ACTION-93: Consult Jason, Molly, other web designers, about what is expected behavior for bolder + lighter, bolder+bolder+lighter

Consult Jason, Molly, other web designers, about what is expected behavior for bolder + lighter, bolder+bolder+lighter

Peter Linss
Due on:
August 27, 2008
Created on:
August 20, 2008
Related emails:
  1. [CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-11 Part I: FX Breakout - Transforms, Whitespace in a custom property in a variable reference, Geometry Interfaces (from on 2017-02-13)
  2. Minutes ftf Wed Aug 20, 2008, am (from on 2008-09-03)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

Display change log.

Alan Stearns <>, Rossen Atanassov <>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Staff Contacts
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