XSL 1.1 Test Suite Contents

absolute position 'absolute'

Test abs-pos-01

An absolutely-positioned block container as direct child of fo:flow within region-body. Should be positioned relative to the region-body reference area.

Test abs-pos-02

An absolutely-positioned block container within a normally-positioned block container that is not the first block within the flow. Should be positioned relative to the reference area of the containing block container.

block-containers and overflow

Test overflow-01

A block container with a fixed block progression dimension and an overflow value of "repeat". The content of the block container is too large to be contained in a single instance of the block container.


Test bkmrk-01

Generates a simple bookmark tree exhibiting all the possible presentation effects allowed for bookmarks in XSL 1.1. See the referenced image for a typical correct result.

Test bkmrk-02

A more complete document with bookmarks.

borders and padding

Test bap-01

Exercises different settings that affect the rendering of borders and padding.

change bars

Test cb-01

Generates two change bars with overlapping scope, where one change bar is entirely within the scope of another change bar. Both change bars use the default placement of the bars so that the inner bar should be rendered on top of (thus obscuring) the outer bar.

Test cb-02

Tests the interaction and placement of multiple change bars within a single page sequence. Uses change-bar-placement="alternate".

Test cb-03

Tests setting of change-bar-placement directly on change-bar-begin and tests effect of different placement values.

Test cb-04

Generates a change bar from a rotated block container.

flow maps

Test fm-01

Uses a simple flow map to construct a two-flow page sequence.

Test fm-02

Uses different flow maps to create different arrangements of the same content.

Test fm-03

Error test for error condition: flow source list cannot be a mix of fo:flow and fo:static-content

Test fm-04

Error test for error condition: error if same flow name appears in the source list of than one flow assignment of a flow map

Test fm-05

Error test for error condition: error if same region name appears in the target list of than one flow assignment of a flow map

folio prefix and suffix

Test folio-01

Tests the folio-prefix and folio-suffix formatting objects.

graphic scaling

Test gs-01

Tests the options for graphic scaling. The original graphic is a 200x158 pixel JPEG image.

Test gs-02

Tests the scaling-value-citation facility and the allowed-height/width-scale. The original graphic is a 200x158 pixel JPEG image.

Test gs-03

Tests various scaling values and scaling citation.

id attributes

Test id-att-01

Tests the ability to refer to IDs on fo:root, fo:static-content, fo:flow, fo:footnote-body, fo:footnote, and fo:float.


Test index-01

Generates a simple index with one range. The resulting index page numbers should be: "apple 2-4", "apple, green 2", "apple, red 2", "cherry, Bing 4", "cherry, Queen Anne 4", "pomegranate 3".

initial property set

Test init-prop-set-01

Tests the handling of initial property set and text-decoration.

Test init-prop-set-02

Tests the support for Common Border, Padding and Background attributes on fo:initial-property-set.

inside/outside for clear and float

Test float-01

Tests the new inside/outside values for clear= and float=.

Test float-02

Tests the new inside/outside values for clear= and float= with more interactions.

letter spacing

Test letter-space-01

Tests letter spacing of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters when values are defaulted.

Test letter-space-02

Tests letter spacing of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters when min, opt, and max are different.

Test letter-space-03

Tests letter spacing of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters when min, opt, and max are identical and explicit.

Test letter-space-04

Tests letter spacing of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters when min, opt, and max are identical and explicit and word spacing is specified with different min, opt, and max values.

line area

Test la-01

This test case exercises different settings that affect the rendering of line areas.

Test la-02

Test of before-edge, after-edge and default fo:external-graphic alignment.

Test la-03

Test of before-edge, after-edge and default fo:external-graphic alignment.

Test la-04

Test of Before-edge, after-egge and default fo:inline-container alignment.

Test la-05

Test of before-edge, after-edge and default fo:inline-container alignment.

list block depth

Test list-block-01

Tests the calculation of list block depth.

page number citation last

Test pncl-01

page position only

Test ppo-01

Tests support for the condition page position "only" for conditional page masters.

page sequence wrappers

Test psw-01

Tests the use of page sequence wrapper to group multiple page sequences together and define default values for those sequences.

Test psw-02

Tests references to empty page sequence wrappers, which should give the same result as a reference to a non-existent formatting object.

table markers

Test tblmkr-01

Tests the use of table markers in table headers and footers.

Test tblmkr-02

Tests the use of table markers to do subtotals.

Test tblmkr-03

Tests the use of table markers in a multi-column layout where the table breaks across both columns and pages.

Test tblmkr-04

Tests the use of table markers in a multi-region, flow-mapped layout where the table breaks across multiple body regions and multiple pagesc.