Disposition of Comments on XSL Recommendation

by the XSL FO Subgroup of the XSL WG

As of 2004 December 14

(Created from draft Comments document dated: Fri Dec 03 13:40:14 EST 2004)


This document includes XSL-FO related comments that have been resolved by the XSL FO Subgroup of the XSL Working Group.

Comment 1: bad input to system-color()
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 2: <integer> or <number>?
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 3: inheriting leader-length percentage values
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 4: <keep> versus <integer> for the keep-* properties
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 5: How do expressions work within a shorthand?
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 5: How do functions like from-parent() work with compound properties?
Item 2: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 6: border-spacing property
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 7: <character> property datatype
Item 1: Accepted (clarification)
Comment 8:Requirements from Recent Customers/Prospects
Item 1: Future XSL version
Item 2: Future XSL version
Comment 9: typo/bug in XSL spec in table display-align
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 10: bug in XSL spec in white space handling
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 11: rl-alternating-lr-tb writing mode
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 12: <shape> datatype for clip
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 13: whitespace in syntax for function calls
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 14: basic-link missing from %block;
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 15: syntax of the <uri-specification> datatype
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 16: "clear" property applies to
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 18: normal-sequence-reference-areas
Item 1: Accepted (editorial)
Comment 20: Margins and Block Geometry
Item 1: Accepted (clarification)
Comment 21: How is Binding Edge Determined?
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 22: Proposal for support of "big tables"
Item 1: Future XSL version
Comment 24: Tables Don't Respect Reference Orientation--why?
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 25: Table Rotation Continued
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 26: namespace of extension elements or attributes
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 27: Proposal for suspending page numbering
Item 1: Will be considered for a future XSL version
Comment 28: Extension functions in xsl-fo
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 29: simple-page-master content model
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 30: "Applies to" information
Item 1: Accepted (clarification)
Comment 31: use of body-start() outside lists
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 32: Unicode BIDI Processing
Item 1: Accepted (clarification)
Item 2: Accepted (editorial)
Item 4: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 33: z-index property
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Item 2: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 34: Spanned cells pending beyond the row group
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec)
Comment 35: Questions about markers
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 36: Percentages + absolute lengths
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 37: Deviation margin-left and margin-right from CSS
Item 1: Accepted (clarification)
Comment 38: data type for <uri-specification>
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 39: Need for repeatable subsequence specifier
Item 1: Future XSL version
Comment 40: Clarification Needed: Implications of writing mode on region-body
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 41: NCName -> QName in property functions
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 42: more BIDI comments
Item 1: Accepted (editorial)
Item 2: Accepted (editorial)
Comment 43: Differing interpretations of whitespace collapsing
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 52: Why doesn't fo:page-number and fo:page-number-citation have color attribute
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 54: Measurement unit ex
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 55: Where non-inheritable properties can occur
Item 1: Accepted (clarification) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Item 2: Accepted (clarification) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 56: Extensions to XSL 1.0
Item 2: Some accepted for XSL 1.1, others filed for Future XSL version
Comment 57: Comments on Ch. 1 of XSL 1.1 WD
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 2: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 3: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 4: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 5: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 6: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 60: Chapter 4 comments of 1.1 spec
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 2: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 61: Typo in note of 6.4.11
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 62: simple-links vrs. basic-links
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 63: recto page with blank back
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 64: Comment on 1.1 Spec, fo:conditional-page-master-reference
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 65: id property definition
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 2: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 67: marginalia use case issues
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 68: PDF named destinations and document info
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 2: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 69: Possible error in 7.22.7. indicate-destination
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 70: typo in example in section 6.9.1
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 71: removing fo:color-profile requirement from fo:declarations
Item 1: Accepted (new functionality) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 72: typo in description of fo:declaration
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 75: clarification on internal-destination and external-destination
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 76: Minor edit on fo:bidi-override constraint
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 77: internal- and external-destination properties
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 78: suggestion on fo:inline content model constraint
Item 1: Explanation of why no change will be made
Comment 79: comments on fo:instream-foreign-object content model
Item 1: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Item 2: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 3: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 4: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 80: autogenerated property IDs
Item 1: Explanation of XSL spec
Comment 81: region-name and flow-name properties
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Item 2: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Item 3: Explanation of why no change will be made
Item 4: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED
Comment 82: text-align-last clarification
Item 1: Accepted (bug in spec) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

Comment 1 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0016.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 15:14:42 -0500
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Tony Graham <Tony.Graham@Sun.COM> (by way of Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>)
Subject: bad input to system-color()

Item 1

Speaking of system-color(), what happens if the NCName is
not the name of a system defined color?

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

It is system dependent what system-color() returns for any value (including ones it doesn't expect); it has to return a valid color value or signal an error.

CONSENSUS: Nothing in the spec needs to change.



Comment 2 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0014.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 15:08:46 -0500
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Tony Graham <Tony.Graham@Sun.COM> (by way of Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>)
Subject: Errata: <integer> or <number>?

Item 1

Sections 7.26.12 to 7.26.14, defining number-columns-repeated,
number-columns-spanned, and number-rows-spanned, each contain:

  Value: <number>

then each define the meaning of <integer>.

Shouldn't the value definitions be:

  Value: <integer>


This is true in 7.26.12, 7.26.13, 7.26.14 and 7.26.8.  Also 7.9.6, 7.9.7,
7.15.2, 7.25.2, 7.25.7, 7.25.10,.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

Change <integer> to <number> in all the above cases.

Erratum, Section 7.26.12:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.26.13:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.26.14:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.26.8:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.9.6:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.9.7:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.15.2:


the value label <integer>.




to the definition of the value:

If a zero, negative, or non-integer value is provided, the value will be rounded to the nearest integer value greater than or equal to 1.

Erratum, Section 7.25.2:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.25.7:


the value label <integer>.



Erratum, Section 7.25.10:


the value label <integer>.





Comment 3 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0015.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 15:10:18 -0500
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Tony Graham <Tony.Graham@Sun.COM> (by way of Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>)
Subject: leader-length

Item 1

Should Section 7.21.4, "leader-length", state that when the value or
the value of a component is a percentage, the specified value is
inherited, not the computed value?

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

One can think of use-cases both ways; i.e. where it would be more "convenient" to have the specified value inherited rather than the computed value, as well as where it is more "convenient" to have the computed value inherited rather than the specified value. One can also think of cases where it is impossible to achieve the desired effect if it was not the computed value that was inherited; you can always specify the percentage where desired, but you cannot refer to a specific ancestor container.

In some future version of XSL, that would support "layout driven" formatting, one can envision extensions to the expression language with functions that referred to result dimensions so you could specify, for example, 50% of the width of "myself", or 50% of my ancestor column width.



Comment 4 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0028.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 18:27:34 -0500
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
Subject: <keep> versus <integer> for the keep-* properties

Item 1

In sections 7.19.3-4, the keep-together, keep-with-next, and keep-with-previous
properties refer to the <keep> datatype in its value but then describe
the allowable values for the components in terms of <integer>.

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The XSL FO SG investigated this and decided that there were no changes required to the spec. The current wording is correct in that it is clear that <keep> is the datatype for the compound properties, but the values of the individual components include the <integer> datatype.

However it was decided to capture this in our comment record, hence this posting.

Comment 5 ( comment): http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-fo-sg/2002Oct/0006.html

Item 1

How do expressions work within a shorthand?

For example, is something like the following valid (where the
font size is given as an expression:

 font="bold (1.2*from-parent(text-indent))/14pt sans-serif"

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

The value of "font" is not a valid expression according to 5.9. You may not have "individual tokens" in a shorthand as an expression.

Item 2

How do functions like from-parent() work with compound properties?

For example, if the FO's parent has:

then what values do the five space-before components have on the
current FO if it reads:

  <fo:block space-before="from-parent(space-before)+3pt"/>

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

The definition of the from-parent function includes:

If the argument specifies a shorthand property and if the expression only consists of the from-parent function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion of the shorthand with each property into which the shorthand expands, each having a value of from-parent with an argument matching the property. It is an error if arguments matching a shorthand property are used in any other way.

It was intended that the same restriction applies to property values of compound datatypes making "from-parent(space-before)+3pt" an error.

Erratum, Section 5.10.4 inherited-property-value:


at the end of the function description:

If the argument specifies a shorthand property and if the expression only consists of the inherited-property-value function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion of the shorthand with each property into which the shorthand expands, each having a value of inherited-property-value with an argument matching the property. It is an error if arguments matching a shorthand property are used in any other way. Similarly, if the argument specifies a property of a compound datatype and if the expression only consists of the inherited-property-value function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion with each component of the compound property having a valye of inherited-property-value with an argument matching the component. It is an error if arguments matching a property of a compound datatype are used in any other way.

Erratum, Section 5.10.4 from-parent:


at the end of the function description:

Similarly, if the argument specifies a property of a compound datatype and if the expression only consists of the from-parent function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion with each component of the compound property having a valye of from-parent with an argument matching the component. It is an error if arguments matching a property of a compound datatype are used in any other way.

Erratum, Section 5.10.4 from-nearest-specified-value:


at the end of the function description:

Similarly, if the argument specifies a property of a compound datatype and if the expression only consists of the from-nearest-specified-value function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion with each component of the compound property having a valye of from-nearest-specified-value with an argument matching the component. It is an error if arguments matching a property of a compound datatype are used in any other way.

Erratum, Section 5.10.4 from-table-column:


at the end of the function description:

If the argument specifies a shorthand property and if the expression only consists of the from-table-column function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion of the shorthand with each property into which the shorthand expands, each having a value of from-table-column with an argument matching the property. It is an error if arguments matching a shorthand property are used in any other way. Similarly, if the argument specifies a property of a compound datatype and if the expression only consists of the from-table-column function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion with each component of the compound property having a valye of from-table-column with an argument matching the component. It is an error if arguments matching a property of a compound datatype are used in any other way.

Erratum, Section 5.10.4 merge-property-values:


at the end of the function description:

If the argument specifies a shorthand property and if the expression only consists of the merge-property-values function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion of the shorthand with each property into which the shorthand expands, each having a value of merge-property-values with an argument matching the property. It is an error if arguments matching a shorthand property are used in any other way. Similarly, if the argument specifies a property of a compound datatype and if the expression only consists of the merge-property-values function with an argument matching the property being computed, it is interpreted as an expansion with each component of the compound property having a valye of merge-property-values with an argument matching the component. It is an error if arguments matching a property of a compound datatype are used in any other way.

Comment 6 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0025.html

From: Tony Graham <Tony.Graham@Sun.COM>
Message-ID: <15751.44288.968086.99614@tenso.ireland.sun.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 23:30:24 +0100
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: border-spacing property

Item 1

1. Section 7.29.9, "border-spacing", states that border-spacing
   applies to fo:table, but border-spacing is not included in the list
   of applicable properties in Section 6.7.3, fo:table.

2. The last paragraph of Section 7.29.9 states:

      If two values are specified the
      "border-separation.block-progression-direction" is set to the
      second value and
      "border-separation.inline-progression-direction" are both set to
      the first value.

   Presumably this should be:

      If two values are specified the
      "border-separation.block-progression-direction" is set to the
      second value and
      "border-separation.inline-progression-direction" is set to the
      first value.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

Erratum, Section 7.29.9:


"are both" in the last sentence of the XSL modification




Tony Graham
XML Technology Center - Dublin                mailto:tony.graham@sun.com
Sun Microsystems Ireland Ltd                       Phone: +353 1 8199708
Hamilton House, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3            x(70)19708

Comment 7 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0040.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 15:33:25 -0500
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: "Arved Sandstrom" <asandstrom@accesswave.ca> (by way of Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>)
Subject: RE: <character> property datatype

> -----Original Message-----
> From: www-xsl-fo-request@w3.org [mailto:www-xsl-fo-request@w3.org]On
> Behalf Of Tony Graham
> Sent: July 31, 2002 1:28 PM
> To: 'Www-Xsl-Fo
> Subject: Re: <character> property datatype

Item 1

> Use a Char.
> Do not use 'U+xxxx'.
> Arved Sandstrom wrote at 29 Jul 2002 19:15:09 -0300:
>  > A number of properties are typed as having <character> values:
> "character",
>  > "grouping-separator", and "hyphenation-character".
>  >
>  > <character> is described as being a single Unicode character,
> in Section
>  > 5.11.
>  >
>  > However, the property description for fo:character embellishes
> this rather
>  > terse description, and says that a <character> specifies "the
> code point of
>  > the Unicode character to be presented". To me this pretty
> clearly means a
>  > specification of form U+xxxx.
> Pick your Unicode version.  Prior to Unicode 3.1, 'U+xxxx' was a
> 'Unicode value.'  Today, "[i]n running text, an individual Unicode
> code point can be expressed as U+n, where n is from four to six
> hexadecimal digits..."
> A 'character' property value is hardly running text.

Hi, Tony

I just revisited this because the question just arose on the fop-dev mailing

I looked at 7.16.1 in the XSL spec, and it clearly says that <character>
there means the code point. Absolutely unambiguously it says _code point_. I
also said so above, originally. This is still a sticking point with me. A
code point, as stated in your own book, is the _integer value_ (however that
might be represented).

So how does this work? Is

<character character="3066"/>

legal? According to the XSL spec, you bet. I just repesented an integer as
an XSL <integer>

Disposition: Accepted (clarification)

Erratum, Section 5.11, definition of <character>:


valid in accordance with production [2] of XML. For example, "c" or "&#x2202;".

Erratum, Section 7.16.1:


Specifies the code point of the Unicode character to be presented.


Specifies the Unicode character to be presented.

Clarification please.

Arved Sandstrom

Comment 8 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0032.html

Message-ID: <3D8DE91B.92EE9944@isogen.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 11:00:27 -0500
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: FO: Requirements from Recent Customers/Prospects

ISOGEN has started doing a good bit of XSL FO development as well as
working with existing and potential customers on evaluating the
applicability of XSL FO to their existing documents. Out of this work
we've started to gather a list of requirements that cannot currently be
met with XSL 1.0. I reviewed the xsl-editors list back to Jan 2002 and
didn't see any of these mentioned (except for the indexing support), so
I thought I would list them here.

We are currently working with two main types of documents: technical
manuals (e.g., user guides, reference manuals, aircraft maintenance
manuals, etc.) and serials (STM journals, designed magazines, etc.). We
are also starting to do some work with traditional book publishers, but
so far haven't found any requirements there that we can't meet (although
I'm sure there are some).

In addition to the composition-related requirements outlined below, we
also have a general requirement for getting feedback from the pagination
stage back to the initial FO generation stage--if there was a standard
way to do this we could develop, for example, multi-pass processes that
could be conditioned on page layout results in a way that FO processes
cannot be today except through proprietary extensions. It would also
enable the development of, for example, loose-leaf publishing solutions.
It might be as simple as standardizing the serialized representation of
area trees or it might require the definition of some sort of
input-structure to result page mapping format.

Item 1

Technical Manuals

For technical manuals, the unmet requirements I've identified are:

Hard Requirements:

- Collapsing of sequences of page number citations to unique numbers
(same requirement submitted by David Pawson). Both XSL Formatter and XEP
provide extensions to do this now and the lack of it is the only barrier
to automatically producing back-of-the-book indexes with FO. Note that
this has to work even if each page-number-citation is contained within a
basic-link (the normal practice for generating linked PDFs).

- Page position-sensitive headers/footers for tables. For example, I
need to be able to generate headers like "Table 1 (cont.)" on 2nd and
subsequent pages of a multi-page table. This appears to be impossible in
XSL 1.0. I think this requirement could be met by allowing marker
references in table headers and footers, for example.

