime
nsmid E2AA glyph image negated short mid ISOAMSN
nspar E2AB glyph image not short parISOAMSN
nsqsube 22E2 glyph image not, square subset, equalsISOAMSN
nsqsupe 22E3 glyph image not, square superset, equalsISOAMSN
nsub 2284 glyph image not subsetISOAMSN
nsubE 2288 glyph image not subset, double equalsISOAMSN
nsube 2288 glyph image not subset, equalsISOAMSN
nsubset 2284 glyph image not subset, variantMMALIAS vnsub
nsubseteq 2288 glyph image not subset, equalsMMALIAS nsube
nsubseteqq 2288 glyph image not subset, double equalsMMALIAS nsubE
nsucc 2281 glyph image not succeedsMMALIAS nsc
nsucceq E413 glyph image not succeeds, equalsMMALIAS nsce
nsup 2285 glyph image not supersetISOAMSN
nsupE 2289 glyph image not superset, double equalsISOAMSN
nsupe 2289 glyph image not superset, equalsISOAMSN
nsupset 2285 glyph image not superset, variantMMALIAS vnsup
nsupseteq 2289 glyph image not superset, equalsMMALIAS nsupe
nsupseteqq 2289 glyph image not superset, double equalsMMALIAS nsupE
ntgl 2279 glyph image not greater, lessISOAMSN
ntlg 2278 glyph image not less, greaterISOAMSN
ntriangleleft 22EA glyph image not left triangleMMALIAS nltri
ntrianglelefteq 22EC glyph image not left triangle, equalsMMALIAS nltrie
ntriangleright 22EB glyph image not right triangleMMALIAS nrtri
ntrianglerighteq 22ED glyph image not right triangle, equalsMMALIAS nrtrie
ntvgl 2279 glyph image not, vert, greater, lessISOAMSN
ntvlg 2278 glyph image not, vert, less, greaterISOAMSN
nvap E2C6 glyph image not, vert, approximateISOAMSN
nVDash 22AF glyph image not double vert, double dashISOAMSN
nVdash 22AE glyph image not double vertical, dashISOAMSN
nvDash 22AD glyph image not vertical, double dashISOAMSN
nvdash 22AC glyph image not vertical, dashISOAMSN
nvge 2271 glyph image not, vert, greater-than-or-equalISOAMSN
nvgt 226F glyph image not, vert, greater-thanISOAMSN
nvle 2270 glyph image not, vert, less-than-or-equalISOAMSN
nvlt 226E glyph image not, vert, less-thanISOAMSN
nvltrie E2D0 glyph image not, vert, left triangle, equalsISOAMSN
nvrtrie E2CF glyph image not, vert, right triangle, equalsISOAMSN
nvsim E415 glyph image not, vert, similarISOAMSN
parsim E2C8 glyph image parallel, similarISOAMSN
precnapprox 22E8 glyph image precedes, not approxMMALIAS prnap
precneqq E2B3 glyph image precedes, not double equalsMMALIAS prnE
precnsim 22E8 glyph image precedes, not similarMMALIAS prnsim
prnap 22E8 glyph image precedes, not approxISOAMSN
prnE E2B3 glyph image precedes, not double equalsISOAMSN
prnsim 22E8 glyph image precedes, not similarISOAMSN
rnmid E2D1 glyph image reverse nmidISOAMSN
scnap 22E9 glyph image succeeds, not approxISOAMSN
scnE E2B5 glyph image succeeds, not double equalsISOAMSN
scnsim 22E9 glyph image succeeds, not similarISOAMSN
simne 2246 glyph image similar, not equalsISOAMSN
solbar E416 glyph image solidus, bar throughISOAMSN
subnE 228A glyph image subset, not double equalsISOAMSN
subne 228A glyph image subset, not equalsISOAMSN
subsetneq 228A glyph image subset, not equalsMMALIAS subne
subsetneqq 228A glyph image subset, not double equalsMMALIAS subnE
succnapprox 22E9 glyph image succeeds, not approxMMALIAS scnap
succneqq E2B5 glyph image succeeds, not double equalsMMALIAS scnE
succnsim 22E9 glyph image succeeds, not similarMMALIAS scnsim
supnE 228B glyph image superset, not double equalsISOAMSN
supne 228B glyph image superset, not equalsISOAMSN
supsetneq 228B glyph image superset, not equalsMMALIAS supne
supsetneqq 228B glyph image superset, not double equalsMMALIAS supnE
varsubsetneq E2B9 glyph image subset, not equals, variantMMALIAS vsubne
varsubsetneqq E2B8 glyph image subset not double equals, variantMMALIAS vsubnE
varsupsetneq E2BA glyph image superset, not equals, variantMMALIAS vsupne
varsupsetneqq E2BB glyph image super not double equals, variantMMALIAS vsupnE
vnsub 2284 glyph image not subset, variantISOAMSN
vnsup 2285 glyph image not superset, variantISOAMSN
vsubnE E2B8 glyph image subset not double equals, variantISOAMSN
vsubne E2B9 glyph image subset, not equals, variantISOAMSN
vsupnE E2BB glyph image super not double equals, variantISOAMSN
vsupne E2BA glyph image superset, not equals, variantISOAMSN