Details on Product CSS3 Values and Units

All Issues

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There are 20 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-78 (edit) CLOSED Angles should not be normalized 2008-12-09 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-90 (edit) CLOSED Various calc() issues 2009-02-10 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-91 (edit) CLOSED Editorial Issues for Angles 2009-02-10 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-92 (edit) CLOSED Length (mostly) editorial issues 2009-02-10 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-110 (edit) CLOSED Clarify that vm/vh/vw must not include width of scrollbar. 2009-07-13 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-111 (edit) CLOSED clarify that 'ch' unit uses character advance width 2009-07-13 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-112 (edit) CLOSED Add min() and max() functions for length values 2009-07-13 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-116 (edit) CLOSED Allow whitespace inside parentheses in calc() 2010-01-21 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-117 (edit) CLOSED Define handling of negative and out-of-range values resulting from calc() 2010-01-21 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-135 (edit) CLOSED unit normalization and types 2010-08-04 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-149 (edit) CLOSED Require whitespace around binary "+" and "-" inside calc() 2010-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-173 (edit) CLOSED Define required ranges for CSS 2011-03-04 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-186 (edit) CLOSED Move value serialization from CSSOM to CSS3 Values 2011-07-27 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-190 (edit) CLOSED Remove vm unit 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-191 (edit) CLOSED Implying types for attr() 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-192 (edit) CLOSED Move Stages of Value Computation to CSS3 Cascade 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-193 (edit) CLOSED Remove <fraction> and <grid> types from CSS3 Values and Units 2011-10-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-194 (edit) CLOSED vh/vw should use 1.0 factor not 1% factor 2011-10-26 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-204 (edit) CLOSED Drop comma in attr() syntax to match CSS value syntax principles 2011-12-12 CSS3 Values and Units 0
ISSUE-278 (edit) RAISED Clarify that IRIs are included in the URLs in css3-values 2012-09-27 CSS3 Values and Units 0

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Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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