- "Revision bars". Must be able to generate marks that are positioned
relative to the position of inline areas and that have the same
block-progression- or inline-progression-direction extent as the inline
area. I think it would be sufficient for these to be generated within
the same region as the inline area, but the best solution would allow
the marks to be in one of the non-body regions. I believe all the FO
implementation vendors are developing or have developed proprietary
solutions to this requirement.


- Direct support for generating PDF links and annotations. I need to be
able to generate PDF bookmarks, in particular, but possibly other types
of annotations. While basic-link naturally translates to PDF link
annotations, there is no obvious way to generate bookmarks or other
annotations in a standard way. All the FO implementations provide
extensions to generate bookmarks, for example. There ought to be a way
to abstract and generalize the notion that PDF annotations represents.
For example, it might make sense to have a special region or flow type
that is used for these types of online features or there might be a way
to define the interpretation of existing online structures, I don't
know. But the lack of standardization in this area is a significant
barrier to practical interoperation because I think pretty much all uses
of FO will be used, in part, to generate PDFs intended for online
delivery. It also seems unlikely that an alternative page-based online
delivery format will be developed as an alternative to PDF any time soon
(seems more likely that PDF will be fully standardized, although I'm not
holding my breath for that either).

- Flowing of text around floated or absolutely-positioned areas. For
technical manuals this is a nice to have--nobody using an SGML-based
composition system can really do this today (except maybe with
Frame+SGML), so most don't do it, but you do run into some more heavily
designed manuals that are not currently SGML or XML based.  But this has
not been an issue for our technical manual clients or prospects so far.

Disposition: Future XSL version

This request for new functionality will be considered for a future (post 1.1) version of XSL.

Item 2

Designed Documents

Obviously, designed magazines (magazines with arbitrary page layouts
with lots of design elements) are the biggest challenge--they require
page layout functions that XSL 1.0 explicitly choose not to address (and
good thing to or we might never have seen a spec :-). However, we are
seeing two classes of designed magazines: those that require arbitrary
flows across disconnected areas and those that do not. For our current
serial-producing customer, a fairly typical STM
(scientific/technical/medical) publisher, their magazines fall into the
second category: each article or department is rendered as a single
contiguous page flow that could be rendered by FO "if only". This
suggests that there is a middle ground between the current FO area model
and a completely arbitrary flow-to-area model that would satisfy the
requirements of a large number of magazines without being too complex to
either define or implement. [This enterprise, a non-profit STM
publisher, already uses XML for its non-designed journals and wants to
use XML for its glossy magazines as well in order to, for example, lower
the cost of serving the magazine content in HTML and to resolve on a
single technology base for all its publications. They currently use DTP
tools to do glossy magazine layout and production.]

For these middle-ground serials, the unmet requirements that I've
identified so far are:

- Ability to flow text around rectangular floated or absolutely placed
areas. For example, I might have a two-column layout where the first
page has a graphic positioned in the middle of the page so that it
intrudes vertically into the two columns:

        |     |
 .----. | img | .----.
 |    | '-----' |    |
 |    '---. .---'    |
 |        | |        |

- More fine control of column filling and balancing. For example, I need
to be able to ballance two columns of a three-column layout but then do
something else in other (don't have an example to hand). My
understanding is that currently you can only balance across all the
columns of a region.

Given these two features, I think I could otherwise replicate serials of
these types, as long as all graphic elements are rectangular (that is,
no irregularly-shaped design elements around which text would be

For fully-designed magazines I would of course need the following
features (which I don't really expect XSL to step up to in the next
revision but I think it's worth capturing the requirements, because they
might end up being easier to do than it appears):

Hard Requirements:

- Ability to apply flows to arbitrarily-placed areas (e.g., articles
continued from page 4 to the page 55).

- Ability to flow text around arbitrarily shaped areas.


- Automation of layout and page tuning that is currently done largely by
hand. This is mostly copy fitting to make X amount of content fit within
a specific amount of space. For example, it would be ideal if one could
provide hints like "max-page-length='10'" on a block or block-container.
That, coupled with lower-level constraint hints, might make it possible
for a composition engine to do most or all of the layout tuning work.
Then, given an interactive FO-based composition tool (imagine Quark or
InDesign using an FO area tree under the covers) one could do the final
design tweaking, as one does today with these unstructured design tools.
I have no idea how practical or realistic such a vision is, but it seems
to me like it ought to be doable.

Disposition: Future XSL version

This request for new functionality will be considered for a future (post 1.1) version of XSL.


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@isogen.com
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

Comment 9 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0020.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 13:38:59 -0500
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
Subject: probable typo/bug in XSL spec in table display-align

Item 1

In Simple Table with Relative Column-width Specifications,
the example stylesheet and Fo result assign a value of "top" to
display-align [1].

However, the allowable values of display-align [2] do not include "top".
(The stylesheet, as written, would also pass through an invalid value
of "bottom".)

I believe this is a bug in the spec.  The correction is to fix the
stylesheet so that it explicitly converts values of top and bottom
(as it now does with middle) to appropriate values for display-align
and to correct the FO result accordingly.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

You are correct.

Erratum, Section


the xsl:otherwise element in the XSL stylesheet


        <xsl:when test="@valign='top'">
          <xsl:attribute name="display-align">before</xsl:attribute>
        <xsl:when test="@valign='bottom'">
          <xsl:attribute name="display-align">after</xsl:attribute>
          <xsl:attribute name="display-align">before</xsl:attribute>


the value "top" of the display-align property for the first table cell in the Result Instance




[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice6.html#section-N15447-Introduction
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice7.html#display-align

Comment 10 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0013.html

Message-ID: <3D9CBD2B.1020005@club-internet.fr>
From: Karen Lease <klease@club-internet.fr>
To: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
Cc: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Re: Regarding your comment about inline building  on xsl-editors

Item 1

In 7.16.3, the description of the "suppress-at-line-break" property
describes the behavior of "suppress" as:
If the glyph-area generated by the fo:character is first or last in a
line-building partition (see section [4.7.2 Line-building]) then it is
deleted rather than being placed in the area tree, together with all
adjacent areas with a suppress-at-line-break value of suppress.

Since this definition references 4.7.2, one would assume that
line-building partitions are defined there. In fact, this section does
discuss line-building and partitions, but it's not exactly clear to me
if a "line-building partition" is (a) a sequence of subsets Si, Si+1,
Si+m, which all consist of inline objects and which generate m+1
adjacent line areas, or (b) each subset Si consisting of inline areas.
I lean towards (a).

Concerning suppress-at-line-break, 4.7.2 says this (Item 5, bullet 2):
Deletions occur when a glyph-area which is last within a subset Si, has
a suppress-at-line-break value of suppress, provided that i < n and Bi+1
is a line-area. Deletions also occur when a glyph-area which is first
within a subset Si, has a suppress-at-line-break value of suppress,
provided that i > 1 and Bi-1 is a line-area.

To me, this clearly says that a leading space in the first line would
*not* be suppressed and neither would a trailing space in the last line.
Whereas the intuitive interpretation of 7.16.3 which we both seemed to
be using in my original "Item 3" question managed to get rid of these

About the only way I can think of to make these two sections less
contradictory is to use interpreation (b) above of line-building, i.e. a
line-building partition is a single subset Si containing inline areas
which all become the children of a single line-area. In general, leading
and trailing spaces (or other glyphs generated by fo:character objects
with suppress-at-line-break=suppress) are suppressed, except at the
beginning of the first line and the end of the last line, as those are
not formatter-generated line-breaks.

Would it be possible to clarify the correct relation between 7.16.3 and

As to avoiding the initial space in the first line, one shold use
<fo:block>XXX</fo:block> and not:

as any real XML editor would do with mixed content anyway.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

Your comment prompted a discussion within the FO Subgroup, highlighting an imperfect overlap between the Line-building section and the white-space-treatment and suppress-at-line-break properties.

We decided to move the processing of the white-space-treatment property into section 4.7.2 (Line-building) and to modify the properties slightly for greater flexibility going forward, and to rescind the erratum that created a new property relating to suppress-at-line-break, which is now unnecessary.

We did not find it necessary to move the processing of the white-space-collapse or linefeed-treatment properties.

The newly reworded 4.7.2 and the rewritten property definitions 7.15.8 and 7.16.3 [below] now clarify the relations of these properties to Line-building. Some whitespace handling happens in refinement and some happens in area generation, and this change moves some processing that was happening in refinement (processing of the white-space-treatment and suppress-at-line-break properties) into area generation (4.7.2 line-building).

We believe this is the best way to address the complexities of whitespace handling and allows for implementations and users to get all the control they need.

Erratum, Section 4.7.2:


the text of item 4


Forced line-breaks are respected. Specifically, if C is a descendant of F, and C is a fo:character whose Unicode character is U+000A, and A is the area generated by C, then either C is a child of F and A is the last area in a subset Si, or C is a descendant of a child C' of F, and A ends (in the sense of 4.2.5) an area A' returned by C', such that A' is the last area in a subset Si.


the text of item 5


The partition follows the ordering of the area tree, except for certain glyph substitutions and deletions. Specifically, if B1, B2, ..., Bp are the normal child areas of the area or areas returned by F, (ordered in the pre-order traversal order of the area tree), then there is a one-to-one correspondence between these child areas and the partition subsets (i.e. n = p), and for each i,

· Si consists of a single block-area and Bi is that block-area, or

· Si consists of inline-areas and Bi is a line-area whose child areas are the same as the inline-areas in Si, and in the same order, except that where the rules of the language and script in effect call for glyph-areas to be substituted, inserted, or deleted, then the substituted or inserted glyph-areas appear in the area tree in the corresponding place, and the deleted glyph-areas do not appear in the area tree. For example, insertions and substitutions may occur because of addition of hyphens or spelling changes due to hyphenation, or glyph image construction from syllabification, or ligature formation. Deletions occur as specified in (6.), below.


item 6

white-space-treatment is enforced. In particular, deletions in (5.) occur when there is a glyph area G such that

(a.) the white-space-treatment of G is "ignore" and the character of G is classified as white space in XML; or

(b.) the white-space-treatment of G is "ignore-if-before-linefeed" or "ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed", the suppress-at-line-break of G is "suppress", and G would end a line-area; or

(c.) the white-space-treatment of G is "ignore-if-after-linefeed" or "ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed", the suppress-at-line-break of G is "suppress", and G would begin a line-area.

In these cases the area G is deleted; this may cause the condition in clauses (b.) or (c.) to become true and lead to further deletions.

Erratum, Section 7.15.8:


the definitions of the property values



Any glyph-area whose Unicode character is classified as white space in XML, except for U+000A, shall be deleted during line-building and inline-building (see 4.1.6 and 4.2.6).


Any glyph-area whose Unicode character is classified as white space in XML shall not be deleted during line-building and inline-building.


Any glyph-area with a suppress-at-line-break value of 'suppress' shall be deleted during line-building and inline-building if it would be the last glyph-area descendant of a line-area.


Any glyph-area with a suppress-at-line-break value of 'suppress' shall be deleted during line-building and inline-building if it would be the first glyph-area descendant of a line-area.


Any glyph-area with a suppress-at-line-break value of 'suppress' shall be deleted during line-building and inline-building if it would be the first or last glyph-area descendant of a line-area.

Erratum, Section 7.16.3:


the definition of the "suppress" value


The glyph area generated by the fo:character is eligible to be suppressed at the start or end of a line-area depending on the white-space-treatement property. (q.v.)


the definition of the "retain" value


The glyph area generated by the fo:character shall be placed in the area tree whether or not it first or last in a line-area.

Karen Lease
SPX Valley Forge/FOP

Comment 11 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0014.html

Message-ID: <3DA03D1B.9020905@multiconn.com>
Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2002 15:39:39 +0200
From: Oleg Tkachenko <olegt@multiconn.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: rl-alternating-lr-tb writing mode (kind of boustrophedon style)

Hello !

Item 1

Am I right that xsl 1.0 doesn't support rl-alternating-lr writing modes?
Such scripts did exist, I found references to ancient Hungarian runes and
ancient Hawaiian.
It's not a real use case though, I'm just curious if lr-alternating-rl-tb is
allowed as additional writing-mode value, why rl-alternating-lr-tb is not?

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

You are correct that rl-alternating-lr writing mode is not one of the supported writing modes is XSL. We have restriced these to those where there is clear evidence of use for a script. For ancient Hungarian runes the evidence is contradictory and the most trustworthy source (ISO committee working on character coding) indicates that the report of rl-alternating-lr writing mode is erroneous. For ancient Hawaiian there is only one source claiming the use of this writing mode; other authors found discussing ancient Hawaiian do not mention it.

The XSL WG is, of course, open to add additional writing modes if new and strong evidence is presented for actual usage.

For the record:

Old Hungarian Runes:

http://std.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc2/wg2/docs/n1758.pdf: Old Hungarian can be written either RTL or LTR; in earlier times RTL predominated.

http://www.omniglot.com/writing/hungarian_runes.htm: Hungarian Runes were usually written on sticks in boustrophedon style (alternating direction right to left then left to right).

http://fang.fa.gau.hu/~heves/runic.html: Typically, writers held a small piece of wood in their left-hand, and carved the letters by their right one. Consequently, the direction of the writing was from right to left. When they reached the end of the stick, they turned it around, so the next line comes "upside-down" compared to the first one.

Scandinavian Rune inscriptions on stone also tended to follow the outline of the stone or placed in other geometric patterns. Frequently the letters were placed on the body of a long dragon. "Regular" texts, however, were writen lr-tb (one example is the stone at Rök). This can be considered the real writing mode and the others a "graphic arts" effect, similar to the one described for writing Hungarian Runes on a stick.

For Hawaiian Oleg clarifies:

Well, now I realized the site where I had read [http://www.k12.hi.us/~lwilson/AAH/Invention13.html] it is the only place on the net (google's cache []).

The only interesting part is at footnote #294:

"294. In the Modern Hawaiian language Rs and Ts have been transposed intoLs and Ks. This was accomplished by Boston missionaries who arrived in the Hawaiian Islands early in the nineteenth century, and were the first to compose Modern Hawaiian dictionaries. These missionaries noted that when they taught the Islanders to read and write in the English language, although they learned it readily, they persisted in writing alternating lines from right to left, and then from left to right, or in other words, boustrophedon, a technique of writing commonly used in Ancient times. For further discussion of the prospects of Ancient Hawaiian literacy, see: W.A. Kinney, Hawaii's Capacity for Self-Government All But Destroyed (Salt Lake City, Utah: Frank L. Jensen, Publisher, 1927), pp. 13-86, 88, 98, 105, 174, and 201."

Actually I should admit it could be an error and they really wrote ltr/rtl as most boustrophedon scripts, unfortunately there are too few information.

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn International, Israel

Comment 12 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0023.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 09:03:40 -0500
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
Cc: <e.bischoff@noos.fr>
Subject: <shape> datatype for clip


I am hereby forwarding your comment on the XSL spec to
the appropriate comments list for consideration by the WG.


>From: =?utf-8?q?=C3=89ric=20Bischoff?= <e.bischoff@noos.fr>
>To: <www-xsl-fo@w3.org>
>Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 12:16:07 +0200
>Subject: Re: xsl-fo first anniversary

Item 1

>2 - A small mistake in the spec: in section 7.20.1, the "clip" property uses
>the <shape> datatype. The <shape> datatype is not defined in section 5.11
>"property datatypes".

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

Erratum, Section 5.11:


a definition for the following datatype:


"rect (" <top> <right> <bottom> <left> ")" where <top>, <bottom> <right>, and <left> specify offsets from the respective sides of the content rectangle of the area.

