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Proposed Recommendation 24-Feb-98

ISOAMSA Characters alphabetically, with glyphs

Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations

Name Unicode Glyph Description
angzarr E248 glyph image angle with down zig-zag arrow
cirmid E250 glyph image circle, mid below
cudarrl E23E glyph image left, curved, down arrow
cudarrr E219 glyph image right, curved, down arrow
cularr 21B6 glyph image left curved arrow
cularrp E24A glyph image curved left arrow with plus
curarr 21B7 glyph image right curved arrow
curarrm E249 glyph image curved right arrow with minus
Darr 21A1 glyph image down two-headed arrow
dArr 21D3 glyph image down double arrow
ddarr 21CA glyph image two down arrows
DDotrahd E238 glyph image right arrow with dotted stem
dfisht E24C glyph image down fish tail
dHar E227 glyph image down harpoon-left, down harpoon-right
dharl 21C3 glyph image down harpoon-left
dharr 21C2 glyph image down harpoon-rt
duarr E216 glyph image down arrow, up arrow
duhar E217 glyph image down harp, up harp
dzigrarr 21DD glyph image right long zig-zag arrow
erarr E236 glyph image equal, right arrow below
hArr 21D4 glyph image left and right double arrow
harr 2194 glyph image left and right arrow
harrcir E240 glyph image left and right arrow with a circle
harrw 21AD glyph image left and right arr-wavy
hoarr E243 glyph image horizontal open arrow
imof 22B7 glyph image image of
lAarr 21DA glyph image left triple arrow
Larr 219E glyph image twoheadleftarrow
larrbfs E220 glyph image left arrow-bar, filled square
larrfs E222 glyph image left arrow, filled square
larrhk 21A9 glyph image left arrow-hooked
larrlp 21AB glyph image left arrow-looped
larrpl E23F glyph image left arrow, plus
larrsim E24E glyph image left arrow, similar
larrtl 21A2 glyph image left arrow-tailed
lAtail E23D glyph image left double arrow-tail
latail E23C glyph image left arrow-tail
lBarr E206 glyph image left doubly broken arrow
lbarr E402 glyph image left broken arrow
ldca E21A glyph image left down curved arrow
ldrdhar E22C glyph image left harpoon-down over right harpoon-down
ldrushar E228 glyph image left-down-right-up harpoon
ldsh 21B2 glyph image left down angled arrow
lfisht E214 glyph image left fish tail
lHar E225 glyph image left harpoon-up over left harpoon-down
lhard 21BD glyph image left harpoon-down
lharu 21BC glyph image left harpoon-up
lharul E22E glyph image left harpoon-up over long dash
llarr 21C7 glyph image two left arrows
llhard E231 glyph image left harpoon-down below long dash
loarr E242 glyph image left open arrow
lrarr 21C6 glyph image left arr over right arr
lrhar 21CB glyph image left harp over r
lrhard E22F glyph image right harpoon-down below long dash
lsh 21B0 glyph image Lsh
lurdshar E229 glyph image left-up-right-down harpoon
luruhar E22B glyph image left harpoon-up over right harpoon-up
Map E212 glyph image twoheaded mapsto
map 21A6 glyph image mapsto
midcir E20F glyph image mid, circle below
mumap 22B8 glyph image multimap
nearhk E20D glyph image NE arrow-hooked
neArr 21D7 glyph image NE pointing double arrow
nearr 2197 glyph image NE pointing arrow
nesear E20E glyph image NE & SE arrows
nhArr 21CE glyph image not left and right double arr
nharr 21AE glyph image not left and right arrow
nlArr 21CD glyph image not implied by
nlarr 219A glyph image not left arrow
nrArr 21CF glyph image not implies
nrarr 219B glyph image not right arrow
nrarrc E21D glyph image not right arrow-curved
nrarrw E21B glyph image not right arrow-wavy
nvhArr* 21CE glyph image not, vert, left and right double arrow
nvlArr 21CD glyph image not, vert, left double arrow
nvrArr 21CF glyph image not, vert, right double arrow
nwarhk E20C glyph image NW arrow-hooked
nwArr 21D6 glyph image NW pointing double arrow
nwarr 2196 glyph image NW pointing arrow
nwnear E211 glyph image NW & NE arrows
olarr 21BA glyph image left arr in circle
orarr 21BB glyph image right arr in circle
origof 22B6 glyph image original of
rAarr 21DB glyph image right triple arrow
Rarr 21A0 glyph image twoheadrightarrow
rarrap E235 glyph image approximate, right arrow above
rarrbfs E221 glyph image right arrow-bar, filled square
rarrc E21C glyph image right arrow-curved
rarrfs E223 glyph image right arrow, filled square
rarrhk 21AA glyph image right arrow-hooked
rarrlp 21AC glyph image right arrow-looped
rarrpl E21E glyph image right arrow, plus
rarrsim E24D glyph image right arrow, similar
Rarrtl E239 glyph image right two-headed arrow with tail
rarrtl 21A3 glyph image right arrow-tailed
rarrw 219D glyph image right arrow-wavy
rAtail E23B glyph image right double arrow-tail
ratail 21A3 glyph image right arrow-tail
RBarr E209 glyph image twoheaded right broken arrow
rBarr E207 glyph image right doubly broken arrow
rbarr E405 glyph image right broken arrow
rdca E219 glyph image right down curved arrow
rdldhar E22D glyph image right harpoon-down over left harpoon-down
rdsh 21B3 glyph image right down angled arrow
rfisht E215 glyph image right fish tail
rHar E224 glyph image right harpoon-up over right harpoon-down
rhard 21C1 glyph image right harpoon-down
rharu 21C0 glyph image right harpoon-up
rharul E230 glyph image right harpoon-up over long dash
rlarr 21C4 glyph image right arr over left arr
rlhar 21CC glyph image right harp over l
roarr E241 glyph image right open arrow
rrarr 21C9 glyph image two right arrows
rsh 21B1 glyph image Rsh
ruluhar E22A glyph image right harpoon-up over left harpoon-up
searhk E20B glyph image SE arrow-hooked
seArr 21D8 glyph image SE pointing double arrow
searr 2198 glyph image SE pointing arrow
seswar E20F glyph image SE & SW arrows
simrarr E234 glyph image similar, right arrow below
slarr E233 glyph image short left arrow
srarr E232 glyph image short right arrow
swarhk E20A glyph image SW arrow-hooked
swArr 21D9 glyph image SW pointing double arrow
swarr 2199 glyph image SW pointing arrow
swnwar E210 glyph image SW & NW arrows
Uarr 219F glyph image up two-headed arrow
uArr 21D1 glyph image up double arrow
Uarrocir E237 glyph image up two-headed arrow above circle
udarr 21C5 glyph image up arrow, down arrow
udhar E218 glyph image up harp, down harp
ufisht E24B glyph image up fish tail
uHar E226 glyph image up harpoon-left, up harpoon-right
uharl 21BF glyph image up harpoon-left
uharr 21BE glyph image up harp-r
uuarr 21C8 glyph image two up arrows
vArr 21D5 glyph image up&down double arrow
varr 2195 glyph image up&down arrow
xhArr E202 glyph image long left and right double arr
xharr E203 glyph image long left and right arr
xlArr E200 glyph image long left double arrow
xlarr E201 glyph image long left arrow
xmap E208 glyph image longmapsto
xrArr E204 glyph image long right double arr
xrarr E205 glyph image long right arrow
zigrarr E244 glyph image right zig-zag arrow