ISSUE-324: use of overflow-style for paged-x/-y

use of overflow-style for paged-x/-y

Generated Content for Paged Media
Raised by:
Florian Rivoal
Opened on:
The working group has resolved to discontinue css marquee, which was the spec that introduced overflow-style, and the overflow-style property with it. GCPM currently uses this property for the paged-* values (Note that Opera's implementation does not, and uses overflow / overflow-x / overflow-y instead). We should add an issue to GCPM noting that while we plan to retain the feature, it will not be activated using overflow-style. What property will be used is still up for discussion.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. [CSSWG] Minutes Telcon 2013-04-17 (from on 2013-04-17)
  2. CSS-ISSUE-324: use of overflow-style for paged-x/-y [Generated Content for Paged Media] (from on 2013-04-17)

Related notes:

this was moved to the overflow spec, and no longer uses overflow-style

Florian Rivoal, 27 Nov 2014, 00:03:54

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