<top>, <right>, <bottom>, and <left> may either have a <length> value or 'auto'. Negative lengths are permitted. The value 'auto' means that a given edge of the clipping region will be the same as the edge of the content rectangle of the area (i.e., 'auto' means the same as '0pt'.)

Comment 13 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0024.html

Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 12:03:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Eric Bischoff <e.bischoff@noos.fr>
To: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>, xsl-editors@w3.org
Message-Id: <200210181804.24068.e.bischoff@noos.fr>
Subject: Re: <shape> datatype for clip

Le Friday 18 October 2002 16:03, Paul Grosso a 飲it:
> Eric,
> I am hereby forwarding your comment on the XSL spec to
> the appropriate comments list for consideration by the WG.

Thanks Paul.

Another one that keeps bugging me :


Item 1

The BNC production for a function call (section 5.9.4) is :

	[3]   FunctionCall   ::=
	FunctionName '(' ( Argument ( ',' Argument)*)? ')'

as you can see, it does not mention any whitespace, neither directly nor
indirectly through FunctionName and Argument productions.

At the same time, in section 5.9.11, it is said that

	If the character following an NCName (possibly after intervening
	ExprWhitespace) is "(", then the token must be recognized as FunctionName.

which explicitly says one could find white space. This is contradictory.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

This is not a contradiction. Section 5.9.11 says the same thing as the XPath spec says reading white space being allowed before or after a token.


Linux produces remarkedly less hot air than Windows: under
Windows, the processor gets hot after just a few minutes.

Comment 14 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0029.html

Message-ID: <3DB809F9.5080101@isogen.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:55:53 -0500
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: basic-link missing from %block;

I've been experimenting with using basic link around blocks overlayed on
graphics to implement hot spots (works with XSL Formatter--XEP currently
doesn't fully implement absolute positioning of blocks, but should
otherwise work there too. Haven't tried with Epic yet).

Item 1

I noticed that %block; does not include basic-link but basic-link allows
block. This suggests that basic-link should be allowed where ever block
is allowed. There is already an explicit constraint that basic-link
cannot contain blocks when it occurs in an inline-only context and
visa-versa, so I don't think that allowing basic-link in %block; will
open up any potential ambiguity of allowed combinations of elements.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

fo:basic-link generates one or more normal inline-areas (see 6.9.2). It should thus not be part of the list of FOs in %block; that lists those that generate block-areas. To use fo:basic-link as a block-level object it needs to be wrapped in an fo:block - (see note in 6.9.2).


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@isogen.com
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

Comment 15 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0031.html

Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 12:10:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Eric Bischoff <e.bischoff@noos.fr>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Message-Id: <200210251811.02638.e.bischoff@noos.fr>
Subject: Fwd: Re: XSL Errata document updated

Le Friday 25 October 2002 17:38, Max Froumentin a 飲it:
> These errata are mostly the result of comments sent to
> the public xsl-editors comment list (archived at
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/ ).
> Paul Grosso
> for the XSL FO Subgroup of the XSL WG


Item 1

Isn't there an error in the errata ;-) ?


fo: element and attribute tree: <fo:external-graphic src="TH0317A.jpg"/>


<fo:external-graphic src="'url(TH0317A.jpg)'"/>

Are you sure it's not rather:

<fo:external-graphic src="url('TH0317A.jpg')"/>

? (look at the position of the single quotes)

Reference: Section 5-11 Property datatypes:


A sequence of characters that is "url(", followed by optional white space,
followed by an optional single quote (') or double quote (") character,
followed by a URI reference as defined in [RFC2396], followed by an
optional single quote (') or double quote (") character, followed by
optional white space, followed by ")". The two quote characters must be the
same and must both be present or absent. If the URI reference contains a
single quote, the two quote characters must be present and be double

It means "url('string')" and not "'url(string)'".

Same for all other mentions of url( ) in the errata.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

No the erratum is correct. The quotes around the "string" are optional and have been left out in the example. The enclosing single quotes ensure that the value is interpreted as a string literal by the expression language. Note that "url" is not a function, but a piece of syntax borrowed from CSS2.

- Linux produces remarkedly less hot air than Windows: under
Windows, the processor gets hot after just a few minutes...
- Yes, but it never stays on long enough to burn out!

Comment 16 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0035.html

Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 15:31:16 +0900
From: MURAKAMI Shinyu <murakami@nadita.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Message-Id: <20021026152955.3D1C.MURAKAMI@nadita.com>
Subject: "clear" property applies to

Item 1

I believe the "clear" property must apply to not only fo:float but also all
block-level FOs -- fo:block, fo:block-container, fo:table-and-caption,
fo:table, and fo:list-block, but only fo:float has this property in the
list "The following properties apply to this formatting object".

Is this an error of the spec?

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

Yes, the text of 7.18.1 (XSL modification) is correctly stating that it applies to the block-level formatting objects.

Erratum, Section 6.5.2:


the "clear" property to the list of properties that apply.

Erratum, Section 6.5.3:


the "clear" property to the list of properties that apply.

Erratum, Section 6.7.2:


the "clear" property to the list of properties that apply.

Erratum, Section 6.7.3:


the "clear" property to the list of properties that apply.

Erratum, Section 6.8.2:


the "clear" property to the list of properties that apply.

Shinyu Murakami
Antenna House XSL Formatter team

Comment 18 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0037.html

Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 15:48:21 +0900
From: MURAKAMI Shinyu <murakami@nadita.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Message-Id: <20021026153350.3D21.MURAKAMI@nadita.com>
Subject: normal-sequence-reference-areas

Item 1

In section 6.4.5 "fo:page-sequence",
the term "normal-sequence-reference-areas" should be replaced with
"normal-flow-reference-areas" which is used in other places in the spec.

Disposition: Accepted (editorial)

Yes it should.

Erratum, Section 6.4.5:


"normal-sequence-reference-areas" in the first paragraph in "Areas:"



Shinyu Murakami
Antenna House XSL Formatter team

Comment 20 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0046.html

Message-ID: <3DC3C6F0.3070406@isogen.com>
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2002 06:37:04 -0600
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Margins and Block Geometry

Item 1

I'm trying to get a full understanding of block geometry and I think
I've pretty much got it now but I must report that the initial
discussion of block geometry in section 4.4.1, which I found to be
pretty clear, is then completely thrown out the window by the discussion
of margins in 5.3.2, in that the effect of margin specifications, which
are not mentioned *before* 5.3.2, seemingly contradicts 4.4.1 in that
4.4.1 says that the rectangles of a block are relative to (and only to)
the content rectangle of the containing reference area. And by
implication, are always *inside* of the containing reference area's
content rectangle given positive or zero values for border, padding, and

That is, given the information in 4.4.1 and this markup:

             border-start-color="rgb(200, 100, 0)"

I would except to see that the inner block's 4pt orange border is
adjacent to and inside of the block container's red border.

But in fact, the orange border is rendered 12 pts to the left (toward
the page's start edge) from the red border of the containing area!


The reason, of course, is that I haven't specified either
margin-left="0pt" or start-indent="12pt" (border width + padding). But
nothing in 4.4.1 suggested I would need to do so. Hmph.

It is only in section 5.3.2, in the discussion of margins, that it
becomes clearer why (although the motivation for margins being defined
*at all* is not provided in 5.3.2, or anywhere that I can find other
than for CSS compatibility). That is, this statement:

"If the corresponding absolute margin property is not explicitly
specified, or if the corresponding relative property is specified on the
formatting object and the absolute property only specified by the
expansion of a shorthand, the corresponding absolute margin property is
calculated according to the following formulae:

margin-corresponding = start-indent - inherited_value_of(start-indent)
- padding-corresponding - border-corresponding-width"

Does explain the behavior, but the justification for this formula is not
provided anywhere I can find.

Given that I can't see any value in margins on blocks *at all* (I have
all the control I need from the space, indent, and padding properties)
and don't have any CSS legacy of any kind (conceptual or data) I would
prefer that the margins be limited strictly to page areas, but that's of
course not an option given that the spec is published. [And as a
standards writer myself, I fully understand the need to maintain
compatability with other specs even when you'd rather not have to.]

However, it would be very helpful if 4.4.1 included a discussion of the
effect of non-zero explicit or implicit margin values, as well as the
fact that space-* is overridden by a larger *-indent value--it would, I
think, make things a bit clearer. That is, the statements in 4.4.1 hold
true if and only if margin-*="0pt". As the picture in 4.4.1 stands, it's
unspecified at that point what the effect of having a start-indent
greater than the sum of the space-before, border width, and padding is,
but I expected (for some reason, not sure why) that the extra space
woudl be added to the padding, not the space-* (but the actual behavior
is just as reasonable and probably closer to the normally expected result).

It would also be helpful if 5.3.2 at least provided some motivation for
the inclusion of margin properties or at least say why they have the
counter-intuitive effect of pulling the border and padding rectangles
outside of the content rectangles of their blocks' containing reference

I assume that the motivation is so that the default effect is for the
content rectangle of the contained block to be the same as the content
rectangle of the containing area, but I don't see the value in making
that the default behavior. What am I missing?

Disposition: Accepted (clarification)

Some clarifying text will be added.

Erratum, Section 4.4.1:


a paragraph to the note below the first figure:

See also section 5.3.2 for how the margin properties affect the indents.


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@isogen.com
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

Comment 21 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0047.html

Message-ID: <3DC5A18D.4010402@isogen.com>
Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2002 16:22:05 -0600
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: How is Binding Edge Determined?

Item 1

I noticed that text-align defines "outside" and "inside" in terms of the
  "binding edge". However, I couldn't find any reference to "binding" or
"bound" or "bind" outside of the discussion of text-align. Thus my
question: how is the binding edge defined or determined? That is, I
might have a normally oriented page (before is top) that is top-bound or
I might, for some bizare reason, bind a left-to-right document on the right.

Have I missed something?

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

No the specification needs to say that the user agent determines this edge (in an arbitrary way).

Erratum, Section 6.4.5:


a paragraph to the "Areas" section:

The page-viewport-areas identify one of the sides as a page binding edge. This recommendation does not specify the mechanism for selecting which side is the page binding edge.


If the User Agent can determine that the result is to be bound, then the page binding edge of any given page is the edge on which that page is intended to be bound.

Commonly the page binding edge of a page with an odd ordinal is the start-edge of that page and the binding-edge of a page with an even ordinal is the end-edge of that page.

The binding can be a simple as stapling or may be as complex as producing a book using an imposition scheme.


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@isogen.com
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

Comment 22 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0048.html

Message-ID: <3DC66DF9.38D699E1@rcc.ch>
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 13:54:17 +0100
From: Heinz Grimm <grimm.heinz@rcc.ch>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: fo:table, fo:table-row, Proposal for support of "big tables"

We tried to use XSL-FO to create database reports. The biggest
problem was, that big tables are not supported by XSL-FO. Big
table means a table that has more rows and columns as can be
rendered on a single page. Appended is a proposal to extend the specs
of fo:table and fo:table-row to support big tables.

I am new to this list. As I understand this list intended to
submit proposals for XSL-FO 2.0 specs. Is there a web site,
where I can look what changes to XSL-FO 1.0 are already planned
or accepted?

Thank you,
Heinz Grimm

Item 1

Proposal for support of "big tables"

New values for property overflow:

next_row    start on next page with table-header and continue
            table with next row. Start eachn row with a row
            header(see sample (b))
next_column start on next page with table_header and continue
            table with next column. Start each row with a row
            header (see sample (a))

fo:table-row (fo:table-row-header?,fo:table-cell+)
New formating object fo:table-row-header
Similar to fo:table-header, preceeds each row of a table,
is repeated if a table is wider than one page (see on-overflow)

Sample output (a):

<fo:table overflow="next_column">

page 1

   | C1 | C2 | C3 |
R1 | 1  | 2  |  3 |
R2 | 11 | 12 |  13|
R3 | 21 | 22 |  23|

page 2

   | C4 | C5 | C6 |
R1 | 4  | 5  |  6 |
R2 | 14 | 15 |  16|
R3 | 24 | 25 |  26|

page 3

   | C1 | C2 | C3 |
R4 | 31 | 32 |  33|
R5 | 41 | 42 |  43|
R6 | 51 | 52 |  53|

page 4

   | C4 | C5 | C6 |
R4 | 34 | 35 | 36 |
R5 | 44 | 45 | 46 |
R6 | 54 | 55 | 56 |

Sample output (b):

<fo:table overflow="next_row">

page 1

   | C1 | C2 | C3 |
R1 | 1  | 2  |  3 |
R2 | 11 | 12 |  13|
R3 | 21 | 22 |  23|

page 2

   | C1 | C2 | C3 |
R4 | 31 | 32 |  33|
R5 | 41 | 42 |  43|
R6 | 51 | 52 |  53|

page 3

   | C4 | C5 | C6 |
R1 | 4  | 5  |  6 |
R2 | 14 | 15 |  16|
R3 | 24 | 25 |  26|

page 4

   | C4 | C5 | C6 |
R4 | 34 | 35 | 36 |
R5 | 44 | 45 | 46 |
R6 | 54 | 55 | 56 |

Disposition: Future XSL version

This request for new functionality will be considered for a future (post 1.1) version of XSL.

Comment 24 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0051.html

Message-ID: <3DC7F532.7060405@isogen.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 10:43:30 -0600
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Tables Don't Respect Reference Orientation--why?

Item 1

I notice that the spec says that only writing mode determines the cell
and row progression order. I'm wondering why this is--I can't
immediately think of any reason that tables shouldn't be rotatable just
as any other reference area is--that is, the interaction of writing-mode
with reference-orientation seems no more complex in a table context than
in a multi-column page context, for example.

Have I missed some hidden complexity?

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

Tables are NOT reference areas, which is why reference-orientation does not apply.


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@isogen.com
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

Comment 25 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0052.html

Message-ID: <3DC80BEA.7040106@isogen.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 12:20:26 -0600
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Table Rotation Continued

Item 1

Am I correct in my analysis that the reason that reference-orientation
is not provided on table cell is that the calculation of the block and
inline dimensions would just be too freaky when applying auto layout?

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

There are many other things that would get quite complex if reference-orientation would apply to table cells; for example border identification. To wrap the cell content in an fo:block-container for the cases where a rotation is required seems to be a simpler and more "orthogonal funtionality" design.


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@isogen.com
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

Comment 26 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0058.html

Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 07:28:18 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org>
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com>
Cc: Support at Antenna House <support@antennahouse.com>
Subject: XSL 1.0 - Section 2.2 XSL Namespace

Dear XSL Editors,

Item 1

Section 2.2 of XSL 1.0 states "Implementors must not extend the XSL
namespace with additional elements or attributes. Instead, any extension
must be in a separate namespace."

It is unclear if extensions are allowed to be in "no namespace", i.e. using
an unprefixed element type name with no default namespace in scope.  Such
elements are distinguished from XSL elements, but are not in a specific
namespace as might be implied by the second sentence of the quote.

Therefore, is it an error for an XSL document to have any elements in no
namespace, or is such an element merely considered to be an extension?

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

The XSL WG does not consider it unclear; an element or attribute in "no namespace" is not an allowed extension element or attribute. A further sentence will be added to make is absolutely clear.

Erratum, Section 2.2:


the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph after the first note:

The expanded-name of extension elements must have a non-null namespace URI.

Thank you!

.................. Ken

Upcoming hands-on in-depth XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO:
-                             North America:  Feb 3 - Feb 7,2003

G. Ken Holman               mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.        http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/m/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0  +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                     Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 0-13-140374-5                             Definitive XSL-FO
ISBN 1-894049-08-X Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-10-1             Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO
Next conference training:                    2002-12-08,03-03,06

Comment 27 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0059.html

Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 21:26:44 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <42B972A09F7ED61194A00002A513258201DB036B@n1024smx.nt.schwab.com>
From: "Gupta, Deepak" <Deepak.Gupta@schwab.com>
To: "'xsl-editors@w3.org'" <xsl-editors@w3.org>
Cc: "'gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com'" <gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com>
Subject: Proposal for suspending page numbering

Item 1

I believe there is a need for functionality to temporarily suspend the FO
page counter, so that a book can be generated with chapter title pages that
do not have a page number.

I suggest the following syntax :-

 <fo:page-sequence master-name="title" page-count="suspend">

 <fo:page-sequence master-name="section" page-count="resume">

Please let me know if you require clarification & also whether this feature
will be considered for the XSL-FO 2.0 specification.

Disposition: Future XSL version

Clarification from editor's list: he wants to omit certain pages from being included in the numbering sequence (not just omitting the display of the number on particular pages).

The proposed design is bad as it implies serial processing. A better approach would be eg "include-page-in-numbering-sequence='no'".

While it might make sense to have a property that suspends page counting on an fo:page-sequence, there are enough edge cases and issues to address that we don't think this is something for XSL 1.1. We will re-evaluate the need for this for XSL 2.0.

Thanks to Ken Holman for recommending that I contact the XSL Working Group.



Comment 28 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0060.html

Message-ID: <3DDBC0CE.1070806@multiconn.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 19:05:18 +0200
From: Oleg Tkachenko <olegt@multiconn.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Extension functions in xsl-fo


Item 1

Are extension functions allowed in xsl-fo expressions? The Recommendation says
nothing about it and taking into account the fact that FunctionName
production[1] is NCName, one may conclude that extension functions (in form we
all used to in XPath) are not allowed.
But on the other hand the Recommendation defines *Core* Function Library and
one may conclude that noncore functions might exist too.
Please, shed some light upon the issue.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

In XSL 1.0 extension functions are not allowed in "xsl-fo" expressions. The existing functions are called "core", since they are very basic functions and more specialized ones added in future versions of XSL (at non-basic conformance levels) would not be included under that label.

Extension functions may be considered in a future version of XSL, but would also need a mechanism, similar to the XSLT "function-available", so portable stylesheets could be written.

The XSL WG invites you to come with usecases demonstrating what kind of extension functions you are thinking about. For a version of XSL that supports "layout driven" formatting it is clear that additional functions to eg refer to dimensions of formatted result will be needed; these should not be part of an extension set.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice5.html#NT-FunctionName
Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Comment 29 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0063.html

Message-ID: <3DE22ABA.5050204@isogen.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 07:50:50 -0600
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Request clarification of true intent for simple-page-master content  model

Item 1

The content model for simple-page-master is a sequence group. However,
there is no practical reason for it to not to be an AND group--there is
no interdependency among the page region declarations and therefore
there's no practical benefit to requiring a particular order of
specification. This is the only sequence group in the spec that has this
quality--all other sequence groups reflect practical ordering dependencies.

At the moment no known FO implementation enforces the content model
constraints for simple-page-master and XEP's validator does not complain
if it is not followed.

I'm wondering if my supposition that the Editors really did intend this
to be an AND group in practice is correct and, if so, it would be
possible to clarify this intent with a note to that effect. It would, I
think, eliminate the possibility of annoying (but not tragic) Simon Says
behavior on the part of some implementation that takes a pedantic stance
on validation.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

The "content models" aim to be as close to content models in XML DTDs as possible; thus no "and" groups.

The XSL Recommendation defines the correct order. However, given that the Recommendation doesn't say anything specific about what to do when encountering the incorrect order, in that case an implementation may (but need not) signal an error and recover in any way. (The way some implementations currently "recover" is reasonable.)


W. Eliot Kimber, eliot@isogen.com
Consultant, ISOGEN International

1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139

Comment 30 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002JulSep/0005.html

To: Dave Pawson <daveP@dpawson.freeserve.co.uk>
Cc: "Arved Sandstrom" <asandstrom@accesswave.ca>, <www-xsl-fo@w3.org>, xsl-editors@w3.org>
From: Max Froumentin <mf@w3.org>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:41:07 +0200
Message-ID: <86elebapjg.fsf@sophia.inria.fr>
Subject: Re: [Moderator Action] RE: block width="2in"

Item 1

Dave Pawson <daveP@dpawson.freeserve.co.uk> writes:

>>In the case of 'block' none of the height/width/*-progression-dimension
>>properties apply (Section 6.5.2).
> Yep. Noted.
>> If they did then we'd see them explicitly
>>mentioned, as we do for 'block-container' (Section 6.5.3). If we can't count
>>on at least this much in the spec then we may as well all pack up and go

I'm not sure how to parse the above sentence.

"this much" == "the fact that height/width/*-progression-dimension do
not apply to block'


"this much" == "the fact that if they did the spec would mention them


> So the 'applies to all' statement on the property is false?

width: Applies to: all elements but non-replaced inline elements,
table-rows, and row groups

height: Applies to: all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups

block-progression-dimension: Applies to: see prose [no fo:block mentioned]
inline-progression-dimension: Applies to: see prose [no fo:block mentioned]

> Some contradiction?

The boxes describing width and height are copied straight out of CSS2,
so I agree that it looks like a contradiction, but my opinion is that
the list of properties that apply to an FO takes precedence over the text
in the boxes.

> Max? Anyone else from the working group listening?
> Arbitration please.

This is my opinion, not the working group's.

> I'm going with 7.14.12 as the contra position.

I am not. For 'width' and 'height', below the box, it says [[XSL
modifications to the CSS definition: In XSL, this property is mapped
to either "inline-progression-dimension" or

For those two properties there is no contradiction, as 7.14.1 says
"This property specifies the block-progression-dimension of the
content-rectangle for each area generated by this formatting object."

This doesn't specify which FO the property applies to so we can take
from the listed properties for fo:block that it doesn't apply.

Disposition: Accepted (clarification)

Clarifying text will be added.

Erratum, Section 7.2:


at the end of the first paragraph:

The normative "applies to" information in XSL is given with the formatting objects instead of with the formatting properties.


Comment 31 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0066.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 16:55:54 -0600
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
Subject: use of body-start() outside lists

Item 1

The XSL spec says [1]:

  Function: numeric body-start()

     The body-start function returns the calculated body-start
     value for lists. See the definition in [7.28.4


     When this function is used outside of a list, it still
     returns a calculated value as specified.

However, the defn at [2] says:

     body-start() = the value of the start-indent + start-intrusion-adjustment
     + the value of the provisional-distance-between-starts of the
     closest ancestor fo:list-block.

If the defn of body-start() refers to the value of the
provisional-distance-between-starts of the closest ancestor
fo:list-block, then how could it "still return a calculated
value as specified" when used outside of a list?  And what
is the point of doing such?

It seems to me that the NOTE in [1] should be deleted.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

Erratum, 5.10.4:


the note in the definition of the body-start() function

Erratum, 7.28.3:


after the current text a new paragraph:

If there is no ancestral fo:list-block, the value used for the provisional-label-separation and provisional-distance-between-starts in the above formula shall be equal to inherited-property-value(provisional-label-separation) and inherited-property-value(provisional-distance-between-starts) respectively of the FO in which the body-start() function is evaluated.

Erratum, 7.28.4:


after the current text a new paragraph:

If there is no ancestral fo:list-block, the value used for the provisional-distance-between-starts in the above formula shall be equal to inherited-property-value(provisional-distance-between-starts) of the FO in which the body-start() function is evaluated.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice5.html#section-N8624-Property-Value-Functions
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice7.html#provisional-distance-between-starts

Comment 32 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0073.html

Message-ID: <3DF8B215.3000509@multiconn.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 17:58:13 +0200
From: Oleg Tkachenko <olegt@multiconn.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: 5.8. Unicode BIDI Processing


Small comments about 5.8. Unicode BIDI Processing[1]:

Item 1

1. 5-th paragraph: The definition of when text reordering step is done is a
little bit confusing - it's stated that
"First, the final, text reordering step is not done during refinement.
Instead, the XSL equivalent of re-ordering is done during formatting."
But "refinement" itself is defined as "second phase in formatting" in 1.1.2.

Disposition: Accepted (clarification)

"formatting" should be replaced with "area tree generation" to make it clear during which phase of "foratting" this takes place.

Erratum, Section 5.8:


"formatting" in the third sentence of the 5th paragraph


area tree generation

Item 2

2. A typo in the same paragraph: "...properties that were either specified on
inline formatting objects generated by tree construction or are are on inline
formatting objects...".

Disposition: Accepted (editorial)

Erratum, Section 5.8:


"are are" in the last sentence of paragraph 5



Item 4

4. Last Note mentions "Key property", which is not defined in the Recommendation.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

That part of the sentence should be deleted.

Erratum, Section 5.8:


in the last Note: "or Key property"

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice5.html#section-N6720-Unicode-BIDI-Processing
Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Comment 33 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2002OctDec/0074.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:14:06 -0800
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Stephen Deach <sdeach@adobe.com>
Cc: chris@w3.org
Subject: z-index property

Item 1

Are items with z-index="0" is drawn in-front or behind those with z-index="1".

XSL-1.0 cites the CSS-2 spec, but I can't find clarification in CSS-2.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

An item with a z-index=1 is drawn on top of (and thus obscures) another item with a z-index=0.

XSL 1.0 has a section explicitly describing how areas are rendered (Section 4.9, "Rendering model"). For this issue, consult subsection 4.9.6, "Layering and Conflict of Marks".

Item 2

Also, is there an implied drawing order if 2 items with the same z-index
overlap? or may they be drawn in any order. (Many existing formatters do
this in differing orders, it may be hard to enforce, but might be useful to
suggest an ordering.)

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

The last paragraph of that subsection 4.9.6 implies that this is a (recoverable) error, with recovery by drawing the marks from the first area (in the pre-order traversal order) beneath those of the other area.

---Steve Deach

Comment 34 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0005.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 07:13:12 -0500
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org>
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com>
Cc: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Spanned cells pending beyond the row group

At 2003-01-21 14:48 -0600, Paul Grosso wrote:
>Do I have your permission to forward a copy of Nikolai's email
>to the public xsl-editors comments list so that we have a public
>record of this issue?

Paul (and others on the XSL Editors list),

You have my blanket permission to quote any of my messages on XSL Editors
if you think it will help forward discussions.  Waiting for me to reference
any particular issue may delay your work.  CC'ing me will help me know that
it has been done, but you don't have to wait if you think it will help.

>[Alternatively, feel free to send something yourself to xsl-editors
>about this.]

Item 1

In a very large UBL-related stylesheet laying out a paper form on a 33x17
grid, I spanned rows without heed of table-body boundaries.  I assumed that
multiple table bodies were merely "syntactic" methods of using different
row-grouping strategies at different stages of table body building, but
that regardless of which method to *specify* the cell contents, the spanned
rows from cells in higher rows worked in the table as a whole, not limited
to the table body in which the spanning was done.

In my example, the left-most column spanned all 33 rows because it had some
marginalia rotated at 90 degrees, and the top-most row spanned the
remainder of the 32 columns because it had title information.  This left 16
columns by 32 rows to lay out the fields of the form.  I needed different
row-groups because of the logistics of the source data, so I wrote three
table-body constructs, one for the top 12 rows, another for the middle 8
rows, and the third for the bottom 12 rows.

My intuition was that table-body constructs where merely mechanisms for
expressing the contents of cells, the choice available based on the
algorithms of the stylesheets, but that the table-body boundaries were
"invisible" to the user, and essentially "invisible" to me the stylesheet
writer.  My 33-row span of my marginalia was specified in the first
table-body and the other table-bodies respected that because the first
table-body had sufficiently accommodated the first column of each of the rows.

My stylesheet was certainly a lot easier doing it the first way ... to find
common behaviour between the two implementations I had to nest a table in a
table, where the outside table has the marginalia and the title, and the
inside table is the 32x16 grid that I need for the form.

I can see any of Nikolai's three interpretations as being acceptable,
though it was more work and less intuitive to me to have to accommodate
table-body borders at all.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec)

Such a specification is an error.

Erratum, Section 6.7.3:


the last paragraph and the last note under "Constraints"


It is an error if two table-cells overlap or if a table-cell would extend beyond the current table row group (i.e., the current table-body, table-header, or table-footer).


Such overlap could be due to the same column-number being assigned to two different cells in the same row, or due to column or row spanning causing an overlap. A table-cell might extend beyond the current table row group by having a number-columns-spanned or number-rows-spanned value that is larger than the remaining number of columns or rows in the spanned direction.

Nikolai's post cited by Paul continues below.

Good luck with this one!

.......................... Ken

> >From: "Nikolai Grigoriev" <grig@renderx.com>
> >To: <w3c-xsl-fo-sg@w3.org>
> >Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 01:32:05 +0300
> >Subject: Spanned cells pending beyond the row group
> >X-Archived-At: http://www.w3.org/mid/01a301c2c0d3$c84dce90$7f01000a@grig
> >
> >Hello,
> >
> >in a private mail, Ken Holman signalled one more FO-related issue.
> >
> >Situation: a fo:table-cell with @number-rows-spanned
> >extends below the last fo:table-row element in a row group,
> >like in the example below:
> >
> >        <fo:table-body id="body1">
> >          <fo:table-row height="2in">
> >            <fo:table-cell><fo:block>A1</fo:block></fo:table-cell>
> >            <fo:table-cell number-rows-spanned="2">
> >                <fo:block>A2</fo:block>
> >            </fo:table-cell>
> >          </fo:table-row>
> >        </fo:table-body>
> >
> >        <fo:table-body id="body2">
> >          <fo:table-row height="2in">
> >            <fo:table-cell><fo:block>B1</fo:block></fo:table-cell>
> >          </fo:table-row>
> >        </fo:table-body>
> >      </fo:table>
> >
> >How should a formatter behave? Ken Holman could not find
> >an answer in the spec, and neither could I. Alternatives
> >known to me (and implementations using them):
> >
> >1. Let cells leak into the next row-group (Antenna House);
> >
> >2. Pad the row group with empty fo:table-rows (RenderX);
> >
> >3. Reduce @number-rows-spanned at the offending cells
> >so that the cell fits completely into the existing rows.
> >This is inspired by the following quote in CSS2
> >[17.5 Visual layout of table contents]:
> >
> >CSS>  6. A cell box cannot extend beyond the last
> >CSS>  row box of a table or row-group; the user agents
> >CSS>  must shorten it until it fits.
> >
> >Personally, I an inclined to prefer the third, CSS2-style option:
> >in this case, we have a better alignment with HTML table model.
> >IE6 and Opera 7 use this method (though Opera 6 does not).
> >
> >Whichever option we choose, it looks reasonable to put a notice
> >to [6.7.10. fo:table-cell] or [7.26.14. "number-rows-spanned"]
> >(or both).
> >
> >Best regards,
> >Nikolai Grigoriev
> >RenderX

Upcoming hands-on in-depth   Europe:         February 17-21, 2003
XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO     North America:      June 16-20, 2003

G. Ken Holman                mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.         http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0   +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                      Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 0-13-140374-5                              Definitive XSL-FO
ISBN 1-894049-08-X  Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-10-1              Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO
Male Breast Cancer Awareness http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/bc

Comment 35 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0007.html

Message-ID: <3E428924.8040009@powerup.com.au>
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 02:11:16 +1000
From: "Peter B. West" <pbwest@powerup.com.au>
To: xsl-editors <xsl-editors@w3.org>
Subject: Questions about markers


Processing of large FO documents is both cpu and memory intensive.
The volume of property information is partly responsible for the
memory requirement.  In order to minimise this demand, I want to
be able to divide the property construction into two phases with
different requirements.

1. The construction of individual branches of the FO tree.  During
this phase, as tree building proceeds down a particular branch
towards a leaf node, the ancestor nodes of that leaf are constructed
without knowledge of the requirements of descendants.  Therefore,
no optimisaton is possible of the set of properties which must be
maintained at each ancestor node.  Whether a particular specified
or inherited property is required by an individual ancestor node,
a full set of properties must be developed and maintained (at
least conceptually) until the inheritance and functional reference
requirements of the last descendant have been determined.  These sets
are constructed as control descends down the tree, making the set
available to each child and its descendants.

2. As control retreats back up the tree, having constructed the
property sets of each of its descendants, there is no further need
for any but the actual properties pertaining to each individual node.
This allows for considerable space (and subsequent performance)
optimisations, by, e.g., reducing the applicable property set to
the minimum required by the FO, and maintaining that set in an
array of predetermined length, whose elements can be accessed by
a mapping array, whose length and contents are predetermined.

This neat and compact arrangement may be disturbed by the presence
of markers. Markers do not inherit from their FO tree ancestors, but
from their ancestors determined in the Area tree.  The properties of
retrieved marker subtrees are necessarily resolved in the context
of the Area tree; the marker retrieved at a certain point is
determined by the status of the Area tree construction.  Given this
close connection with the Area tree, I wish to have clarified the
environment of expression resolution for markers, in particular as it
affects inheritance and the from-nearest-specified-value() function.

Item 1


Is this environment conceptually akin to that which would obtain
were the fo:marker subtree transposed to the position in the FO
tree occupied by the fo:retrieve-marker during phase 1 of FO tree

In this case, all properties specified and inherited are available to
"normal" inheritance and to the core functions.

Is it akin to that which would obtain were the fo:marker subtree
transposed to the same position in the FO tree following phase 2,
as described above?

In this case, only properties which were relevant to particular
FOs would be retained.  The point at which a property was specified
would be lost if it were not relevant at the point of specification.

Is it rather the environment which derives from the traits of the
Area tree at the point of attachment?

This case is similar to the one above, in that information about
properties which had no prior point of application would be lost
before the fo:marker subtree properties were resolved.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

The interpretation given in the first paragraph is the correct one, which is what we're trying to say in the spec when it says (under Trait Deriviation for 6.11.4 fo:retrieve-marker [1]):

"The properties and traits specified on the ancestors of the fo:retrieve-marker are taken into account when formatting the children of the retrieved fo:marker as if the children had the same ancestors as the fo:retrieve-marker."

(This does mean that inheritance and property function evaluation does sometimes depend on what happens during the formatting and pagination process.)

Peter B. West  pbwest@powerup.com.au  http://www.powerup.com.au/~pbwest/
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

Comment 36 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0008.html

Message-ID: <3E428B8C.3060709@powerup.com.au>
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 02:21:32 +1000
From: "Peter B. West" <pbwest@powerup.com.au>
To: xsl-editors <xsl-editors@w3.org>
Subject: Percentages + absolute lengths

Item 1

Please clarify the editors' expectation for the resolution of
an expression like "25% + 3pt" an FO where the relative value
is resolved in terms of an enclosing reference area.

The difficulty with respect to such expressions that I have
experienced in implementing FO tree building is that they force
property resolution into dependency on Area tree construction.
Even in the simplest cases, the evaluation of such expressions
assumes the availability of page-based information, as opposed to
the FO tree's flow and static-content view.  I those cases where
the dimensions of areas may be dependent on look-ahead layout
and retries, e.g. during attempts to resolve column widths for
"auto" column layout, the dependency becomes even more tortuous.

The end result is that such expressions must be carried around in
the constructed FO tree, and only resolved as the applicable FO's
areas are generated and returned, or re-generated and returned.
This greatly complicates the expression parsing which must be
done early for the FO tree building to be able to proceed.

While a simple percentage, e.g., "25%", suffers from the same
uncertainties, it can at least be reduced to a single datum,
whose resolution makes no further demands of the expression
parser, which in turn simplifies the parser.

My current implementation of FO tree building rejects
expressions such as "25% + 3pt" on the basis that (part of)
"...the expression value cannot be converted to the necessary
type for the property value," (5.9.12) within the context of
the building of the FO tree.  This is in spite of the fact that
the spec states, fatuously in my view, that, "Properties are
evaluated against a property-specific context. This context
provides: ... Conversions from relative numerics by type to
absolute numerics within additive expressions."

The context of this conversion is not property-specific as much
as area-tree specific.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

This is true. Some uses of percentages do require feedback from the result of area tree construction.

We may consider making a modification to XSL 1.1 that makes the handling of percentages in places that require dependency on composition part of extended level conformance, but leaves the handling of those that can be computed before formatting as part of the base conformance level.

Peter B. West  pbwest@powerup.com.au  http://www.powerup.com.au/~pbwest/
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

Comment 37 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0013.html

Message-ID: <3E452585.7060106@re.be>
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2003 16:43:01 +0100
From: Werner Donn頦lt;werner.donne@re.be>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Deviation margin-left and margin-right from CSS


Item 1

The margin-left and margin-right properties are taken over from CSS. However, they
don't completely behave as in CSS. More specifically the value "auto" is treated
differently. Section 5.1.2 states that for auto values the formulas must be applied.
In this case it would be the last two formulas of section 5.3.2. As a consequence,
it is the same as if margin-left or margin-right were absent. The auto value is not
treated as an explicit value. In my opinion it should be and it should be computed
according to the CSS rules, from which the properties are taken over, even if that
implies an exception to the indentation rules. I see no point in being only partially
compatible with CSS properties.

A practical consequence, for example, is that a fixed-width block which is stacked
in another block can't be centered through setting the margin-left and margin-right
properties to "auto", such as it is the case in CSS. The same goes for aligning the
stacked block to the left or right.

Disposition: Accepted (clarification)

We do reference the CSS spec and don't override this part of it, so our behavior should be the same as CSS when margin-{left,right} is set to auto. However, we agree the XSL spec isn't clear in this area, so we will clarify it.

Erratum, Section 5.3.2:


in the second paragraph, after the second note, before "The formulae...":

The computed value of the of the absolute "margin" property is determined by the CSS descriptions of the properties and the relevant sections (in particular section 10.3) of the CSS Recommendation referenced by these properties.


Werner Donn頠--  Re BVBA
Engelbeekstraat 8
B-3300 Tienen
tel: (+32) 486 425803	e-mail: werner.donne@re.be

Comment 38 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0017.html

From: Eric Bischoff <e.bischoff@noos.fr>
To: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>, asandstrom@accesswave.ca, olegt@multiconn.com,
gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com, eliot@isogen.com, daveP@dpawson.freeserve.co.uk
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 09:20:46 +0100
Cc: xsl-editors@w3.org
Message-Id: <200302220920.46431.e.bischoff@noos.fr>
Subject: Re: Updated public XSL (FO) Disposition of Comments document

Hash: SHA1

Le Saturday 22 February 2003 00:01, Paul Grosso a 飲it:
> The public XSL (FO) Disposition of Comments document at
> http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/2003/01/FO-DoC
> has just been updated with responses to your comments.
> If you are unsatisfied with the response, please feel
> free to post another comment to xsl-editors@w3.org.
> Thank you for your interest in XSL FO and for your
> patience as we work our way through the comments.
> Paul Grosso
> for XSL FO Subgroup

Hi Paul,

Nice compilation Work.

Item 1

However I'm still unhappy with the comments of one of my contribs :

No the erratum is correct. The quotes around the "string" are optional and
have been left out in the example. The enclosing single quotes ensure that
the value is interpreted as a string literal by the expression language. Note
that "url" is not a function, but a piece of syntax borrowed from CSS2.

Okay with that, but it contradicts the spec then (perharps it's just a bug in
the spec) :

one can read :
	7.28.7 "src"

	XSL Definition:

		<uri-specification> | inherit

Please note that it does not accept a <string>, but an <uri-specification>

It's been a long time I wanted to tell you that, but I lacked time to do it.
Sorry about that.

So I think that that issue is still unclosed.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

<string> is any arbitrary string; a valid value for "src" has to follow certain specific rules specified for <uri-specification>.

I hope it helps.

PS Most people know the stylesheets standard as "XSL-FO". I advise that it
gets reflected in the standard's title as well (currently it's "XSL").

PPS The current standard is uselessly complicated : too much exceptions, too
much special cases, not enough uniformity. I would say that it would be great
if it could evolve to become much more orthogonal in the next versions. For
example, url() and rect() should become functions like any other in next
versions. All units should be processed in an uniform way. Etc.

- --
According to a recent survey, 82% of the citizens of the
European Union are against American planned invasion of Irak.
(EOS Gallup Europe, 15,080 people aged 15+, 21st to 27th January 2003)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Comment 39 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0025.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:11:34 -0500
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org>
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com>
Cc: PIERRES@hthk.com
Subject: Need for repeatable subsequence specifier in page sequence   masters

Dear XSL editors,

Item 1

Following a discussion online regarding the need to pattern a collection of
simple-page-master page geometries, I'd like to request a future version of
XSL-FO consider a new construct to indicate the repetition of an arbitrary
collection of sub-sequences.


This new wrapper would be a sub-sequence specifier whose children are
sub-sequence specifiers, as in the following example:

   <new-construct-here maximum-repeats="no-limit|<number>|inherit">
     <single-page-master-reference master-reference="page-1-of-4"/>
     <single-page-master-reference master-reference="page-2-of-4"/>
     <single-page-master-reference master-reference="page-3-of-4"/>
     <single-page-master-reference master-reference="page-4-of-4"/>

I would think that any sub-sequence specifier (including this new
construct) could be a child of this new construct.

Discussion message: http://xep.xattic.com/lists/xep-support/0742.html

At 2003-03-07 14:56 +0800, PIERRES@hthk.com wrote:
>I had a question previously posted to xsl-list and the answer I got was to
>use extension features.

I missed the post on XSL-List and would have commented there. I just found
the message in an archive, so I will post my answer below to that list as
well since there will be readers on that list that are not on this
list. Sorry for the duplication.

I don't think you need an extension if you are willing to accept a limit.

>So I want to have your advices about any solution of my problem using XEP.
>I need to print some horizontal bar on left edge of every pages of a bill
>statement which is used to be read by folding machine.
>The folding machine will use these bars to detect some information for the
>folding processing. (e.g. page sequence, account sequence)
>Then the machine will fold the pages for one account into an envelope.
>For each account, I need to specify a page sequence no. for each page.
>There are four bars, they have values 1, 2, 4 and 8, I can print, and the
>total of their values should equal to the page sequence no.
>The page sequence no. start from 1 for page 1 to 15 for page 15, then reset
>to 1 for page 16 etc.

I would have thought that page 16 would have zero bars and that page 17
would have been reset to 1 ... but my solution stands if the answer goes
either way.

If you don't mind having some "typically maximum limit" and then
accommodating an overflow condition ... say you accept a 256 page limit ...
that no bill will be longer than 256 pages and that if there is one that is
257 or more pages that you accept the XSL-FO formatter throwing an error to
signal the pages were not totally completed.

Create as many <simple-page-master>s as you have combinations of bars (so
either 15 or 16 based on the answer above ... I'll assume 16). Each
<simple-page-master> has a different <region-start> name, say "region-0"
through "region-15".

Create a <page-sequence-master> with 256 <single-page-master-reference>
children, in order pointing to masters respectively with
"region-0",...,"region-15","region-0",...,"region-15", etc.

Create your <page-sequence> pointing to the <page-sequence-master> and
including 16 definitions of <static-content> one for each of the 16
combinations of bars, with absolutely positioned block containers with a
<leader> rule in each positioned where you want the folding marks.

Then go ahead and format the document! If there are 257 pages in the one
bill, the formatter will abend and indicate that it has run out of page
geometries for the formatting run. But as long as there are enough
single-page-master-references in your page-sequence-master, it will not
abend and you will get the pattern of marks in the edge of your paper.

Yes, it would be cleaner and there would be no limit if there were a
sub-sequence-repeater object in XSL-FO (how about that as a new requirement
for version 2?) but if you can accept the maximum page count and I've
understood your requirement then I think you've got what you need.

I hope this helps.

........................... Ken

Upcoming hands-on in-depth XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO
                              North America:      June 16-20, 2003
G. Ken Holman                mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.         http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0   +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                      Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 0-13-140374-5                              Definitive XSL-FO
ISBN 1-894049-08-X  Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-10-1              Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO
Male Breast Cancer Awareness http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/bc
(*) To unsubscribe, send a message with words 'unsubscribe xep-support'
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Disposition: Future XSL version

This request for new functionality will be considered for a future (post 1.1) version of XSL.

I hope this helps!

............... Ken

Upcoming hands-on in-depth XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO
                              North America:      June 16-20, 2003

G. Ken Holman                mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.         http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0   +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                      Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 0-13-140374-5                              Definitive XSL-FO
ISBN 1-894049-08-X  Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-10-1              Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO
Male Breast Cancer Awareness http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/bc

Comment 40 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0026.html

Message-ID: <3E6F48A0.408@isogen.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 08:48:00 -0600
From: "W. Eliot Kimber" <eliot@isogen.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
CC: support@antennahouse.com, xep-support@renderx.com
Subject: Clarrification Needed: Implications of writing mode on region-body


Item 1

There is disagreement between XSL Formatter and XEP over the implication
of setting writing-mode on region-body and my reading of the spec cannot
find a clear justification for either interpretation.

In section 7.27.7, the definition of the writing-mode property, the spec

o When "writing-mode" is applied to the fo:region-*, it defines the
column-progression within each region. The inline-progression-direction
is used to determine the stacking direction for columns (and the default
flow order of text from column-to-column).

o To change the "writing-mode" within an fo:flow or fo:static-content,
either the fo:block-container or the fo:inline-container, as
appropriate, should be used.

With XEP, setting writing-mode on region-body only changes the positions
of the columns on the page--it does not affect the writing mode of the
areas within the flow contained within the region body.

With XSL Formatter, the writing mode is propagated to the areas within
the region body.

[See the original posting for the rest of its text.]

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

Setting writing-mode on simple-page-master or region-* affects only the placement of page regions or columns and does not determine the default writing mode of any contained areas; the value used is the one specified, or inherited in the FO tree, on fo:flow and descendants.

Comment 41 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0028.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 05:59:46 -0600
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
From: Paul Grosso <pgrosso@arbortext.com>
Subject: NCName -> QName in property functions

Item 1

In 5.10.4 Property Value Functions at [0], all the functions (except
proportional-column-width()) say they take an NCName (as defined at [1]
in the Namespace spec) as an argument.

However, I think it makes more sense for this to be a QName (as defined
at [2] in the Namespace spec); that is, something that could have an
optional namespace prefix.  This would match what an XML attribute name
can be which would be a logically more correct situation.  (An attribute
name is defined as "Name" [3] in the XML spec at [4], but the Namespace
spec makes it clear at [5] that all "constructs corresponding to the
nonterminal Name" in the XML spec are really QNames as opposed to NCNames.)

The problem with what we have now can be seen when you consider that
a user might want to use an extended property in one of these functions.
An extended property has to be in another namespace, but then it has to
be prefixed.  But then you can't put it into any of these property
functions as currently restricted.

I think this is just an erratum, and we should change these function
definitions to say they take a QName.  This is an upward compatible
change and allows users to use extended properties in these property
value functions.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

We want NCName here on purpose, because if we allowed QName, it would make it more likely that a stylesheet using such extensions would not be able to produce output when run in an implementation that doesn't understand this extension. We note that the spec says nothing about what can be in the value of an extended property, so it is not disallowed for the value of an extended property to include the ability to use what look like XSL property functions that take QName values.


[0] http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xsl-20011015/xslspec.html#section-N8624-Property-Value-Functions
[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names#NT-NCName
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names#NT-QName
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Name
[4] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Attribute
[5] http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names#dt-qname

Comment 42 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JanMar/0041.html

Message-ID: <3E86AD90.6030509@multiconn.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 10:40:48 +0200
From: Oleg Tkachenko <olegt@multiconn.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: more BIDI comments


Some more comments about "5.8 Unicode BIDI Processing" [1]:

Item 1

1. The example in the last note uses "ID" attribute, instead of "id".

Disposition: Accepted (editorial)

Erratum, Section 5.8:


"ID" (three occurences) in the example in bullet item 2.B.



Item 2

2. 6-th paragraph mentions "override" instead of "bidi-override" as a value of
the "unicode-bidi" property.

Disposition: Accepted (editorial)

Erratum, Section 5.8:


"override" in the sixth paragraph:



Item 3

3. The algorithm, described in "5.8 Unicode BIDI Processing" doesn't say how
inline formatting objects like fo:external-graphics or fo:leader should be
treated with respect to BIDI processing. I think it should be explicitly
stated, that according to BIDI algorithm they should be treated as OBJECT
"For the purpose of the bidirectional algorithm, inline objects (such as
graphics) are treated as if they are an OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFC)."[2]

Disposition: ***TO BE DONE***

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/slice5.html#section-N6720-Unicode-BIDI-Processing
[2] http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/
Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Comment 43 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003AprJun/0005.html

Message-Id: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 09:56:33 -0400
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org>
From: "G. Ken Holman" <gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com>
Subject: Differing interpretations of whitespace collapsing

Good morning!

Item 1

Two vendors produce different results for the following test:

<flow flow-name="frame-body" font-family="Times" font-size="20pt">

   <block>x x x x</block>
   <block>x <basic-link external-destination="url('test')">
   x</basic-link> x x</block>


One vendor collapses the spaces in the second block such that all the "x"s
line up vertically.  Another vendor preserves two spaces between the first
two "x"s of the second block, thus the "x"s do not line up vertically.

I desire what the first vendor does: collapse the whitespace such that the
"x"s line up ... but I cannot find text in the spec to defend that position
to the second vendor.

I distilled this from my training material where I have in my XML:

   <text>And for details see: <ref idref="x"/> for more information
   Title <m>with embedded</m> here</x>

Note how I use a single space around each side of the <ref/>.  I want the
leading linefeed of the title to be tossed, but I cannot use XSLT's
normalize-space() on the text node as that would abut the words "Title" and

According to the spec, should the "x"s line up vertically in my test above?

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

According to the current spec as clarified by the discussion on "immediately preceding" in the 2002 October 22 SG Comment document in response to comment 5 item 1, the current situation is that the spaces in this example should not collapse.

Thanks for your help!

................. Ken

Upcoming hands-on courses:   Europe (XSLT/XPath):    May  5, 2003
-                            Europe (XSL-FO):        May 16, 2003
- (XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO) North America:      June 16-20, 2003

G. Ken Holman                mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.         http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0   +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                      Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 0-13-140374-5                              Definitive XSL-FO
ISBN 1-894049-08-X  Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-10-1              Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO
Male Breast Cancer Awareness http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/f/bc

Comment 52 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JulSep/0003.html

From: "Victor Vishnyakov" <tch_@mail.ru>
To: <xsl-editors@w3.org>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 16:44:14 +0300
Subject: Why does fo:page-number and fo:page-number-citation not have color attribute?

Item 1


Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

Specifying e.g. color="red" on a fo:page-number or fo:page-number-citation is the way to specify color to be applied to the number.

Technically, however, this is achieved by inhertiting the color specification from the fo:page-number or fo:page-number-citation to the fo:character objects, to which "color" applies", representing the page-number.

Comment 54 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2003JulSep/0008.html

Message-ID: <3F1FCECB.3070306@re.be>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:19:23 +0200
From: Werner Donn頦lt;werner.donne@re.be>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Measurement unit ex


Item 1

XSL-FO uses the x-height notion. Why then isn't there the relative measurement unit "ex"?

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The XSL-WG intentionally disallowed the measurment unit ex, since it is not well-defined noe uniformly-defined for most vendor's fonts and since an ex unit does not exist on fonts/languages that do not have lower-case characters.


Werner Donn頠--  Re BVBA
Engelbeekstraat 8
B-3300 Tienen
tel: (+32) 486 425803	e-mail: werner.donne@re.be

Comment 55 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JanMar/0003.html

From: Mazza, Glen R., ,CPMS <glen.mazza@cpms.osd.mil>
Date: Wednesday, 14 January, 2004 18:36
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: XSL 1.1 WD comment: The properties which may be attached to an F O.
Hello, I'm Glen Mazza of Electronic Data Systems and of the XML Apache FOP

I'm unsure, after reading the 1.1 Working Draft of the XSL Specification,
about the set of properties which may be attached to an FO.  The
Introduction and Overview, Section 1.1.2 Formatting [1], gives this

"Although every formatting property may be specified on every formatting
object, for each formatting object class, only a subset of the formatting
properties are used to determine the traits for objects of that class."

Section 5.1.4, Inheritance [2], gives this rule:

"The inheritable properties can be placed on any formatting object."

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#d0e178
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#inheritance

Two comments on these statements:

Item 1

1.) 5.1.4's statement seems to contradict 1.1.2's by implying that
noninheritable properties cannot be placed on every formatting object.  If
1.1.2's statement is correct, however, it would be better for the reader if
5.1.4's were written more unambiguously as:

The inheritable properties, like all properties, can be placed on any
formatting object.

Disposition: Accepted (clarification) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

As discussed previously in email, it is the case that any property can be placed on any FO, though only certain properties apply to certain FOs.

Item 2

2.) The rule given by 1.1.2--every property can be attached to every FO--is
very significant for implementors, and should not be limited to just a
subordinate clause of a sentence in the introduction.  Of course,
introductions should not be the only place where a specification rule is

Somewhere in the body of the specification this rule should be explicitly
stated--absent such an statement, I'm not getting a "firm handshake" from
the authors about this rule--causing me to think that 5.1.4's current
statement is what they were  intending.  (But I may be wrong here--I may
have missed the section where this rule was explicitly stated.  Apologies if
this is the case.)

Disposition: Accepted (clarification) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

See response above.


Glen Mazza
glen.mazza at eds.com

Comment 56 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JanMar/0011.html

From: <komachi@y-adagio.com> 
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 23:00:31 +0900
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Comments on XSL1.0

Dear XSL-Editors,

Attached you will find the JSA(Japanese Standards
Association)/EPCom(Committee for Electronic Publishing)'s submission on

Item 2

- requirements for various extensions to XSL1.0

Discussion message: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0001.html

Disposition: Some accepted for XSL 1.1, others filed for Future XSL version

Regarding document meta data (document-info), one can use namespaced elements--perhaps even those from Dublin Core--to give document meta data, most likely inserting them into fo:declarations (see 6.4.3). We plan no further work in this area in 1.1 because the mechanism is already there, and we don't want to get into standardizing meta-data.

We have added Bookmarks to XSL 1.1. As far as outline-order, the bookmark order in our XSL 1.1 fo:bookmark feature is determinable by the XSLT code.

The XSL FO SG has decided not to add footnote-position and suppress-duplicate-footnote extensions to XSL 1.1, but to record them as possible post 1.1 features.

We have added to XSL 1.1 a change bar feature that covers the revision bar requirement.

The XSL FO SG has decided not to add a column rule feature to XSL 1.1, but to record it as a possible post 1.1 feature.

Background color/image on simple-page-master has been determined to be post 1.1 potential feature.

physical-page-number aka ordinal-page-number (but perhaps by a different name) has been determined to be post 1.1 potential feature. We would probably address this requirement by adding a property to page-number and page-number-citation.

The requirement for suppress-duplicate-page-numbers is addressed by our XSL 1.1 indexing feature.

Text treatment a la CSS3 text module is a potential post 1.1 feature.

Allowing a list-item-label position of inside/outside is a potential post 1.1 feature.

Incorporation of xml:base into XSL would presumably affect all attributes of type <uri-specification>. The actual request is to affect the external-destination of fo:basic-link, but use of xml:base would affect the absolutization of external-destination at FO processing time, and that does not address the use case of being able to relocate the result of an XSL-FO run. After much discussion, the XSL FO SG decided not to do anything about xml:base in XSL 1.1.

Regarding soft-hyphen-treatment, our experts tell us that this is a misuse of the Unicode soft hyphen character. There should be no glyph assigned to U+00AD as the semantics for this Unicode character is that of a soft hyphen.

We have added clear/float values of inside/outside to XSL 1.1.

Floats of type after, in-column, mid-column are potential post-1.1 features.

The "extra" writing mode values (and more) are listed in Appendix A of the XSL specification.

Best Regards,
Yushi Komachi (Convener of EPCom/WG1)

Yushi Komachi
Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.
2-3-8 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo  153-8687 Japan
Phone +81 3 5434 7053,  Fax +81 3 5445 3663
Email  komachi@y-adagio.com

Comment 57 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JanMar/0019.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2004 20:12:17 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <20040119041217.31774.qmail@web60110.mail.yahoo.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
I've finished reading the Ch. 1 Introduction of the
Working Draft.  I could only find a few "nitpick"
suggestions, but here's what I found:

Item 1

1.  In Section 1.1.2, Formatting, the Diagram given in
[1] below, recommend changing text from "Result XML
Tree in the 'fo' namespace (element and attribute
nodes)" to simply, "Element and Attribute Tree".  (The
latter term has already clearly been defined in bold
before, and used twice before reaching this diagram,
so at this stage it seems more important to clarify
the precise name of the tree in question)


Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

We prefer to be very explicit about what the trees represent.

Item 2

2.  In this same section, the Diagram given in [2]
below, recommend switching Area Tree label from "XSL
areas rendering traits" to simply "Area Tree" or "Area
Tree rendering traits".


Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

We prefer to be very explicit about what the trees represent.

Item 3

3.  Section 1.2 [3], this sentence:

"While many of XSL's formatting objects and properties
correspond to the common set of properties, this would
not be sufficient by itself to accomplish all the
goals of XSL."

Recommend changing to:

"While many of XSL's formatting objects and properties
correspond to *a* common set of properties, this would
not be sufficient by itself to accomplish all the
goals of XSL."


"While many of XSL's formatting objects and properties
have equivalent counterparts in those standards, this
would not be sufficient by itself to accomplish all
the goals of XSL."


Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

What is referred to is THE common set of properties between DSSSL, CSS, and XSL; not just A common set...

Item 4

4.  Section 1.2.1, "Paging and Scrolling"
Change the "can be" below:

In addition, the selection of XML source components
that *can be* styled (elements, attributes, text
nodes, comments, and processing instructions) is based
on XSLT and XPath [XPath], thus providing the user
with an extremely powerful selection mechanism.

to "are to be"

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The "can be" refers to the components of an XML document that can be addressed by XPath.

Item 5

5.  Section 1.2.3, "An Extended Page Layout Model"

Add "possibly" to the below sentence:

This formatting object allows one to define
independently filled regions for the body (with
*possibly* multiple columns), a header, a footer, and
sidebars on a page.

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The FO in question does definitely allow multiple columns to be specified.

Item 6

6.  Finally, if you could add pointers to this new WD
on the Working Group page, it would be helpful for
others to quickly find this new version:


Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

A link has been added to the public XSL WG page.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Hotjobs: Enter the "Signing Bonus" Sweepstakes

Comment 60 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JanMar/0041.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 15:43:29 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <20040225234329.19648.qmail@web60108.mail.yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors List <xsl-editors@w3.org>
Subject: Comments on Section 4 of the Specification

Item 1

1.) For section 4.2.2 of the 1.1 Spec [1], Common
Traits, the definition of is-reference-area is given
as follows:

"The Boolean trait is-reference-area determines
whether or not an area establishes a coordinate system
for specifying indents. An area for which this trait
is true is called a reference-area."

This definition of "is-reference-area" seems somewhat
confusing, because the emphasis is placed on the
establishment of a coordinate system, not on the fact
that you can specify indents with them.  (I.e., one
infers a non-reference-area uses some other form of
system for specifying indents rather than not being
able to specify indents at all.)

Perhaps this is clearer:

"An area for which the Boolean is-reference-area trait
is true is called a reference-area.  Only reference
areas may have indents specified."

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The proposed replacement text is incorrect; other areas may also have indents specified! What is "special" about reference areas is that they establish a coordinate system with respect to which descendant areas indent values refer.

Item 2

2.) The definition of is-viewport-area is given in the
same section.  However, the specification does not
appear to define the precise FOs/areas which have an
is-viewport-area value of "true" -- so I'm unsure
which areas are actually viewport-areas.  [This is in
contrast to is-reference-area, where the FO's that
have this trait set to true are defined here [2], and
the five FO's which generate areas having this trait
are also defined ([3], for example, in the "Trait
Derivation" section.)]

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

Each FO that generates a viewport-area has a statement to that effect in the "Areas" section of the FO definition.

Glen Mazza



[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#fo_block-container

Comment 61 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JanMar/0048.html

From: Oliver Becker <obecker@informatik.hu-berlin.de>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 16:40:26 +0100 (MET)
Message-Id: <200403021540.i22FeQwK019040@mail.informatik.hu-berlin.de>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Subject: Typo in note of 6.4.11


Item 1

both XSL 1.0 and 1.1 contain the following note in section 6.4.11

"If any page-master referenced from a conditional-page-master-reference with
blank-or-not-blank="true" provides a region in which to put fo:flow content,
no content is put in that region."

I assume it should read

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

It should, but in addition the Note has been deleted for other reasons...


|  ob|do        Dipl.Inf. Oliver Becker                             |
|  --+--        E-Mail: obecker@informatik.hu-berlin.de             |
|  op|qo        WWW:    http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~obecker |

Comment 62 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JanMar/0050.html

From: Robertson, Andy <Andy.Robertson@capitafhe.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 14:45:59 -0000
Message-ID: <4C3ADB9CBE128045804894AF3F27A8E2491128@fastnet.int.dolphin-cs.co.uk>
To: "'xsl-editors@w3.org'" <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: The Formatting Object Section

Item 1


This appears to refer to simple-links, whereas they only appear to work with

Is this an error?

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

There are several occurrences of fo:simple-link in the examples in section Table of Contents with Leaders.

All these occurrences are typos and should be fo:basic-link.

Core Team - Author for F&HE, CAPITA Software Services
Phone:01392 437356 Mob:07876 707787

Comment 63 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0003.html

From: <arnd.beissner@cappelino.de>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 11:31:05 +0200
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Message-ID: <OF6672A951.528BFBBA-ONC1256E74.0067FDCA-C1256E75.00343FB9@cappelino.de> 
Subject: Re: recto page with blank back

> I come from the FOSI world (where this is possible) and military
> applications (where this is required) and need to be able to set up
> an XSL-FO application with the following condition output on an odd
> page: page 43/44 blank. I am ending each chapter/work package on an
> even page, which sometimes may be blank.
> Does the current spec support this? If so, can you tell me how. (I
> have not been able to set this up successfully, although I have
> blank pages working.) Or are there any plans for this feature? Is
> it/will it be supported by vendors? I found the thread below on the
> Yahoo XSL-FO group, and know this is a big requirement for Army and
> Navy tech manuals. Any information will be greatly appreciated.
> > But I hope the XSL committee is listening or you can take the time to send
> > your requirement to the xsl-editors@w... address. I think you've made a
> > justification for a "next-to-last" page-position test value (though not
> > being an implementer I'm not sure what the ramifications are). Wait

> > even that won't help, because just with that you won't be able to say
> > "next-to-last when last-is-blank", so it is getting too bizarre to try and
> > express declaratively.


I think that:

1. The current spec doesn't support this - for the reasons outlined in
your quotes. One could think of a hack concerning inserting pseudo-blank
pages at the start of a chapter instead of at the end, but this gets
really ugly - if it works at all.

Item 1

2. My suggestion for the XSL committee would be to add support for this
functionality by specifying two new functions: page-number and
page-number-citation with the same semantics as in the fo:page-number and
fo:page-number-citation elements. Also, we would need a next-to-last
option for the page-position property (in that case you could have a
special page-master for page-position="next-to-last" and

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The XSL FO SubGroup discussed your email requesting new functionality to allow for a solution to "page with blank back" problem.

Several SG members think what your are suggesting is basically equivalent to asking for the resolved value of things like page numbers to be available to the XSL FO expression language. But the expression language is expected to be evaluated before page generation, so it is not possible to have page numbers available at expression language evaluation time. Certainly, even if there were certain tricks some implementations could do to get this information (such as a multiple pass method) we would not want to write something that requires a certain kind of implementation trick into the specification.

The XSL FO SG has decided not to add such an enhancement into XSL 1.1.

I don't see the mentioned issue about '"next-to-last when last-is-blank"'
since "odd-or-even=odd" already does that for you in your case. One more
thing: a "value" property for fo:page-number so you can specify things
like "<fo:page-number ...other formatting options....

I just tried it in our XSL-formatter - it's pretty easy to add if the
"last" test value is already implemented (ok, make that 'reasonably
implemented'), and it's also fairly straightforward to specify formally.

XSL-Editors: how about that for XSL 1.1?

Hope this helps,

Arnd Beissner
Arnd Bei߮er
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 3, 71063 Sindelfingen, Germany
Tel.: +49-7031-763863-11, Fax: +49-7031-763863-99
Mobile: +49-173-3016917

Comment 64 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0012.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:27:30 -0400
Message-ID: <4081E792.2040309@yahoo.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org 
Subject: Comment on 1.1 Spec, fo:conditional-page-master-reference


Item 1

For the definition of the fo:conditional-page-master-reference[1], the
"Note" in this section appears inaccurate:

"If any page-master referenced from a conditional-page-master-reference
with blank-or-not-blank="|true|" provides a region in which to put
fo:flow content, no content is put in that region."

There appears to be three problems with this statement:

1.)  Although the blank-or-not-blank property may *resolve* to "true",
that is not an acceptable value for the property--it is limited to
"blank", "not blank", "any", or "inherit".  (Both in the description of
this property in [1] and in [2]).  If it was your intention to mean
"resolve to true", you should probably remove the quotes from the above.

But even so:

2.)  The first of the three conditions in which this trait evaluates to
true ([1], paragraph just above the Note) is when the value of the trait
is "not-blank" and there are areas generated.  So the Note appears to be
contradicted:  here, blank-or-not-blank evaluates to "true", but content
*will be* put in that region.  (A similar statement can be made when the
value for this property is "any".)

3.)  The Note appears to have the definition backwards:  it is the fact
that no content ended up being put in the region, along with a value of
this trait being "blank" or "any", which *caused* the value of this
trait to resolve to "true".  Not that fact that it is "true" beforehand,
and hence no content is to be put into the region.

Recommendation is to remove the sentence comprising the Note.

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

The note has been removed.


Glen Mazza
FOP Team

[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#blank-or-not-blank

Comment 65 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0018.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 12:21:43 -0400
Message-ID: <408BE597.2070705@yahoo.com>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org 
Subject: 1.1 WD Comments on 7.29.8 "id" property


I have two comments for the 7.29.8 "id" property definition [1] on the
1.1 XSL WD:

Item 1

(1) The "initial value" for this property indicates that a
machine-generated unique value should be created for each FO (for which
this property applies) where not explicitly specified:

"The initial value of this property is [a] random and unique identifier.
The algorithm to generate this identifier is system-dependent."

I'm not sure of the value of this.  Although an FO Processing
implementation could very well benefit from having a unique ID specified
on every FO on the result tree, it doesn't appear necessary to for the
specification to mandate this, as this appears to be just an internal
processing issue.

I can also see where an FO processor implementor, upon seeing it helpful
to set an id value for every FO, might wish to use a "pseudo-property"
instead of using the explicit "id" property, perhaps to avoid needing to
handle duplicate ID conflicts between the machine-generated values and
stylesheet-specified ones.  (This would be analogous in the database
world of using a hidden column for a primary key, separate from the
external, nullable, unique key that the system user types in.)

Recommendation is to switch to an initial value of "none".  I believe
this will still allow the FO processor implementor to subsequently place
in machine-generated values for this property, should he/she choose,
while not requiring (or necessarily encouraging) them to do so.

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The value "none" is a valid ID and cannot be the initial value.

Item 2

(2) If the change in (1) above is done, then all id values will
specified on the stylesheet.  In this case, I would recommend adding to
the "id" definition something to the effect that that it is an error for
the same id value to appear more than once on the result tree.

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made


Glen Mazza
EDS / Apache FOP

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#id

Comment 67 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0038.html

From: Victor Mote <vic@outfitr.com>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 22:26:55 -0600
To: "'XSL Editors'" <xsl-editors@w3.org>
Message-Id: <20040513042727.21877A2CF9@frink.w3.org> 
Subject: marginalia use case issues

Dear XSL Editors:

Item 1

The use case I would like to discuss is pretty well documented by RenderX
specifically, the second scenario listed there, which they describe as
duplex marginalia. There are at least two use cases where the solution that
they propose fails, and for which I don't think the XSL-FO Standard (either
1.0 or the 1.1 proposal) allows a solution. My comments assume a lr-tb page

1. The artificially-created marginalia "area" created by the maneuver
described there will intrude into any footnotes that are in the same flow.
The desired effect is that the footnote "area" would have precedence over
the marginalia "area".

2. Other fo:float objects, such as drop caps, may be affected by the
clear="both" attribute that is required for the solution, even though they
are never vertically aligned (i.e. they are conceptually in different
columnar parts of the page).

I have some proposals regarding these issues:

Predicate Issue
All of the above is dependent upon the RenderX extension float="inside |
outside". I would like to propose that this extension, or something
functionally similar be added to the standard.

#1: Footnote/Marginalia Precedence
The best solution that I can think of here is to add "inside-indent" and
"outside-indent" properties in all places where "start-indent" and
"end-indent" are allowed, which would be mapped internally to either
"start-indent" or "end-indent" depending on the odd-even/right-left value of
the page.

Another possible solution would be to allow the inline progression dimension
properties of the footnote-reference-area (and presumably the
before-float-reference) to be manipulated as part of the creation of a
page-master object.

There may be other solutions as well.

I realize that both float="inside | outside" and
inside-indent/outside-indent are probably of limited use in systems whose
ipd is vertical, but I don't see that they are of any harm either. In
general, it strikes me as being useful for "inside" and "outside" concepts
to be applied to margins and nearly anything else that deals with "start",
"end", "before" and "after" concepts. However, I do not have any use cases
in mind at the moment for such features.

I am not sure, but I think these items would be relatively easy for
implementors to implement, at least if they already handle
text-align="inside | outside".

#2: Other float items
The workaround allowing marginalia creates an artificial area in the
region-body for the marginalia. Within this "column", a user probably wants
to keep each float clear of the others. In a situation, such as RenderX's
implementation, where a float can float to the inside or outside (as well as
start or end), floats must use clear="both" to get that effect. The problem
is that there may be other floats on the page, that are *not* in the
marginalia column, but that share either a conceptual float="start" or
float="end" because of the internal mapping that would be done to get from
float="inside" or float="outside". So, for example, if marginalia floats
float to the inside, and the main text has drop caps that always float to
the "start" side, then both of these effectively have a "start" value on
odd-numbered (recto) pages. Assuming the user has kept these in different
"columns", there is no possibility of collision between them, yet the needed
clear="both" in the marginalia floats will not allow them to both be
intersected by a line in the inline-progression-dimension.

The best solution I have come up with so far is a "class" property for the
float object, that would allow these floats to be conceptually segregated.
Then, the "clear" property could list the class(es) that the float should be
kept clear of. Alternatively (but less flexibly), the "clear" property could
simply have an option that allowed it be clear of floats in its same class,
perhaps clear="this-class" or clear="same".

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The XSL FO SG has necessarily limited to scope of XSL 1.1 in an attempt to get it out sooner rather than later.

We have added inside and outside to float for XSL 1.1, and that might allow you to get some of what you wants, but any further changes in this area are deemed to be beyond the scope of XSL 1.1.

We will add further work in this area to our list of potential post-1.1 features, but this cannot be taken as any kind of commitment.

I apologize for the brevity of the above discussion, and the inexactness of
some of my terminology. It is my hope that since you probably spend a lot of
time thinking about these issues, you already know what I am talking about.
If not, and if I have not provided enough detail, please let me know, and I
will be glad to expand as needed.

BTW, thanks for your efforts on the standard. It is *extremely* useful.
Thanks also for your consideration of the above items.

Victor Mote (mailto:vic@outfitr.com)
Enterprise Outfitters (www.outfitr.com)
2025 Eddington Way
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916
Voice +1 (719) 622-0650, Fax +1 (720) 293-0044

Comment 68 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0051.html

From: Julian Reschke <julian.reschke@gmx.de>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 12:26:57 +0200
Message-ID: <40AC87F1.2060206@gmx.de>
To: xsl-editors@w3.org 
Subject: FO 1.1 WD: missing pieces (?)


I'm maintaining code that transforms RFC2629-style ("xml2rfc") documents
to FO (<http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc2629xslt.zip>). This code
historically used special cases to support various extensions in Apache
FOP, AntennaHouse XSL Formatter and RenderX. Last week, I decided to
standardize on XSL 1.1 WD features, and to use post-processing XSLTs to
generate the extensions for the various backends.

This works just fine for bookmarks and index generation extensions (page
ranges etc.).

Two things are left that aren't covered in the current working draft;
maybe they should be considered.

Item 1

1. Generating PDF destinations

Apache FOP has an extension for generating those
(<http://xml.apache.org/fop/extensions.html#named-destinations>). The
ability to produce them is of great importance if you want identical URI
fragments to work for different media types with HTTP content
negotiation (such as <http://example.com/rfc2518#rfc.section.1>, where
the actual mime type (HTML, PDF...) is selected based on the client's
accept header).

Note that this doesn't necessarily need to be any change to the language
-- it would make perfect sense to generate a PDF destination for each
"id" attribute in the FO document. However, right now none of the
processors I'm aware of seems to do that.

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

Support of named destinations really requires no change to the XSL spec; it's more a question of how a given XSL FO implementation works, so the SG decided not to add anything to the XSL 1.1 spec for this.

We noticed that we could potentially write a Note on how this might work in implementations that generate PDF, but since this wouldn't impact the XSL 1.1 spec itself, and due to lack of resources, we didn't get anyone to commit to do this.

Item 2

2. Generating document information

RenderX supports adding document information to PDF output
(<http://xep.xattic.com/xep/doc/spec.html#Document_Information>). This
seems to be a both useful and trivial thing to do; it would be nice if
there'd be a standard way to express this.

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

This is really metadata, and the XSL SG do not want to use XSL FO's to represent this. Something more like Dublin Core may be more suitable.

SG members agreed both capabilities were useful, but we decided neither of them should result in changes to the XSL spec itself.

Note that both features seem to be specific to PDF output. Maybe a
separate document for PDF output optimizations could cover this?

Best regards, Julian

Comment 69 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0054.html

From: <arnd.beissner@cappelino.de>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 14:15:36 +0200
To: xsl-editors@w3.org
Message-ID: <OF4AF137F7.5B45F27E-ONC1256E9B.0034E07A-C1256E9B.004352F5@cappelino.de> 
Subject: Possible error in 7.22.7. indicate-destination


Item 1

while implementing the basic-link formatting object for PDF output, I
looked for a way to indicate to the PDF renderer when to make links
visible and when not.

The property 7.22.7 "indicate-destination" almost seems to do this.

The spec reads: "The areas that belong to the link target when traversed
should, in a system-dependent manner, be indicated."

Did you perhaps intend "The areas that belong to link *source*....."? If
yes, the property makes perfects sense to me. If not, would you consider
adding a new property for XSL 1.1? Also, in case this is meant as it is
written, what is the use case for highlighting a link destination instead
of a link source?

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

This wording in the spec is not in error.

The source is the contents of the fo:basic-link, and your stylesheet can apply any property you want to that content--for example, underlining it is common.

The indicate-destination allows the target of a basic-link to be, say, highlighted in some fashion. The use case is as clear as highlighting the source, I guess. Some people like to know what elements in their document are potential link targets. (The fact that support for indicate-destination is so rare indicates to me that the use case is not a common one, but the use case isn't hard to understand.)

Presumably, indicating the target is only feasible currently for internal-destination links. In theory, one could have a renderer that can load a web of inter-linked documents and recognize in one document the target of a link in another document, but I am not aware of any such XSL-FO aware tool at this time. Also, this only makes sense if your external links use URIs with a fragment identifier--such as XPointer, but nothing has yet been officially stardardized as the fragment identifier for the XML media type.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "indicate to the PDF renderer when to make links visible and when not" (I am not a PDF expert), but visibility is an XSL FO property. If you want to make such visibility dynamic, consider using the fo:multi-switch FO.

If there is something else you need to tell the PDF renderer, you might need to invent and use your own property.

Thanks for consideration,

Arnd Beissner
Arnd Bei߮er
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH

Comment 70 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0060.html

From: <mallamanis@yahoo.gr>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 12:44:51 +0300
To: <xsl-editors@w3.org>
Subject: Possible Typοgraphical mistake in XSL Specifications

Item 1

A small typographical mistake has been made in the XSL specifications at the
end of section 6.9.1. Below is the code where with the mistake is (line 1
char 10) <fo:block">. The quotes should not be here it should be <fo:block>

. The code (copied from the specification text) follows:

<fo:block">Follow this
  <fo:multi-properties text-decoration="underline">
    <fo:multi-property-set active-state="link" color="blue">
    <fo:multi-property-set active-state="visited" color="red">

    <fo:multi-property-set active-state="active" color="green">
    <fo:multi-property-set active-state="hover" text-decoration="blink">
    <fo:multi-property-set active-state="focus" color="yellow">

    <fo:wrapper color="merge-property-values()"
      <fo:basic-link external-destination="http://www.w3.org/TR"
        show-destination="new" role="An Example">link
  </fo:multi-properties> to access all
TRs of the W3C.

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

The erroneous '"' has been removed.

Best regards
Miltos Allamanis

Comment 71 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0065.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 23:01:50 -0400
Message-ID: <40CE669E.3060602@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: removing fo:color-profile requirement from fo:declarations


Item 1

In the 1.0Rec/1.1WD, the contents listing for fo:declarations[1]
requires at least one fo:color-profile child element:

Contents: (color-profile)+

However, there is an immediate qualification to this as follows:
"The fo:declarations flow object may have additional child elements in a
non-XSL namespace."

With this qualification, the requirement for at least one
fo:color-profile seems strange.  Because you can use fo:declarations for
non-XSL child elements, it is conceivable that a user could use
fo:declarations precisely for this reason, with no concern or need of

I recommend switching the fo:declarations contents listing to the following:

Contents: (color-profile)*

This makes the entry of an fo:color-profile optional, and similar in
nature to the zero-or-more child FO requirements of fo:title, fo:block,
fo:inline, and others.

Disposition: Accepted (new functionality) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

The "+" has been changed to a "*".


Glen Mazza
EDS / Apache FOP Team

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#fo_declarations

Comment 72 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0066.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 23:08:26 -0400
Message-ID: <40CE682A.4080900@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: Re: removing fo:color-profile requirement from fo:declarations

One more issue, just noticed from my previous email:

Item 1

> "The fo:declarations flow object may have additional child elements in
> a non-XSL namespace."

>                                           ^^^^

Switch to "formatting" object.

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

"flow object" has been changed to "formatting object".


Comment 75 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0009.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 23:02:17 -0400
Message-ID: <410C5D39.1040708@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: Suggested clarification on internal-destination and external-destination properties


Item 1

The following constraint appears both on the internal-destination[1] and
external-destination[1] properties in the 1.1WD:

"At least one of the external-destination and internal-destination
properties should be assigned. If both are assigned, the system may
either report the error, or use the internal-destination property."

The second sentence appears to contradict the first ("At least
one...should") by indicating that having both assigned would be an
error.  I would recommend rewriting the above constraint to either of
the following, depending on your original intent:

"Only one of the external-destination and internal-destination
properties should be assigned. If both are assigned, the system may
either report the error, or use the internal-destination property."
(Switching "At least" to "Only one")


"At least one of the external-destination and internal-destination
properties should be assigned. If both are assigned, the system may
either report it as an error, or use the internal-destination
property."  (Switching "the error" to "as an error")

I suspect the former is what was intended.

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

Changed to "One of ..." and "it as an error". What is meant is "at least one and not more than one"...

Glen Mazza
Apache FOP Team

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#internal-destination
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#external-destination

Comment 76 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0010.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 22:35:31 -0400
Message-ID: <411985F3.6030009@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: WD Comment: internal- and external-destination properties


Item 1

The content model constraint for fo:bidi-override has a small error:

"An fo:bidi-override that is a descendant of an fo:leader or of
[an-->the] fo:inline child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level
children, unless it has a nearer ancestor that is an fo:inline-container."

Switch from "an fo:inline child" to "the fo:inline child", as shown
above, because an fo:footnote has only one fo:inline child.

This will make the text similar to what is already there for fo:inline's
constraint:  "An fo:inline that is a descendant of an fo:leader or of
the fo:inline child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level children,
unless it has a nearer ancestor that is an fo:inline-container."

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

The "an" has been changed to a "the".


Comment 77 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0014.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 22:35:31 -0400
Message-ID: <411985F3.6030009@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: WD Comment: internal- and external-destination properties


Item 1

I found a possible nitpick between the internal-destination[1] and
external-destination[2] property definitions in the 1.1 WD:

The acceptable and initial values defined for internal-destination are:

Value:     empty string | <idref>
Initial:     empty string

For external-destination, they are defined as

Value:     <uri-specification>

Initial:     empty string

Looking at the two, it appears that "empty string" should also be given
as a value option for external destination.

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

Yes it should indeed!


Comment 78 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0015.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 22:35:31 -0400
Message-ID: <411985F3.6030009@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: WD Comment: internal- and external-destination properties


Item 1

Part of the content model constraint for fo:inline[1] is stated as follows:

"An fo:inline that is a child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level
children. An fo:inline that is a descendant of an fo:leader or of the
fo:inline child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level children,
unless it has a nearer ancestor that is an fo:inline-container."

I think it would be clearer to combine the two sentences as follows:

"An fo:inline that is a descendant of an fo:leader or fo:footnote may
not have block-level children, unless it has a nearer ancestor that is
an fo:inline-container."

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The proposed text is not equivalent; eg it applies to descendants of fo:footnote-body as well...

Glen Mazza
FOP Team

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#fo_inline

Comment 78 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0015.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 14:15:00 -0400
Message-ID: <411E56A4.6000404@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: suggestion on fo:inline content model constraint


Item 1

Part of the content model constraint for fo:inline[1] is stated as follows:

"An fo:inline that is a child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level
children. An fo:inline that is a descendant of an fo:leader or of the
fo:inline child of an fo:footnote may not have block-level children,
unless it has a nearer ancestor that is an fo:inline-container."

I think it would be clearer to combine the two sentences as follows:

"An fo:inline that is a descendant of an fo:leader or fo:footnote may
not have block-level children, unless it has a nearer ancestor that is
an fo:inline-container."

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The proposed text is not equivalent; eg it applies to descendants of fo:footnote-body as well...

Glen Mazza
FOP Team

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#fo_inline

Comment 79 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0022.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 09:55:25 -0400
Message-ID: <4127544D.3050103@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: 1.1 WD comments on fo:instream-foreign-object content model


I have some suggestions for the 1.0/1.1 content model for
fo:instream-foreign-object [1].  Here is a (truncated) example for

<svg:svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width = "542px"
<svg:title>A tiger</svg:title>
<svg:g transform="translate(190, 170)">
 <svg:g style="stroke:#a5264c; stroke-width:2">

  <svg:path d="M47 244.801C47 244.801 50.6 242.401 53 243.601"/>

The text in question is from the "Content Model" block, reproduced below:

The fo:instream-foreign-object flow object has a child from a non-XSL
namespace. The permitted structure of this child is that defined for
that namespace.

The fo:instream-foreign-object flow object may have additional
attributes *in the non-XSL namespace.* These, as well as the xsl defined
properties, *are made available* to the processor of the content of the
flow object. Their semantics is defined by that namespace.


Item 1

1.)  Last sentence of the second paragraph-- change "Their semantics is
defined..." to "are defined..."

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

Item 2

2.)  In the first sentence of the second paragraph, where I've placed
the asterisks, I would recommend switching from "in the non-XSL
namespace" (i.e., only the namespace of the child element) to "from
non-XSL namespaces".  It seems unnecessary to limit the child element to
only the attributes from (a) XSL and (b) its own namespace, given that
the subsequent sentence indicates that the child may be able to work
with attributes outside its own namespace.

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

The XSL SG feels it a cleaner design that at the "interface" the properties are from the XSL namespace and the, single, foreign namespace.

Item 3

3.)  For the second sentence of the second paragraph, again where I've
placed the asterisks, switch from "are made available" to "may be made
available".  Some child elements from certain namespaces may not have a
defined protocol for accepting and working with attributes from a
non-SVG parent node.  Rather, they would require those attributes to be
directly attached to the child element.  (For example, in the fo:i-f-o
example above, the "width" and "height" attributes are directly assigned
to the svg:svg node.)

Perhaps a more complete way to rephrase the last two sentences of the
second paragraph would be something like:

"These, as well as the xsl defined properties, may be made available to
the processor of the child element, depending on that processor's
requirements. The semantics of any attributes passed in would be defined
by the processor."

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

As far as exactly which namespaced properties get passed into the foreign object, the SG has discussed this issue many times before. It turns out to be more complicated that at first appears.

We have decided that properties get used by the foreign object as they see fit, but we're not saying in the XSL FO spec how properties get inherited from one namespace into another.

This issue is outside the scope of the XSL WG; other WGs and CGs in the W3C are discussing this issue.

Therefore the XSL FO SG has decided that we will not make any changes to XSL 1.1 in response to this issue.

Item 4

4.)  Finally, as a sanity check, I'm unsure of the benefits of passing
in the properties of the fo:i-f-o to the child processor under any
circumstances.  Because the protocol of this passing-in is undefined by
both XSL and (potentially) the child namespace(s), this would appear to
affect interoperability among the various XSL implementations and among
the various processors of that child element.  At any rate, AFAIK, svg
itself has no provision for working with attributes not directly affixed
to its elements, so I'm unsure why other namespaces would need that

It would appear cleaner to require that any attributes one wishes to
send the child--fonts, color, location, etc.--be directly attached to
the child element.  Such a requirement would also force the child
namespaces to be more cleanly implemented:  Rather than their
recommendations stating "When this object is being embedded within an
XSL:instream-foreign-object, read in these XSL properties from that
object..." they would instead need to define those attributes within
their own namespaces, to be attached by the user to that child's elements.

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

The idea behind making these properties available is to have a mechanism to permit, for example, the font family to be effectively "inherited" into the foreign namespace. One expects that the W3C will develop a model for how properties pass from namespace to namespace and also a model for arbitrary nesting of namespaces. Would it not be nice to be able to use formatting objects as part of an svg graphic when more complex text is desired?


Glen Mazza
Apache FOP Team

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#fo_instream-foreign-object

Comment 80 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0023.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:14:02 -0400
Message-ID: <412766BA.8020902@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: 1.1 WD Comment on autogenerated property IDs.


Item 1

I previously wrote [1] on the issue of autogenerated property ID's a few
months back.  I have an additional comment on this topic and a change to
my previous suggestion:

A search on <idref> within the 1.1 WD gives only two defined uses of the
ID property:

1.) as the internal_destination for an fo:basic-link.
2.) as the ref_id for an fo:page-number-citation.

If this is correct, then given that both defined uses for the property
ID require the user to have advance knowledge of what the ID value is,
the value of subsequently autogenerated ID's for FO's remains unclear.
OTOH, if autogeneration is primarily for internal processing of the
document, that would appear to be an implementation detail that doesn't
need to be placed in the recommendation.  (FOP, for example, currently
does not need such an autogenerated ID, and shouldn't be required to
generate one.)

Rather than use my previous suggestion of "none" for initial values,
however, I have a new suggestion for the "initial value" requirement for
the id property [2] that may give the most flexibility to XSL implementors:

Change from:

"An identifier unique within all objects in the result tree with the fo:
namespace. [...] The initial value of this property is [a]* random and
unique identifier. The algorithm to generate this identifier is

(* fix typo)

to something like:

"An identifier that must be unique for all formatting objects for which
it has been specified.  [...]  Initial values, if any, of this property
are implementation-dependent."

Disposition: Explanation of XSL spec

You are correct that the autogenerated ID's are not reachable by any links (either inside or outside the document). In fact, an implementation can ignore these IDs. They were put into the specification to satisfy the following requirements:

1) every property must have an initial value.

2) the "ID" property takes an identifier (string of characters) as its value and that string must be unique in the result tree.

Requirement 1) means that some value must be specified and requirement 2) means that the value cannot be a keyword, such as "none" because that would be a legal ID identifier. Furthermore, the value must be unique in the result tree which eliminates any single initial value.

That lead us to the creation of a random unique identifier that is unique in the result tree. This is effectively equivalent to your "implementation dependent value", but more clearly satisfies the above formal requirements of the specification. Therefore, the Working Group sees no need to make a change in the specification nor is there any need for an implementation to realize these not reachable IDs.

Glen Mazza
Apache FOP Team

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004AprJun/0018.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#id

Comment 81 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0030.html

From: Glen Mazza <grm7793@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 18:49:22 -0400
Message-ID: <41325D72.6010604@yahoo.com>
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: 1.1 WD Comments on region-name and flow-name properties


A few comments on the region-name and flow-name properties in the 1.1 WD:

Item 1

1.)  In Section 7.25.17, "region-name" property [1]:

A search on the 1.1 WD is showing that "xsl-before-float-separator" and
"xsl-footnote-separator" are defined only for the flow-name property,
not the region-name as listed here.  Recommend to remove these two
values and their definitions from region-name, and place them in the
flow-name property description instead.

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

Yes, these values are only flow names, not region-names.

Item 2

2.)  (minor edit) In Section 7.25.17, "region-name" property:

For the definitions of the xsl-region-xxxx values, switch from "...for
use as default name..." to "...for use as the default name...".

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

"the" has been added in the sentences.

Item 3

3.)  In Section 7.25.5, "flow-name" property [2]:

a) For the sentence: "If the name is empty or if a name-conflict is
encountered, an error shall be reported."

It may be good to also define here (if it hasn't been defined explicitly
elsewhere--I didn't see it) what happens if no region on the simple page
master has the flow-name specified.

I think, in this case, that would *not* be an error, but that the flow's
content would just not be generated.  I believe this is the case because
the region-name definition states that we can define different names for
the same region on the odd and even pages of
fo-repeatable-page-master-alternatives (e.g., to have different static
headers depending on whether we're on an odd or even page.)

b) The sentence "Defines the name of the flow" seems too vague, perhaps
it should be switched to something like "Designates the region that this
flow's content should be assigned to."

Disposition: Explanation of why no change will be made

You are correct that this is not an error.

The SG does not want to make a wording change here because we cannot list everything that is an error. In general in the spec, if it isn't disallowed, it's allowed.

Item 4

4.)  In Section, "Flows and Flow Mapping" [3], make sure to
update the paragraph below because we now do have an fo:flow-map
formatting object in 1.1:

"In version 1.0 of this Recommendation, the flow-map is implicit. [...]
In future versions of XSL, the flow-map is expected to become an
explicit formatting object."

Disposition: Accepted (editorial) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

The text has been updated.

Glen Mazza
Apache FOP Team

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#region-name
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#flow-name
[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xsl11-20031217/#fafm

Comment 82 (public comment): lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xsl-editors/2004JulSep/0032.html

From: <arnd.beissner@cappelino.de> 
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 09:40:45 +0200
To: XSL Editors <xsl-editors@w3.org> 
Subject: Handling of text-align="justify" when nesting blocks


Item 1

please consider the following inconsistency in the recommendation:


&lt;fo:block text-align="justify"&gt;
..... TEST ENDS A.
..... TEST ENDS B.

Now what would you expect:

Version A:



Version B: (second line is justified)

TEST   ENDS      A.

Common sense would probably say "A":

But, 7.15.9 of the rec says:

The last (or only) line of any block, and any lines in the block ending in

U+000A, will be aligned in accordance with the "text-align-last"
property value. If such lines are to be justified specify

In the example, line 2 is neither the last nor the only line of a block,
and it's also not a line ending in U+000A, so it should be justified.

In contrast to this, 7.15.10 (text-align-last) says
(thanks to Luca Furini for the hint):

"Specifies the alignment of the last line-area child of the last
block-area generated and returned by the formatting object, and to any
line-area generated by the formatting object whose following sibling is a
block-area that is not a line-area, and any lines in the block ending in

If 7.15.9 were worded like 7.15.10, the example would be formatted like
in Version "A", which is probably what the editors intended.

7.15.9 and 7.15.10 now clearly contradict each other, IMO.
My suggestion is to change the cited portion of 7.15.9 to the
following wording:

"The last line-area child of the last block-area generated and returned
by the formatting object, and any line-area generated by the formatting
object whose following sibling is a block-area that is not a line-area,
and any lines in the block ending in U+000A, will be aligned in accordance
with the "text-align-last" property value. If such lines are to be
justified specify "text-align-last='justify'".

Disposition: Accepted (bug in spec) ERRATUM TO BE ADDED

The XSL FO SG agrees that the "The last (or only) line of any block..." sentence under the "justify" value in section 7.15.9 is confusing and misplaced (and probably just wrong). We have decided to delete that sentence.

The text at the end of section 7.15.10 is correct and is sufficient to address the issue, so we feel merely deleting the incorrect sentence from 7.15.9 is the correct action.

Thanks for considering this,

Arnd Bei߮er
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH